Elevate October 2024 | Air Serbia

Pariz će ostati u lepom sećanju srpskih sportista kada na kraju godine budu sabirali utiske. Olimpijci su osvojili pet medalja, ali su nas zato paraolimpijci obradovali jednom više / Paris will remain in the fondest memories of Serbia’s athletes when they gather their impressions at the end of the year. Serbia’s Olympians won five medals, but our Paralympians delighted us by winning one more

Srebrne / Silver Borislava Nada & Perišić Matić DVE MEDALJE, OBE SREBR-

TWO MEDALS, BOTH SILVER, WERE BROUGHT HOME BY table ten- nis player Borislava Perić-Ranković. She won the first in her doubles pairing with Nada Matić, before winning the second in the singles event. Borislava was just 22 when severe spinal injury left her paralysed below the knees – and forev- er confined to a wheelchair. She said at the time: “There’s no crying; we’re mov- ing on”. Having chosen table tennis as her sport, there’s no competition she hasn’t returned from without a medal. “I achieved more than I thought I would. Slight regret remains because it wasn’t gold, but when I realise that my opponents were almost half my age, this shines much brighter than silver,” said the 52-year-old Bečej native. Borislava and Nada say that they felt proudest when standing on the podium watching the Serbian flag being raised. “Every athlete has the dream of qualifying for the Olympic or Paralym- pic Games. The success is even greater if you win a medal. There are no peo- ple that are happier than the two of us because we managed to reach the final. It’s true that we didn’t win gold, but the silver medal is also a great suc- cess,” added Nada Matić.

NE, donela nam je stonoteniserka Borislava Perić Ranković. Prvu je osvojila u dublu sa Nadom Matić, drugu u singlu. Borislava je u 22. godini usled teškog oštećenja kič- me ostala paralizovana ispod kolena – i zauvek prikovana za invalidska kolica. Tada je rekla: nema plaka- nja, idemo dalje. Izabrala je sport, stoni tenis, i nema takmičenja sa kojeg se nije vratila bez medalje. – Ostvarila sam više nego što sam mislila. Ostaje mala žal što ni- je bila zlatna, ali kad shvatim da su protivnice gotovo upola mlađe od mene, ova sija mnogo jače ne- go srebro – izjavila je 52-godišnja- kinja iz Bečeja. Borislava i Nada kažu da su najponosnije bile dok su sa po- stolja gledale kako se podiže srp- ska zastava. – San svakog sportiste je da se plasira na Olimpijske ili Paraolim- pijske igre. Još veći uspeh je ako osvojite medalju. Od nas dve ne- ma srećnijih osoba zbog toga što smo uspele da dođemo do finala. Istina je da nismo osvojile zlato, ali i srebrna medalja je veliki uspeh – dodaje Nada Matić.

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