Elevate October 2024 | Air Serbia


Tri pitanja za...

Marta Ožegović, First Officer Three questions for...

Martu Ožegović, kopilotkinju

Ovog meseca Er Srbija slavi svoj 11. rođendan. Šta biste poželeli svojoj kompaniji, ali i sebi u narednoj godini? – Svojoj kompaniji bih poželela da nastavi da se

Air Serbia is this month celebrating its 11 th birthday. What would you wish for the company, but also for yourself, over the next year? “I would wish for my company to continue developing

razvija, uvodi nove destina- cije i nove avione, da pokri- je Ameriku, Aziju i Australiju i da se broj žena pilota udvo- struči! Moja lična želja je oče- kivana za jednu mladu kopi- lotkinju – da letim što više, da stičem neophodno iskustvo i rutinu jer ne postoji drugi na- čin da se napreduje u struci i stekne ugled. Koja vam je od preko 90 destinacija do ko- jih Er Srbija leti najdra- ža kao pilotu, ali i kao turisti? – S obzirom na to da sam studirala u Beču i tamo prove- la dovoljno vremena da upo- znam i zavolim taj grad, ra- zumljivo je da tu destinaciju izdvajam kao posebnu. Posle Beograda i mog rodnog Vrš- ca Beč predstavlja deo mog odrastanja, moju emociju i se- ćanje na studentske dane. Po- red Beča, omiljene destinacije su mi, i kao pilotu i kao putni- ku, primorski gradovi sa pre- lepim prizorima u kojima mi je čast da uživam iz ptičje per- spektive. Postoji li neka desti-

itself, introducing new destinati- ons and new planes, for it to co- ver America, Asia and Australia, and for the number of female pi- lots to double! My personal wish is to be expected for a young fe- male first officer: to fly as mu- ch as possible; to acquire es- sential experience and a routine, because there’s no other way to advance and gain a reputation in this profession.” Which of Air Serbia’s more than 90 destinations is yo - ur favourite to fly to as a pi- in Vienna and spent enough ti- me there to come to know and love the city, it is understandable that I would single out that desti- nation as special. After Belgra- de and my native Vršac, Vienna represents part of my upbrin- ging, my emotions and recolle- ctions of my student days. Apart from Vienna, my favourite desti- nations, as both a pilot and a pa- ssenger, are the coastal cities with beautiful scenery that I ha- ve the honour of enjoying from a bird’s eye view.” lot, but also as a tourist? “Considering that I studied

Is there some destination that you would describe as being ideal in October spe- cifically?

nacija za koju biste re- kli da je savršena baš u oktobru? – Mnogo je savršenih destinacija u oktobru jer su prošle letnje vrućine, a zima je još dovoljno daleko. Koju izdvojiti? Lisabon ili Barselonu? Rim ili Milano? Budim- peštu ili Atinu? Opet, i pored preko 90 destinacija do kojih Er Srbija leti, moram da kažem da bih za savršenu destinaciju ipak predložila Beograd. Beli grad u bojama jeseni pruža toplinu i pozitivne vibracije. Prepun zabav- nih aktivnosti i predivnih mesta za boravak na otvore- nom, Beograd širokih ruku i sa toplim osmehom doče- kuje sve svoje goste. Dobro nam došli!

“There are many ideal destinations in October, becau- se the summer heat has abated and winter is still far eno- ugh away. Which one to single out? Lisbon or Barcelona? Rome or Milan? Budapest or Athens? Again, regardless of the more than 90 destinations to which Air Serbia flies, I have to say that I would still recommend Belgrade as the ideal destination. Autumnal colours provide the ‘White Ci- ty’ with positive vibes. Packed with fun activities and won- derful places to spend time outdoors, Belgrade welcomes all guests with open arms and a warm smile. Welcome!”

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