King's Business - 1915-09



vice a call was given for all who wished to yield their hearts and lives to God to come forward, to which about forty-five re­ sponded. One man remained sitting, trem­ bling like a leaf. We stepped up and in­ vited him to give himself to the Saviour, but he refused. His wife pleaded with him with tears in her eyes, and still he refused and would not yield. His little boy came to the mother crying and said, “Hasn’t papa got a home in heaven ?” It seemed as though all the forces of hell were up in arms and holding him back. That night he came again, but the desire to be a Christian had left him, and with a sad face he said, “I believe this morning was my last chance,” and no amount of prayer or pleading could change his mind. Pray for this man that God’s Spirit will once again strive with him and lead him to accept Jesus Christ as his Saviour. turbances have been but few, and only oc­ casioned by some fellow who wants to know “where hell is” or why “God doesn’t kill the devil.” The street music is quite a feature, and quite a good number of women are often seen at the open-air meeting. One man came into the indoor meeting “trying to be good,” but he went out saying, “I know I am saved.” ' One who for two months had been despondent and discour­ aged because of his past is now giving his testimony on the street. We are trying hard to help men to know Jesus Christ as Saviour. It’s good, hard work, and you can help much by praying.

understanding of the truth as it is re­ vealed—the preciousness of the .blood of Christ, and its all-atoning, all-redeeming, all-saving power to “whosoever” will accept him as Lord. At present we are at Orcutt in the Santa Maria fields, and expect some rich blessings here as we proclaim the unsearchable riches of Christ. Some discouraging things had been told us about this field, but we find the people rather receptive instead of cold and indifferent. Some of our converts are preparing to give their lives in service, for the Master. Pray that God may direct them and lead them out according to His own plan and purpose. We recently witnessed one of those heart­ breaking scenes when a man hardens his heart against God. We were speaking on Romans 12:1, and at the close of the ser­ Yokefellows’ Hall has had a good month of hard work. Not so large a service inside the hall, but a splendid outdoor service each evening. Sixty Gospel meetings have been held and four Bible class studies. The blackboard and chart work on the street has held a splendid listening audience of over 2300. We have had an attendance at the in­ side meetings of 629, and have fed 672. Per­ sonal work has been done with one hundred and fifteen men, and nine men have pro­ fessed faith in Jesus Christ. A large num­ ber of tracts have been given out also. It is interesting to see the same men standing evening after evening at the street meeting at the corner of Eighth and Main streets, listening to the Gospel message. Dis­


William Sloan, Supt.

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