King's Business - 1915-09

Study the Epistles I f yo u w a n t to be in fo rm e d concerning the g ro w th and p eculiar tria ls a n d blessings o f the E a r ly C h u rch .....................................................S T U D Y T H E E P I S T I j E S ! I f y o u w a n t to u n d e rsta n d the d octrines o f grace w h ic h w ere la te n t in the teachings o f the L o r d Jesus C h ris t.............................S T U D Y T H E E P I S T L E S ! I f yo u w a n t to k n o w w h a t w as the “ m y s te ry w h ic h fro m the b eg in n in g o f the w o rld h a th been h id in G o d ” .................................S T U D Y T H E E P I S T L E S ! I f y o u w a n t a clear in sig h t in to the hearts o f P a u l, Ja m e s , P e te r an d Jo h n ..........................|_____ |................................................................................S T U D Y T H E E P I S T L E S ! I f y o u w a n t to k n o w the tru th th a t the H o ly S p ir it came to teach ............................................................................................................................................................S T U D Y T H E E P I S T L E S !

Epistles of the Advent. Thessalonians. B y A . B . Sim pson. ..................................................................§ ______ ___ P a p e r, 25c The First Epistle to Timothy B y T . A . G u rn e y .............................C lo th , $1.00 The Second Epistle to Timothy B y H . G . H o u le ....................................C lo th , $1.00 The Epistle of St. Paul to Philemon B y A . H . D ry s d a le .......................C lo th , $1.00 Epistle to the Hebrews B y A . S a p h ir. 2 volum es. ................................................................................ C lo th , each, $1.00 Lectures on the Epistle to the Hebrews B y J . N . D a r b y ...........................................C lo th , 35c Thessalonians B y J . R . C a ld w e ll..............................‘...C lo th , 40c The Epistle of James B y R . W . D a le ................................................C lo th , 60c Exposition of the Epistle of James B y J . N . D a r b y .........................................C lo th , 35c Epistles of St. Peter B y J . H . Jo w e tt....................................C lo th , $1.25 The Redeemed Family of God Ep ic tle s o f P e te r. B y J . H . Jo w e tt. ................ C lo th , 60c Transformation I P e te r. P a s to r S to c k m a y e r..C lo th , 40c Nine Lectures on the First Epistle of John B y J . N . D a r b y ....................................C lo th , 35c The Epistles of John B y W m . L in c o ln ...................................C lo th , 75c Messages of Love B y A . B , Sim pson................................P a p e r, 25c S e n t p rep a id on re ceipt o f lis t price b y T H E B I O L A B O O K R O O M B ib le In s titu te o f L o s Ang eles 536-558 S o u th H o p e S t ., L o s An g e le s , C a l.

W e g ive b elow a p a rtia l lis t o f the books w e h a ve on sale w h ic h are especially he lp ­ fu l in the s tu d y o f the Ep is tle s . Romans B y H . G . C . M o u le ..............................C lo th , 60c Romans B y P h ilip M a u ro . 4 volum es. ...................................................................................C lo th , each, 60c The Charter of the Church B y J . R . C a ld w e ll. V o lu m e I . I C o rin th ia n s ..........................C lo th , 60c V o lu m e I I . I I C o rin th ia n s ................C lo th , 60c Readings on Epistles of Corinthians B y J . N . D a r b y ....................................... C lo th , 85c Grace in Galatians B y G . S . B is h o p ..................................... C lo th , 50c Lectures on Galatians B y W illia m K e lle y ............................C lo th , 50c God’s Masterpiece Ep h e s ia n s . B y A . C . G aeb e le in. ....................................- __ fs................ ,__ _____ C lo th , 50c Lectures on Ephesians B y W m . L in c o ln ......................................C lo th , 40c Epistle to the Philippians B y W m . L in c o ln ......................................C lo th , 40c The High Calling P h ilip p ia n s . B y J . H . Jo w e tt. .................................................................................................C lo th , $1.25 Philippian Studies B y H . G . C . M o u le .............. ..................C lo th , 60c Colossian Studies B y H . G . C . M o u le .................................C lo th , 60c Colossians and Philemon B y A le x a n d e r M a c la re n ................C lo th , 60c Exposition of Titus and Philemon B y W m . K e lly .........................................C lo th , 80c Light from the First Days Thessalonians. B y H . G . C . M o u le . .......................................................................................................C lo th , 40c

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