Elevate October 2024 | Air Serbia


Francuske vlasti su za maskotu olimpijskih i paraolimpijskih igara izabrale kapu od istorijskog značaja koja je prepoznatljiva širom sveta The French authorities chose a hat of historical importance that is recognisable all over the world as the mascot of the Olympic and Paralympic Games

Nebojša Đurić Srebrni / Silver SREBRO JE DONEO I NE-

NEBOJŠA ĐURIĆ ALSO BROUGHT HOME SILVER, IN THE shot-put event, though the judging committee announced af- ter the final that his medal would be taken away due to alleged irreg- ularity of his equipment. It is inter- esting to note that Đurić used the same equipment at this year’s world championships in Japan, where he also won silver. He turned to sport after an unfortunate accident in 2010, when the tipper of the dump truck he was driving hit a bridge at a construction site near Subotica. “It was difficult to accept that a day before I’d been fit and healthy, and that I will be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of my life. That’s not a revelation that a man reconciles with. I convinced myself that I have to be brave and move on, but I was actually a coward, afraid of being looked at by other people,” said this Užice native.

BOJŠA ĐURIĆ u bacanju ku- gle, iako je posle finala sudij- ska komisija objavila da će mu medalja biti oduzeta zbog na- vodne neregularnosti opreme. Zanimljivo je da je Đurić istu opremu koristio na Svetskom prvenstvu u Japanu ove godi- ne, gde je osvojio srebrnu me- dalju. Sportom je počeo da se bavi posle nesrećnog događaja koji je doživeo 2010. godine, ka- da je kiper kamiona koji je vo- zio udario u most na gradilištu kod Subotice. – Teško je bilo prihvatiti da sam juče bio zdrav i prav, a da ću ostatak života provesti u kolici- ma. Nije to saznanje s kojim se čovek miri. Ubeđivao sam sebe da moram biti hrabar i nastavi- ti dalje, a u stvari sam bio kuka- vica uplašena od tuđih pogleda – ispričao je rođeni Užičanin.

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