King's Business - 1915-09



Mrs. T. C. Horton, Supt.

A YOUNG WOMAN, recently saved, •^■when asked if she had full assurance of salvation, replied, “O, yes, I am such a changed girl now. I did lead such a rest­ less, pleasure-seeking life and when Jesus came in, those things just seemed to drop off from me and He took their place, and gives such quietness and rest as I never knew be­ fore.— H. A little girl who came into the Bible class with her mother, when she heard someone say that “God heareth not sinners,” became much exercised and asked, “How can I be saved then?” Her mother replied, “Read the Gospel of John and that will help you, 1 know.” Soon she wanted someone to pray for her and said, “While the lady prayed something warm seemed to come inside of me and I think it was Jesus.”— H. Last week the writer came into the home of a car man and his wife. I talked with the wife at the door first. She claimed to have accepted Christ when a child, and to have joined the Methodist church, but had gotten very far away from God. She called her husband, and invited me in. The hus­ band was found to be in better spiritual con­ dition than his wife, having for a long time attended meetings at the car barns. I led them along the line of coming back to God, living for Him, setting up the family altar and teaching their two little boys to know Christ as their Saviour. They both ac­ knowledged their need and promised to be­ girt reading the Bible together. They thanked me for coming, and the woman turned to her husband, saying: “Well, I never had the way of salvation and the things of the Bible made so plain before,” and turning to me, “I hope you will come again.” I am going to take them some study outlines on the fundamentals to help them in their Bible study.— C.

Last week I met a woman who said she had accepted Christ as a child and was a member of the Presbyterian church, and is now sending the children to that Sunday School, but because she married a man who was not a Christian, she has stayed away from church with him, and has almost got­ ten away from her first faith. Through ig­ norance of the Word she had a great many false ideas and God led me to give her truths that set her right. She acknowledged she had never had any Bible study and gladly accepted my offer to send her some helps.— C. The Euodia Club has at present branches in connection with thirteen high schools, and one of intermediate rank. Each branch holds a weekly meeting in a church or resi­ dence, as near the school as possible. There are a few songs and a season of brief prayer, but the greater part of the hour is spent in Bible study. The study of the Gospel of John, according to the chapter summary method,'is being earnestly pursued by many girls. Others who have not as yet under­ taken the home work listen eagerly to the teaching of the class- hour and share in the discussions. At the close of each meeting the girls are free to bring personal problems to the teacher.— T. In the South Pasadena branch are several strong, active Christian girls. Others are “weak in the faith” and still others seem to have had no personal experience of Christ’s saving power. Will our friends not pray that the truth may be presented each week in the power of the Spirit and that every member of the class may be brought into vital union with Christ?— T.

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