Elevate October 2024 | Air Serbia

Air Serbia inflight magazine

NEW YORK'S MAGICAL MIRRORS Čarobna ogledala Njujorka

BRŽE I JEDNOSTAVNIJE MOBILNA APLIKACIJA ZA KUPOVINU AVIO-KARATA • Pronađite najbolju ponudu • Skenirajte i bezbedno čuvajte putne dokumente na svom profilu • Brža prijava na let • Karta za ukrcavanje uvek uz vas • Svoje ideje i sugestije možete podeliti sa nama putem aplikacije


MOBILE APP TO BUY FLIGHT TICKETS • Find the best offer • Scan and securely store travel documents on your profile • Faster flight check-in • Boarding card always with you • Share your ideas and suggestions with us in the app

Reč dobrodošlice

Welcome message

October 2024

Oktobar 2024.

Dear passengers,

Dragi putnici,

SEPTEMBAR JE ZA SRPSKU NACIONALNU AVIO- KOMPANIJU BIO VEOMA DINAMIČAN. Pokrenuli smo čak dve nove linije, flotu osnažili još jednim avionom za prekookeanske letove i produžili ugovor o saradnji sa aerodromom u Mostaru. Na naše veliko zadovoljstvo, do tog grada u Bosni i Hercegovini letećemo i tokom 2025. godine. Jedna od najlepših destinacija u Francuskoj ponovo je na našoj mapi. Nakon pet godina pauze, letom JU250 koji je 19. septembra poleteo sa Aerodroma „Nikola Tesla“, vratili smo se na Azurnu obalu i povezali Beograd i Nicu. Do tog bisera francuske rivijere letećemo dva puta sedmično, četvrtkom i nedeljom. Jesen je idealno godišnje doba za uživanje u čarima Nice, šetnju po glamuroznim promenadama i upoznavanje živopisne kulture te francuske regije. Ukoliko više volite istočnu kulturu i tradiciju, verujemo da vas je obradovala vest da Er Srbija od 30. septembra leti i za Guangdžou. To je naša druga destinacija u Narodnoj Republici Kini i do nje ćemo saobraćati dva puta nedeljno, ponedeljkom i petkom, širokotrupnim avionima tipa „erbas A330-200“. Guangdžou je velika luka i grad koji nikada ne spava. Dobro isplanirajte boravak u tom gradu jer ima toliko izvanrednih turističkih atrakcija da ćete se na licu mesta teško odlučiti šta najpre obići. Ne propustite krstarenje Bisernom rekom, obilazak Kantonske kule i Opere, a dobra ideja je i celodnevni izlet u parku Jueksju, smeštenom u samom centru grada na površini od impresivnih 860.000 kvadratnih metara. Oktobar je naš rođendanski mesec i ima poseban značaj za našu avio-kompaniju. Jedanaest godina poslovanja pod imenom Er Srbija dočekujemo sa flotom od 28 aviona različitih tipova, mrežom u kojoj je više od 90 destinacija i sa preko 1.500 zaposlenih. Na krilima tradicije duge 97 godina, svakodnevno se dalje razvijamo i sa ponosom ističemo da smo najbrže rastuća avio-kompanija u regionu. Poslednjeg vikenda u oktobru u avijaciji počinje zimska sezona. Detaljne informacije o redu letenja srpske nacionalne avio-kompanije, načinima kupovine karata, kao i pogodnostima koje pružamo možete pronaći na našem veb-sajtu ili mobilnoj aplikaciji. Na raspolaganju su i poslovnice na četiri lokacije u Beogradu – u Tržnom centru „Galerija“, u Bulevaru kralja Aleksandra 17, u Ulici Jurija Gagarina 12 na Novom Beogradu ili na Aerodromu „Nikola Tesla“.

SEPTEMBER PROVED TO BE A VERY DYNAMIC MONTH FOR THE SERBIAN NATIONAL AIRLINE. We launched two new routes and strengthened our fleet with another aircraft for long-haul flights, as well as extending our cooperation agreement with the airport in Mostar. To our great satisfaction, we will continue flying to this famous city in Bosnia and Herzegovina throughout 2025. One of France’s most beautiful destinations is also back on our map. After a five-year break, we returned to the French Riviera on 19 th September, with flight JU250 departing from Nikola Tesla Airport and connecting Belgrade and Nice. We will be flying to this jewel of the Côte d'Azur twice a week, on Thursdays and Sundays. Autumn is the perfect season to enjoy the charms of Nice, stroll its glamorous promenades and explore the vibrant culture of this French region. If you prefer Eastern culture and tradition, we believe that you’ll be delighted by the news that Air Serbia will be flying to Guangzhou as of 30 th September. This is our second destination in the People's Republic of China, to which we will be operating flights twice a week, on Mondays and Fridays, deploying our wide-body Airbus A330-200 aircraft. Guangzhou is a major port and a city that never sleeps. Plan your stay well, as the city boasts so many outstanding tourist attractions that it will be difficult to decide what to see first. Don't miss a cruise on the Pearl River, a visit to the Canton Tower and Opera House, and consider a full-day trip to Yuexiu Park, located at the heart of the city and extending over an impressive area of 860,000 square metres. October has special importance for our airline as it represents our birthday month. We are marking the 11 th anniversary of operations under the Air Serbia name with a fleet of 28 aircraft of various types, a network that includes more than 90 destinations, and over 1,500 employees. On the wings of our 97-year tradition, we continue to grow daily and are proud to note that we are the fastest-growing airline in the region. Aviation’s winter season begins on the last weekend of October. You can find detailed information about the Serbian flag carrier’s flight schedule, ways to buy tickets, as well as the benefits we offer, on our website or by accessing our mobile app. There are also four offices in Belgrade at your disposal: at the Galerija shopping centre, 17 Bulevar kralja Aleksandra, 12 Jurija Gagarina Street in New Belgrade and at Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport. Thank you for flying with us. Enjoy your flight and have a nice trip.

Jirži Marek Jiri Marek

Hvala vam što letite sa nama. Uživajte u letu i srećan put!



Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 7





Više od 558 hiljada putnika prevezeno u avgustu: Najuspešniji mesec od osnivanja Er Srbije / More than 558,000 passengers carried in August: Most successful month since Air Serbia’s establishment Er Srbija leti dva puta nedeljno do Nice / Air Serbia flies to Nice twice a week

 Srećan jedanaesti rođendan: Godina

procvata Er Srbije / Happy eleventh birthday: the year Air Serbia blossomed




Andrija Kuzmanović: Umetnost je magija / Andrija Kuzmanović: art is magic

 Sa nama putuje Dragutin Topić, sportista / Travelling with us is Dragutin Topić, athlete

MODA FASHION 60. Vladavina uličnog stila:


PUTUJTE PAMETNO SMART TRAVEL 14.  Vodimo vas u Njujork i

Sav taj divni džez od 24. do 28. oktobra / All that wonderful jazz awaits us from 24 th to 28 th October Glavne glumice otkrivaju tajne serije „Moja genijalna prijateljica“ / Lead actresses reveal the secrets of My Brilliant Friend series Novi koncerti Hosea Džejmsa: Beograd me podseća na Njujork / New José James concerts: Belgrade reminds me of New York

Modna pista na trotoaru / Street style reigns supreme: catwalk on the pavement

Čikago / We’re taking you to New York and Chicago



8 | Sadržaj » Contents

The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Glavna urednica i direktorka izdavaštva / Editor-in-chief and publishing director Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Milica Vasović, Bojana Stanojević Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotografije / Photography Đorđe Kojadinović, Mitar Mitrović, Milan Ilić, Nenad Mihajlović, Oliver Bunić Foto-agencije / Photo agencies Profimedia.rs, Depositphotos Lektura / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Jovana Subotić Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektura za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Srbija Kosovska 10, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringier.rs



Čuveni „vruć i pas“: Ukus i miris njujorških ulica / Famous hot dog: the taste and aroma of the streets of New York

Oktobarski praznik klasike: Igre muzičkih velikana u Beogradu / October celebration of the classics: games of musical greats in Belgrade

SPORT SPORTS 106. Heroji nacije:

NJUJORK NEW YORK 80. Trideset godina „Prijatelja“: Sve je to o Njujorku / 30 years of Friends: it’s all about New York City

Paraolimpijci ovenčani medaljama / Heroes of the nation: paralympians crowned with medals

Generalni direktor Ringier Srbija / CEO Ringier Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica


Air Serbia inflight magazine

Prelepi kraljevski grad: Tu je dom Žiče i Studenice / Stunning royal city: the home of both Žiča and Studenica

Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR- ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved

NEW YORK'S MAGICAL MIRRORS Čarobna ogledala Njujorka

Vodimo vas u Njujork i Čikago / We’re taking you to New York and Chicago Foto/ Photo: Profimedia

Broj / Issue No. 368 Naslovna strana / Cover Profimedia

Contents » Sadržaj | 9

U fokusu

In focus



Kompanija je zvanično predstavljena javnosti 26. oktobra 2013. godine pod imenom Er Srbija, kada je obavljen i prvi promotivni let / The new national airline was officially presented to the public under the Air Serbia name on 26 th October 2013, when the first promotional flight was also conducted

ER SRBIJA JE PONOSNA NASLED- NICA PRVE AVIO-KOMPANIJE NA OVIM PROSTORIMA , „ AEROPUT“ , osnovane 17. juna 1927. godine. Pod imenom Er Srbija kompanija poslu- je od 26. oktobra 2013, kada je pro- menjeno ime i celokupan identitet i uvedeni su novi koncepti poslovanja i usluge. Prioritet kompanije je pruža- nje usluge izuzetnog kvaliteta za sve putnike uz maksimalnu udobnost to-

kom putovanja, bez obzira na klasu kojom lete. U putničkom i teretnom sao- braćaju Er Srbija trenutno leti do vi- še od 90 redovnih i čarter-desti- nacija u Evropi, na Mediteranu, Severnoj Americi, Aziji i Africi. Flotu čine tri širokotrupna „erbas A330- 200“, 13 uskotrupnih aviona iz po- rodice „erbas A320“, deset turbo- elisnih ATR aviona za regionalne

letove, kao i dva „embraer E195“ aviona. Pored matičnog aerodroma „Nikola Tesla“ u Beogradu, srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija u Srbiji leti i sa niškog aerodroma „Konstan- tin Veliki“, kao i međunarodnog ae- rodroma „Morava“ kod Kraljeva. Er Srbija igra ključnu ulogu u ra- zvoju vazduhoplovstva u Srbiji, srp- ske industrije putovanja i turističke privrede Srbije.

10 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

U putničkom i teretnom saobraćaju Er Srbija trenutno leti do više od 90 redovnih i čarter- destinacija Air Serbia currently flies to more than 90 scheduled and charter destinations in its passenger and cargo operations

AIR SERBIA IS THE PROUD SUC- CESSOR OF AEROPUT , which was the first ever airline in this region, established on 17 th June 1927. The company has been operating un- der the Air Serbia name since 26 th October 2013, when its previous na- me and identity were changed and new business and service concepts were introduced. The company pri- oritises the provision of an excepti-

onally high-quality service for all pa- ssengers, with maximum comfort during flights, regardless of class. In its passenger and cargo ope- rations, Air Serbia currently flies to more than 90 scheduled and char- ter destinations in Europe, the Medi- terranean area, North America, Asia and Africa. Its fleet comprises three wide-body Airbus A330-200s, 13 narrow-body aircraft from the Air-

bus A320 family, ten turboprop ATR aircraft for regional flights, as well as two Embraer E195 aircraft. Apart from Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport as its hub, the Serbian national airli- ne also flies from Niš Constantine the Great Airport and the Morava Inter- national Airport near Kraljevo. Air Serbia plays a pivotal role in de- veloping Serbian aviation and the co- untry’s travel and tourism industry.

Fotografije / Photography: Air Serbia

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 11

Na letu

On board

Maštao sam da budem pilot I dreamt of becoming a pilot ZAŠTO VOLITE AVIONE? WHY DO YOU LIKE PLANES?

– PUTOVANJE AVIO- NOM ZA MENE IMA PO- SEBNU DRAŽ. Nekako se uvek vratim u detinjstvo, ka- da sam maštao da postanem pilot i obiđem Zemaljsku ku- glu. San se delimično i ostva- rio, obišao sam sve kontinen- te. Najviše se radujem sletanju jer tada grad koji posećujem vidim iz najzanimljivije per- spektive. Šta uvek nosite sa so- bom na letu? – U avion ne nosim ni- šta posebno, one uobičaje- ne stvari kao i većina put- nika, pretpostavljam. Pa ipak, uvek ulazim u avion sa osmehom i zadovoljstvom što ponovo letim u neku no- vu avanturu.

WHO IS DRAGUTIN? Dragutin Topić is one of Ser- bia’s best ever athletes. Dur- ing a one-year hiatus from sport in 2006, he worked as director of sports at the Ath- letics Federation of Serbia, before resuming his athlet- ics career in 2007. He has held the national high jump record since 1993, with a jump of 2.38 metres that also ranks him joint 15 th among the world’s best high jumpers of all time . At the age of 41, he was among the oldest partic- ipants in athletics competi- tions at the London Olympics, and is also the only athlete to have participated six times in the world’s largest and most prestigious sporting events. “FOR ME, TRAVELLING BY PLANE HAS SPECIAL CHARM. I somehow always re- turn to my childhood, when I dreamt of becoming a pilot and touring the globe. That dream also came true in part, as I did tour all continents. I mostly enjoy land- ing, because it’s then that I see the city I’m visiting from the most interesting perspective.” What do you always car- ry with you aboard a flight? “I don’t carry anything spe- cial aboard the plane, just ordi- nary things like I presume the majority of passengers have. I nonetheless always board the plane with a smile and a sense of satisfaction that I’m once again flying into some new adventure.”

Dragutin Topić, sportista athlete

Ko je Dragutin Dragutin Topić jedan je od najboljih srpskih atletiča- ra svih vremena. U jedno- godišnjoj sportskoj pauzi 2006. godine radio je kao sportski direktor Atletskog saveza Srbije, a karijeru je nastavio 2007. Od 1993. godine drži državni rekord sa preskočenih 2,38 meta- ra, a tako deli 15. mesto na rang-listi najboljih skaka- ča uvis svih vremena. U 41. godini je bio među najsta- rijim učesnicima atletskih takmičenja na Olimpijskim igrama u Londonu i jedi- ni atletičar koji je šest pu- ta učestvovao na najvećim i najprestižnijim svetskim sportskim skupovima.

Tekst / Words: Ana Vodinelić Fotografije / Photography: Miroslav Milić

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Da li biste radije putovali u Njujork ili Čikago? Jede li vam se više čikaška pica ili njujorški hot dog? „Metropoliten“ ili „Fild“? Zašto biste uopšte morali da birate, najbolje je pitanje. Nema razloga, Er Srbija direktno leti do oba grada, na vama je samo da odlučite gde ćete prvo. U međuvremenu, mi vam nudimo neke umetničke poslastice na obe destinacije. Muzejska milja se nalazi u kvartu Karnegi Hil na Aper Ist Sajdu u Njujorku, a ime je dobila po koncentrisanoj grupi muzeja duž Pete avenije od 82. do 105. ulice. Na drugoj strani, Muzejski kampus u srcu Čikaga predstavlja jedinstvenu kulturnu, prirodnu, urbanu oazu na obali jeze - ra Mičigen. Ostaje vam samo da uživate u lepotama Velike jabuke i Vetrovitog grada... MUZEJSKA MILJA VS MUZEJSKI KAMPUS

14 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Would you prefer to travel to New York or Chicago? Would you rather eat a Chicago-style pizza or a New York hot dog? The Metropolitan or the Field? The best question is why would you even have to choose. There's no reason, as Air Serbia offers direct flights to both cities – all you have to decide is which city to visit first. In the meantime, here we recommend some of the artistic treats on offer in both destinations. The Museum Mile is located in the Carnegie Hill neighbourhood of New York's Upper East Side and encompasses the concentrated group of museums situated along Fifth Avenue, from 82 nd to 110 th streets. On the flip side is the Museum Campus that lies at the heart of Chica - go and represents a unique cultural, natural and urban oasis on the shores of Lake Michigan. And all that’s left for you to do is enjoy the beauty of both the Big Apple and the Windy City... MUSEUM MILE VS. MUSEUM CAMPUS

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 15



me scan


U najskupljoj aveniji Njujorka

je bila životni prostor porodi - ce, s tim da je Henri Frik kuću i gradio sa idejom da jednog dana postane javna kolekcija umetnina koje je skupio. Ova oaza mira usred grada u svo - jih 16 soba čuva neka od re - mek-dela svetske umetnosti (Rembranta, Engra, Tarnera, Vermera, El Greka...), dok po - setioci istovremeno imaju pri - liku da uživaju u jedinstve - nom ambijentu koji nikoga ne ostavlja ravnodušnim. METROPOLITEN Posle „Frikove kolekcije“ Mu - zejska milja nas vodi do ulič - nog broja 1000, u jedan od najvećih muzeja sveta, „Me - tropoliten“ (The Metropoli - tan Museum of Art) ili kako ga Njujorčani odmilja zovu – „Met“. Ovo mesto je živa enci - klopedija svetske umetnosti,

Čuvena Peta avenija u Nju - jorku, dom čitavog niza nju - jorških čuda, počinje još u Griniču, kod Vašington skve - ra i prolazeći istočnom stra - nom Central parka, predstav - lja svojevrsnu granicu između Zapadnog i Istočnog Menhet - na. Ova žila kucavica Njujorka poznata je po preskupim lo - kalima, robnim kućama, rad - njama najvećih dizajnerskih imena sveta, ali i po tome što iz nje stižete do ikoničnih obeležja Njujorka – Empajer stejt bildinga, Biblioteke, zgra - de „Flatiron“, hotela „Plaza“ i drugih znamenitosti grada. FRIKOVA KOLEKCIJA Ipak, na Petoj aveniji možda je najlepša Muzejska milja ko - ja šetnju ovom ulicom čini je -

dinstvenom i nezaboravnom. Iako Milja zvanično počinje najpoznatijom i najvećom muzejskom celinom, „Metro - politenom“, za početak ove šetnje uzećemo drugu očara - vajuću kolekciju koja se nala - zi na uglu Istočne 70. ulice i Pete avenije. Tu je smeštena privatna kolekcija koja pred - stavlja biser Muzejske milje – „Frikova kolekcija“ (The Frick Collection). Zdanje je podi - gao američki industrijalac Henri Klej Frik (1849–1919), veliki ljubitelj umetnosti i fi - lantrop. Poseta njegovoj ko - lekciji specifična je muzejska šetnja, koja od samog ulaza unosi u posetioce poseban mir i eleganciju nekih prošlih vremena. Tome, naravno, bit - no doprinosi sama kuća koja

Tekst / Words: Suzana Spasić Fotografije / Photography: Depositphotos, Profimedia

16 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

New York's most expensive avenue

so built the house with the idea of it one day becoming a pu - blic venue for the art collecti- on that he put together himself. This oasis of serenity in the mi - ddle of the city preserves some masterpieces of world art in its 16 rooms (Rembrandt, Ingres, Turner, Vermeer, El Greco et al), while visitors have an oppor- tunity to simultaneously enjoy the unique ambience that lea - ves no one feeling apathetic. THE METROPOLITAN After the Frick Collection, the Museum Mile leads us to street number 1000 and one of the world’s biggest museums: the Metropolitan Museum of Art, or, as New Yorkers refer to it affectionately, the Met. This place is a living encyclopaedia of world art, which preserves more than two million exhibits in 17 museum departments. The Met is so big that those who really enjoy art will want to return again and again and again. The museum building it - self, which sprawls over the slopes of Central Park and oc - cupies the length of four street

New York’s famous Fifth Ave - nue, which is home to an enti - re array of New York wonders, starts in Greenwich Village, ne - ar Washington Square Park, and traverses the eastern si- de of Central Park, representing a kind of border between Man- hattan’s west and east sides. This major New York thorou - ghfare is known for its pricey bars, department stores and boutiques of the world’s big- gest designer names, but also for the fact that it leads to New York’s most iconic landmarks: the Empire State Building, the Public Library, the Flatiron Buil - ding, the Plaza Hotel and other city sights. THE FRICK COLLECTION The most beautiful part of Fif - th Avenue is perhaps the Mu- seum Mile, which makes for a unique and unforgettable walk. Although the “Mile” officially be - gins with the city’s most famo - us and largest museum com - plex, the Metropolitan, for the start of this walk we’ll choo- se another captivating collecti- on that’s located on the corner of East 70th Street and Fifth Avenue. Housed there is a pri- vate collection that represents the gem of the Museum Mi - le: the Frick Collection. The bu -

ilding itself was built at the be- hest of American industrialist Henry Clay Frick (1849-1919), a great art lover and philant- hropist. Visiting his collection is a specific museum walk in its own right, with visitors fee- ling a special sense of tranqui- llity and the elegance of some bygone times as soon as they enter. A significant contribution to this sense is naturally provi- ded by the house itself, which was the living quarters of the family, though Henry Frick al -

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 17

koja u 17 muzejskih odeljenja čuva preko dva miliona ek - sponata. „Metropoliten“ je to - liko veliki da, ako zaista uži - vate u umetnosti, ovde ćete želeti da se vraćate, i vraća - te, i vraćate. Sama muzejska zgrada, koja se beli na obron - cima Central parka i zauzima u dužini četiri ulična bloka, građena je u više etapa po - čev od 1874. godine. Gledano spolja, ne odaje sasvim svo - ju veličinu. To se otkriva tek kada se krene u obilazak ko - lekcija, od Egipta, Stare Grč - ke i Rima, preko umetničkih kolekcija sa svih pet kontine - nata, pa do savremene umet - nosti, kostima, mode i dizaj - na. Rečju, u „Metu“ se može pronaći skoro sve i za kom - pletan obilazak je malo doći samo jednom. I još jedna na - pomena: ako ste već u „Me - tu“, raspitajte se da li posto - ji neka izložba na krovu i ako je ima, nemojte propustiti je - dinstvenu priliku da je poseti - te, jer se sa krova „Metropoli -

tena“ pruža predivan pogled na Menhetn. NOJE GALERIJA Iako je nemoguće sve što vre - di na Muzejskoj milji posetiti u jednom danu, šetnju ćemo nastaviti od „Meta“ naviše uz Petu aveniju, ka još jednom muzeju koji predstavlja neza - obilazno mesto za ljubitelje umetnosti i arhitekture – „Gu - genhajmu“. Na putu do njega nije naodmet svratiti i u „No - je“ galeriju (Neue Gallery) ko - ja predstavlja kolekciju au - strijske i nemačke umetnosti 20. veka. Izuzetna kolekcija u svom nevelikom prostoru ču - va umetnike kao što su Klimt, Kokoška, Šile, Kirhner, Kan - dinski, Kle i drugi, pa je od - ličan uvod u umetnost mo - dernih vremena koja će nas dočekati u „Gugenhajmu“. Ia - ko postoje kafeterije i resto - rani u svakom muzejskom prostoru u Njujorku, predlaže - mo da zbog specifičnog šme - ka predah napravite upravo u

ovoj galeriji. U kafeu „Sabar - ski“ ili u nešto novijem kafeu „Fledermaus“ osetićete nešto od ambijenta Beča s kraja 19. i početka 20. veka u samom srcu Njujorka. GUGENHAJM Posle predaha u „Noje“ ga - leriji, lepotica Pete avenije, izuzetno moćna građevina arhitekte Frenka Lojda Raj - ta dočekaće vas u svoj svo - joj neobičnosti. Kolekcija ko - ju ova građevina u sebi čuva takođe je impozantna. Meta - morfoza od privatne kolekci - je u muzejsku počela je još 1937. godine kada je Solo - mon R. Gugenhajm osnovao fondaciju koja se bavila jav - nim izlaganjem njegove lič -

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GUGGENHEIM After taking a break at the Ne- ue, you will be welcomed at the beauty of Fifth Avenue, with the extremely powerful building of architect Frank Lloyd, in all its peculiarity. The collection hou- sed by this building is also im - pressive. The metamorphosis from a private collection to that of a museum began way back in 1937, when Solomon R. Gug - genheim established a founda - tion to deal with public displays of his personal art collection. The Guggenheim today has collections worldwide, at as many as four separate muse - ums (New York, Venice, Bilbao, Abu Dhabi). The Guggenheim New York contains works from the collection of Solomon Gug - genheim, the museum’s foun - der, and seven other collecti- ons that have been donated to the museum over the 70 years of its existence. Navigating this building is both an artistic and architectural experience, be - cause the brilliantly conceived

blocks, was built over several stages starting in 1874. It do - esn’t quite reveal its size when viewed from the outside. That only becomes evident when you embark on a tour of the collections, from Egypt, Ancient Greece and Rome, through art collections from all five conti - nents, to contemporary art, co - stumes, fashion and design. In short, you can find almost everything at the Met, and one visit isn’t enough to do a com - plete tour. And one more no - te: if you’re already at the Met, enquire as to whether there’s an exhibition currently on the roof, and don’t miss out on the unique opportunity to visit it if there is, because the roof of the Met provides stunning views of Manhattan. NEUE GALERIE Despite it being impossible to visit everything that’s worth vi- siting on the Museum Mile in just one day, we will continue our walk up Fifth Avenue from

the Met, heading towards ano- ther museum that’s a must for lovers of art and architectu- re: the Guggenheim. Along the way, it wouldn’t be out of pla- ce to drop in at the Neue Ga- lerie, which presents a colle- ction of 20 th century Austrian and German art. This outstan - ding collection in a modestly sized space preserves the works of artists like Klimt, Ko - koschka and Schiele, but al- so Kirchner, Kandinsky, Klee and others, making it an ex - cellent introduction to the art of modern times that awaits us at the Guggenheim. Altho - ugh every museum space in New York has cafeterias and restaurants, we suggest that you take a lunch break at this gallery because of its speci- fic “flavour”. At Café Sabarsky or the slightly newer Café Fle - dermaus, you will get a sen - se of the atmosphere of the Vienna of the late 19 th and ear- ly 20 th centuries, at the heart of New York.

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ne kolekcije umetnina. Danas „Gugenhajm“ ima kolekcije ši - rom sveta, u čak četiri muzej - ske celine (Njujork, Venecija, Bilbao, Abu Dabi). Njujorš - ki „Gugenhajm“ čuva de - la iz kolekcije Solomona Gu - genhajma, osnivača muzeja i još sedam različitih kolek - cija koje su darovane muze - ju tokom sedamdeset godina postojanja. Šetnja ovim zda - njem doživljaj je i u umetnič - kom i u arhitektonskom smi - slu, jer genijalno smišljeno spiralno penjanje čini da ne primetite kako ste se već po - peli na peti sprat muzeja. Po - gled sa zidova na kojima sto - je dela Kandinskog, Pikasa, Franca Marka, Ležea, Šaga - la, impresionista i mnogih drugih umetnika često skre - će ka tavanici muzeja koja je remek-delo za sebe. Ili pak dole ka ponoru zamišljene spirale na kojoj stojite, ka pri - zemlju gde se često mogu vi - deti veoma prestižne izložbe savremenih umetnika. Mu - zej „Gugenhajm“ je doživljaj za svakog ljubitelja umetno - sti, to je spomenik umetnosti i umetnicima koji su pomera - li granice, ali svakako i spo - menik osnivaču, Solomonu Gugenhajmu, i Hili Ribej koja mu je pomogla da sastavi ovu izuzetnu kolekciju moderne umetnosti. I DRUGI... Muzejska milja nastavlja se sve do 110. ulice, do Muzeja afričke umetnosti, a od „Gu - genhajma“ do Afričkog mu - zeja, tu su Jevrejski muzej, „Koper Hjuit“ muzej dizajna, Muzej latinoameričke i karip - ske umetnosti i Muzej grada Njujorka. Svaka od ovih zbir - ki ima šta da ispriča o gradu u kome se nalazi ili o izuzet - nim ljudskim dostignućima širom sveta, ali priču o njima, ipak, ostavljamo za neku dru - gu priliku...

spiral ramp ensures that you don’t even notice that you’ve already climbed to the muse - um’s fifth floor. The view from the walls – that present works by Kandinsky, Picasso, Franz Marc, Léger, Chagall, the Impre - ssionists and many other ar - tists – often drifts towards the ceiling of the museum, which

is a masterpiece in its own ri - ght. Or downwards in the dire- ction of the abyss of the imagi - nary spiral you’re standing on, towards the ground floor that often shows very prestigious exhibitions of contemporary ar - tists. The Guggenheim Muse - um is an experience for every art lover. It is a monument to art and the artists who pushed the boundaries, but certainly al- so a monument to its founder, Solomon Guggenheim, and Hi - lla Rebay, who helped him as - semble this exceptional colle - ction of modern art. AND OTHERS... The Museum Mile continues all the way up to 110th Street and the Museum of African Art, and between the Guggenheim and that African museum are the Jewish Museum, the Co - oper-Hewitt Museum of Natio - nal Design, the Museum of La - tin American and Caribbean Art, and the Museum of the Ci - ty of New York. Each collecti- on has something to say abo - ut the city in which it is located or about extraordinary human achievements around the wor - ld, but we’ll nevertheless leave their story for some other oc - casion...

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me scan


Neverovatni muzejski kampus Čikaga Chicago’s amazing Museum Campus

To je park od 57 hektara ko - ji se nalazi u blizini jezera Mi - čigen i u kojem ćete posetiti tri najistaknutije institucije u gra - du, a sve posveć ene prirodnim naukama – „Adler“ planetari - jum, akvarijum „Šed“ i Prirod - njački muzej „Fild“... Fild muzej Ovo je neverovatna instituci - ja, puna predmeta, artefaka - ta i eksponata koji pokrivaju praktično čitav raspon ljudske istorije! Istražite kinesku dvo - ranu „Cirus Tang“ i saznajte vi - še o dubokoj tradiciji koja po - stoji hiljadama godina u jednoj od najuticajnijih svetskih civili - zacija. Deca takođe vole izlož -

The 57-acre museum park stretches close to Lake Mic- higan and surrounds three of the city's most notable muse - ums, all dedicated to the natu - ral sciences: the Adler Planeta - rium; the Shedd Aquarium; and the Field Museum of Natural History... The Field Museum Chicago’s Field Museum is an amazing institution that’s fi - lled with objects, artefacts and exhibits encompassing pra - ctically the entire span of hu- man history and beyond! Explo - re the Cyrus Tang Hall of China and learn more about the deep tradition that’s spanned tho- usands of years in one of the world's most influential civilisa - tions. Kids also love the “Under- ground Adventure” exhibit, whe -

bu „Underground Adventu - re“, gde mogu da istraže svet iz perspektive male bube. Mo - gućnosti i znanja su beskrajni u „Fildu“.

stvorenja iz celog sveta nalazi se u akvarijumu „Šed“ creatures from all over the world can be found in the “Shedd” aquarium 32.000

Šed akvarijum Istražite jedan od najboljih akvarijuma u SAD koji se na - lazi baš u Čikagu. Sa više od 32.000 stvorenja iz celog sve - ta, raznovrsni eksponati akva - rijuma „Šed“ očaravaju pose - tioce svih uzrasta. Pogledajte šarene tropske ribe na Karip - skom grebenu, upoznajte del - fine i kitove beluge u okeanari - jumu „Abot“ i pustite decu da se pretvaraju da su pingvini u polarnoj regiji. Sprijateljite se sa omiljenim vodenim stvore - njima i upoznajte ih da biste ih više cenili i voleli. Adler planetarijum Pogledajte svet na potpuno nov način! Za velike i male lju - bitelje svemira, ovaj voljeni planetarijum nudi mnoge pri - vremene i stalne izložbe i po - sebne događaje. Neki od nji - hovih istaknutih eksponata uključuju „Mission Moon“ i „Community Design Lab“, a obavezno pogledajte i njihov novi šou „Planet nine“. Univer - zum ima najmanje 91 milijar - du svetlosnih godina u preč - niku, tako da ovde postoji beskonačna količina stvari ko - je treba uraditi i videti.


park, mesto gde se tokom cele godine svašta dešava i koji svakako treba da obiđete jer se tamo, između ostalog, nalazi i poznata skulptura „Cloud Gate“ iliti čuveni „The Bean“. A to je mesto gde se svi slikaju za Instagram! Umetnički institut Čikaga Dosledno prisutan među naj - boljim muzejima na svetu u

Zapadno od kampusa sme - šten je Grant park, ogromni urbani zeleni prostor gde sta - novnici Čikaga vole da se okupljaju i odmaraju. Posto - je otvoreni prostori za piknik, šetnje ili sportske aktivnosti, manje kultivisane bašte i zna - menita Bakingemska fonta - na. Krenite malo severnije i stići ćete u čuveni Milenijum

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Adler je bio prvi planetarijum u SAD The Adler was the first planetarium in the United States

re you explore the world from the perspective of a tiny insect. The possibilities and knowled- ge are endless at Field. Shedd Aquarium Explore one of America’s best aquariums. With more than 32,000 creatures from across the globe, Shedd Aquarium’s di - verse exhibits charm visitors of all ages. Check out the co- lourful tropical fish of the Cari - bbean Reef, meet dolphins and beluga whales in the Abbott Oceanarium, and let the chil - dren pretend to be penguins in the Polar Play Zone. Make friends with your favourite aqu- atic creatures and get to know them to appreciate and love them more. Adler Planetarium See the world in a whole new way! This beloved planetari - um offers many temporary and

permanent exhibits, shows and special events for space explo - ration lovers of all ages. Fea- tured exhibits include Mission Moon and the Community De - sign Lab, and also make sure to take in the new “Planet Ni - ne” show. The Universe is at le- ast 91 billion light-years across, so there’s an infinite number of things to do and see here.

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anketama „Trip advajzera“, ovaj institut je neverovatna građevina ispunjena inspira - tivnim umetničkim delima. Sa fantastičnim kolekcijama fo - tografija, impresionističkih slika, drevnih artefakata i de - korativne umetnosti, ovde ć e - te nać i praktično svaki umet - nički medij i žanr. Od njihovih čuvenih Šagalovih prozora do Crnog krsta Novog Meksika, Džordžije O’Kif, postoji toli - ko toga što vredi videti, pa ne - mojte propustiti. Muzej savremene fotografije Mali, ali zanimljiv muzej sadr - ži dela prvenstveno američkih fotografa, sa posebnim fo - kusom na umetnike Srednjeg zapada. Ipak, tu su i nevero - vatni radovi nekih od najista - knutijih međunarodnih umet - nika. Soldžer fild Iako prvenstveno poznat kao dom Čikago bersa, „Soldžer fi - ld“ je takođe domać in mno - gih najveć ih koncerata u ovoj oblasti, kao i brojnih festiva - la. Sa živopisnom lokacijom na vodi i intrigantnom arhi - tekturom, ovaj stadion je pri - jatno mesto gde možete da provedete popodne ili veče u Čikagu.

THINGS TO DO NEAR MUSEUM CAMPUS Grant Park Located just to the west of

ctically every artistic medium and genre here. And there are plenty of iconic works to peru- se here, from the institute’s fa - med Chagall windows to Geor - gia O’Keeffe’s Black Cross New Mexico. Museum of Contemporary Photography This small but engaging muse - um features primarily Ameri - can photographers, often with a specific focus on Midwestern artists. There are also exhibits presenting incredible works by some of the most notable in - ternational photographers. Soldier Field Although primarily known as the home of the Chicago Be - ars, Soldier Field also hosts many of the area’s biggest concerts and other festivals. With a picturesque location on the water and intriguing arc- hitecture, Soldier Field is also just a pleasant place to spend an afternoon or evening in Chicago.

the Museum Campus is Grant Park, a massive urban green - space where Chicagoans love to gather. There are open spa- ces for picnicking, strolling or playing Frisbee, smaller cul - tivated gardens and the lan- dmark Buckingham Founta - in. Travel slightly further north and you’ll hit Millennium Park, a place where many special events happen year-round. Mi- llenium Park is also home to the famous Cloud Gate scul - pture - better known as the Be- an. You can't miss a chance to Instagram that. Art Institute of Chicago Consistently voted as being among the world’s top muse - ums according to TripAdvisor polls, the Art Institute of Chica - go is an amazing institution fi - lled with inspiring artworks. Wi- th well-regarded collections of photography, Impressionist pa - intings, ancient artefacts and decorative arts, you’ll find pra -

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Intervju Interview

O d kada je stao na pozornicu, Andrija Kuzmanović dečač- kom spontanošću i ozbiljnim glumač- kim talentom privlači publiku za svaki svoj lik. Taj „dečak iz kra- ja“ rastao je u prethodnih 15 go- dina sa svakom novom ulogom – od rukija u „Montevideu“ pa do veoma kompleksne nove role Leo- na Glembaja u čuvenom Krleži- nom delu. Čeka ga i nastavak seri- je „Senke nad Balkanom“, za koju kaže da je verovatno najbolja ikad snimljena. Mnogo je zanimljivih tema o kojima se može pričati sa Andrijom, ali mi ipak počinjemo od njegovog matičnog pozorišta, koje je važno ne samo njemu već je i simbol glavnog grada. – Igrao sam u mnogim pozori- štima, što je i prirodno, jer glumac želi da menja scene, ali jedino Be- ogradsko dramsko pozorište sma- tram svojom kućom. U njemu sam odigrao prve bitnije uloge sa ko- jim sam osetio u kom smeru idem. Trenutno na Krstu igram predsta- ve „Kramer protiv Kramera“, „Ne igraj na Engleze“ i „Šarlota Kaste- li“, koja je nedavno imala premi- jeru. Dok god se budem radovao kad ugledam Beogradsko dram- sko pozorište i osećao se kao da prvi put ulazim u taj hram umet- nosti, znaću da to nije samo me- sto gde na sceni proživljavam tu- đe živote nego i moj dom. U BDP-u si pred poče- tak leta imao premijeru predstave „Kramer pro- tiv Kramera“, a i repri- za u septembru je prošla sjajno. Jesi li bio opte- rećen odličnim filmom i maestralnim Dastinom Hofmanom? – To je veoma bitan film iz sada već davne 1979. sa feno- menalnim Dastinom Hofmanom, Meril Strip i njihovim sinom Bi- lijem, koji je fenomenalno doča- rao sve klince na celom svetu koji- ma se roditelji odjednom razvode. Kad sam počeo da radim na toj

Kada vidi svoje Beogradsko dramsko pozorište, zna da je došao kući, Krležine reči čuje u bojama, sanja jednu ulogu, ali neće da kaže koja je, a kada se otisne sa glumačke scene, voli da poleti sa beogradskog aerodroma pravo u nove pustolovine ANDRIJA KUZMANOVIĆ, GLUMAC Umetnost je magija koja se dešava sada i ovde

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Rođen je i živi u Beogradu, završio je Akademiju lepih umetnosti u klasi profesora Nebojše Bradića, a popularnost stekao ulogom golmana Jakše u filmu „Montevideo, Bog te video“

Born and resident in Belgrade, he graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts, in the class of professor Nebojša Bradić, and initially gained popularity with the role of the goalkeeper Jakša in the film Montevideo, God Bless You

predstavi, nisam bio baš potpuno siguran da li će ovaj tekst i dalje biti interesantan ljudima budući da je ta tema (razvod i borba oko starateljstva) sveprisutna. Ali za- pravo i dalje jeste zanimljivo. Što se tiče mog prethodnika u toj ulo- zi, nisam osećao pritisak jer Da- stin je Dastin i bilo bi nerealno da uopšte uzimam njegovu igru kao referencu. Tako da ja imam svog Kramera. „Šarlota Kasteli“ po mo- tivima knjige „Gospoda Glembajevi“. Kako je bilo raditi Krležu? – Zapravo, mislim da do sada nikada nisam igrao nešto kao što je Krleža, kojeg mnogi smatraju možda najsavršenijim piscem ovih prostora i šire. U predstavu sam potpuno slučajno ušao, i to baš u lik Leona Glembaja koji mi za- sad veoma prija. A što se Krleže tiče... Svaku reč, svaki zarez, sva- ku rečenicu vidim jasno i čujem je u bojama, prosto neverovatno. Veliki Krleža! Krajem prošlog mese- ca premijeru je imala i Da se vratimo malo i na televiziju... Da li već znaš šta čeka inspektora Ple- tikosića u trećoj sezoni „Senki nad Balkanom“, čije snimanje je najavlje- no do kraja 2024. godi- ne? Raduješ li se tom li- ku? – To je verovatno jedna od naj- ozbiljnije i najverodostojnije ura- đenih serija ikada kod nas, ako ne i najbolja serija. Ne znam šta će se dešavati sa mojim likom u trećoj sezoni jer nisam dobio tekst, ali ne radujem se preterano vraćanju Stanku, jer ume da bude mnogo naporan taj rad. (smeh) Sve je počelo sa ulogom u „Montevideu“. Kako sada vidiš taj projekat koji je za mnoge trenutno naj- popularnije glumce bio odskočna daska? – „Montevideo“ je, s ove distance, za mene sada kao neki

najlepši dečački san. Holivud za početnike, kako sam ga zvao ta- da. Volim tog mlađeg sebe. I sada kad pogledam „Montevideo“, ne- kako sam sâm sebi novi ja, kao da još nisam bio raspakovan iz am- balaže. I mogu priznati da mi se čak i zaplače kad nas vidim sve ta- ko bezbrižne klince: nasmejane, verujuće, lude, željne, nežne, i na okupu! Sada sam mnogo bezve- zniji, a samo sam upoznao život. Rođen si istog dana kao Bata Živojinović i uvek sa velikim pijetetom go- voriš o njemu. Šta je od njegovih dostignuća ono čemu eventualno težiš? – Velimir Bata Živojinović je sigurno jedan od najbitnijih ju- goslovenskih glumaca, ako ne i najbitniji. To je jedan apsolut- ni car kinematografije! Suludo je pričati o tome ko je najbolji pevač, ko je najbolji glumac, ko je najbolji slikar. Nečija umet- nost dođe do tebe brže i tačnije i iskrenije od nečije druge, a to ne znači da je taj slikar ili glu- mac bolji od svog kolege. Ne! Umetnost je magija, ona se de- šava uvek sada i ovde, a nikada sutra. Umetnost je u vazduhu, i ti si zapravo srećan čovek ako

je ona došla i do tebe.

O čemu sanjaš budan, o kojim ulogama ili dosti- gnućima? – Sanjam samo o jednoj ulo- zi. Ne znam zašto, ali odavno mi je to u glavi. Naravno da neću re- ći koja je jer će zvučati kao da se preporučujem. Ali da, postoji je- dan ozbiljan dasa koji nas je na- pustio pre 15-ak godina koga bih obožavao da odigram. Voliš li da putuješ, a pre svega, voliš li avione? – Obožavam da letim, što zbog posla često i činim! Volim kada do- đem na aerodrom, pogotovo naš beogradski, jer znam da ću se na njega opet i vratiti, ali posle ne- ke lepe pustolovine. Ljudi na ae- rodromu i u Er Srbiji rade veoma odgovorne poslove, ali su uvek lju- bazni, pa sam imao samo prijat- na iskustva. Jednostavno je – vo- lim da letim!

Tekst / Words: Ana Vodinelić Fotografije / Photography: Uroš Gajić

Interview » Intervju | 27


He knows that he’s arrived home when he sees his Belgrade Drama Theatre. He hears the words of Krleža in colours, dreams of a role, but won’t say which one, and when he’s not acting, he also likes to depart from Belgrade Airport and fly straight to new adventures ANDRIJA KUZMANOVIĆ, ACTOR Art is magic that happens here and now S ince he first stepped foot on stage, Andrija Kuzmanović has been attracting audiences to each of his characters, with his boyish spontaneity and serious acting talent. This “boy next door” has grown with each new role he’s had over the past 15 years – from the “rookie” in “Montevideo”

all the way to his very complex new role as Leon Glembay in the famous work by Miroslav Krleža. He is also awaited by the new season of the series Black Sun, which he claims is probably the best season ever filmed. There are many interesting topics that can be discussed with Andrija, but we nonetheless started with his home theatre, which isn’t only important to him, but is al- so a symbol of the Serbian capital. “I’ve performed in many the- atres, which is also natural, given that actors desire to change scenes, but I only consider the Belgrade Drama Theatre as my home. It was there that I performed my first im- portant roles, with which I felt the

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direction I was heading in. I’m cur- rently performing there in the plays Kramer vs. Kramer, Don't Bet on the Brits and Charlotte Castelli, which premiered recently. As long as I feel happy to see the Belgrade Drama Theatre and feel like I’m en- tering that temple of art for the first time, I will know that it isn’t merely a place where I experience other people’s lives on stage, but also my home.” You performed in the pre- miere of the play Kramer vs. Kramer at the Belgrade Drama Theatre prior to the start of summer, while September’s rerun also went wonderfully. Did you feel overburdened by the excellent film and the su- perb Dustin Hoffman? “That is a very important film from the now distant 1979, star- ring the phenomenal Dustin Hoff- man, Meryl Streep and their son Billy, which brilliantly evoked all kids around the world whose par- ents divorced suddenly. When I started working on that play, I wasn't entirely sure if the script would still be interesting to people, given that the subject matter (di- vorce and custody battles) is ubiq- uitous. But it actually remains in- teresting. As for my predecessor in that role, I didn’t feel pressure, be- cause Dustin is Dustin and it would be unrealistic to even consider his performance as a reference. That’s why I have my own Kramer.” The play Charlotte Castel- li, based on the themes of the book Messrs Glembay, had its premiere late last month. What was it like to work on a Krleža piece? “I actually don’t think I’ve ever previously played something like the works of Krleža, who many con- sider as being perhaps the most perfect writer from these lands and beyond. I joined the cast of the play completely by chance, and ended up portraying no less than the charac- ter of Leon Glembay, which I real- ly like so far. As for Krleža... I see every word, every comma, every

deo now, I somehow see a brand new me, as if I had yet to be tak- en out of the packaging. I can also admit that I even feel like crying when I see such carefree kids: smil- ing, believing, crazy, keen, gentle, and gathered together! I’m much more miserable now, and I’ve on- ly just got to know life.” You share a birthday with Bata Živojinović and al- ways talk about him with great admiration. Which of his achievements do you strive to possibly emulate? “Velimir Bata Živojinović is certainly one of the most impor- tant Yugoslav actors, if not the most important. He was an abso- lute tsar of cinematography! It’s madness to talk about who is the best singer, best actor, best paint- er. Some people’s art reaches you faster and with more precision and honesty than someone else’s, but that doesn’t mean the painter or ac- tor in question is better than their colleague. No! Art is magic, it al- ways happens here and now, and never tomorrow. Art is in the air, and you’re actually a lucky man if it’s also come to you.” Which roles or achieve- ments do you daydream about? “I only dream about one role. I don’t know why, but it’s long been on my mind. I won’t say which role, of course, because that would sound like I’m recommend- ing myself. But, yes, there’s one se- rious stud who departed our world about 15 years ago that I would love to portray.” Do you like to travel, and first and foremost do you like planes? “I adore flying, which I also do often because of work! I love it when I arrive at the airport, par- ticularly ours in Belgrade, because I know that I will return to it again, but only after some nice adven- ture. The people at the airport and at Air Serbia do very responsible work, but they’re always kindly, so I’ve only ever had pleasant expe- riences. It’s simple – I love to fly!”

sentence clearly and hear it in col- ours, simply unbelievable. The great Krleža!” Returning briefly to televi- sion, do you already know what awaits Inspector Ple- tikosić in the third season of Black Sun, which is due to be shot by year’s end 2024? Are you looking for- ward to that role? “That is probably one of the most serious and realistically cre- ated series there’s ever been in our country, if not the best ever se- ries. I don’t know what will hap- pen with my character in the third season because I haven’t received the script, but I’m not overly look- ing forward to returning to Stanko, because that work can be very ar- duous (laughs).” Everything started for you with the role in Montevi- deo. How do you now view that project, which served as a launchpad for many of today’s most popular ac- tors? “For me now, from this dis- tance, Montevideo is like the most beautiful boyhood dream. “Holly- wood for beginners”, as I called it back then. I love that younger me. And when I look back at Montevi- „Montevideo“ je za mene sada kao neki najlepši dečački san. Kao Holivud za Montevideo is like the most beautiful boyhood dream. Like Hollywood for beginners početnike For me now,

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