King's Business - 1915-09



accept an escort in token of the thankful­ ness and appreciation of the assembly. Eight converts were chosen, each representing a different county or province of Japan, and with tears in their eyes and waving their hands, these stood in line as the workers passed by and off the ship. Wonderfully had God wrought, and graciously had He dealt with His servants, who went home re­ joicing. Now a great burden rests upon us for the converts, nearly fifty in number. They are all going to locate in a community of 25,000 Japanese isolated in South America. There is no preacher amongst them, unless God raises one up. The situation is critical, our obligation enormous! Will you not pray that God may open the way for one of the workers on his way back to Japan to stop over in South America for a few months and gather these converts into an assembly and place someone in charge.. Ours is a mighty responsibility, and if we are faithful a definite work can be established there which will not only be a blessing to the Christless pagans in that country, but it might even be that God would raise up from among them some to go back to Japan and preach Christ there. able as possible for him. We gave words of encouragement, pointing out some of God’s promises to the tempted and tried, as Jude 24 or Hebrew 7 :25, showing them that their case is now in the hands of Christ, or John 10:28, 29, assuring them of the Father’s care. Recently we were put aside for a week because of sickness, but God blessed that week to the friends and neighbors as we took up some dispensational teachings, The best of all seemed to be the last Bible class when the difference between the standing and state of the Christian was brought out Some present were in fear of losing eternal life, but before the close they came to an

to be gone through. Soon a meeting was announced and truly we had a royal recep­ tion, finding a platform and pulpit ready and a hundred and fifty eager hearts and faces waiting for the proclamation of the Gospel of the love of God in Christ Jesus. Each one of the eight workers told how he came to accept Jesus Christ. A Gospel message, which God richly owned, followed the tes­ timonies, and Gospel songs were sung by the newly formed choir. The whole service lasted two hours and a half. How we re­ joiced when the invitation was given and fourteen precious souls stood up, some with tears in their eyes, giving their names and addresses and a splendid testimony for Christ to the whole ship’s company. The oldest and best educated man among the passengers (who had been chosen by them as their leader), was the first to ac­ cept Christ, and promised that, under God, he would be a help to those who he was leading from Japan to work in the planta­ tions of Peru. A sort of reception was held after the meeting, everyone expressing their heartfelt thanks for the message of God’s love given by the workers. It surely was a real revival. As the workers left they were asked to The last few weeks have truly been blessed ones in the service of the King. The Holy Spirit has been convicting men and women of their need of a Saviour—that the Lord Jesus Christ is that Saviour, and the only Saviour. The converts in this field usually have a difficult battle on at once. Seldom, if ever, do they receive any encouragement from their fellow-workmen, but these rather try to undermine their faith in God’s Word and God’s Son. Not long ago one of the men told the writer of the conflict he was hav­ ing—the men round about him cursing and swearing, laughing at his earnestness, claim­ ing to be infidels, and making life as miser­

------------ <>------------ WORK IN THE OIL FIELDS R. C. Isbell, Supt.

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