Elevate October 2024 | Air Serbia

Na letu

On board

Maštao sam da budem pilot I dreamt of becoming a pilot ZAŠTO VOLITE AVIONE? WHY DO YOU LIKE PLANES?

– PUTOVANJE AVIO- NOM ZA MENE IMA PO- SEBNU DRAŽ. Nekako se uvek vratim u detinjstvo, ka- da sam maštao da postanem pilot i obiđem Zemaljsku ku- glu. San se delimično i ostva- rio, obišao sam sve kontinen- te. Najviše se radujem sletanju jer tada grad koji posećujem vidim iz najzanimljivije per- spektive. Šta uvek nosite sa so- bom na letu? – U avion ne nosim ni- šta posebno, one uobičaje- ne stvari kao i većina put- nika, pretpostavljam. Pa ipak, uvek ulazim u avion sa osmehom i zadovoljstvom što ponovo letim u neku no- vu avanturu.

WHO IS DRAGUTIN? Dragutin Topić is one of Ser- bia’s best ever athletes. Dur- ing a one-year hiatus from sport in 2006, he worked as director of sports at the Ath- letics Federation of Serbia, before resuming his athlet- ics career in 2007. He has held the national high jump record since 1993, with a jump of 2.38 metres that also ranks him joint 15 th among the world’s best high jumpers of all time . At the age of 41, he was among the oldest partic- ipants in athletics competi- tions at the London Olympics, and is also the only athlete to have participated six times in the world’s largest and most prestigious sporting events. “FOR ME, TRAVELLING BY PLANE HAS SPECIAL CHARM. I somehow always re- turn to my childhood, when I dreamt of becoming a pilot and touring the globe. That dream also came true in part, as I did tour all continents. I mostly enjoy land- ing, because it’s then that I see the city I’m visiting from the most interesting perspective.” What do you always car- ry with you aboard a flight? “I don’t carry anything spe- cial aboard the plane, just ordi- nary things like I presume the majority of passengers have. I nonetheless always board the plane with a smile and a sense of satisfaction that I’m once again flying into some new adventure.”

Dragutin Topić, sportista athlete

Ko je Dragutin Dragutin Topić jedan je od najboljih srpskih atletiča- ra svih vremena. U jedno- godišnjoj sportskoj pauzi 2006. godine radio je kao sportski direktor Atletskog saveza Srbije, a karijeru je nastavio 2007. Od 1993. godine drži državni rekord sa preskočenih 2,38 meta- ra, a tako deli 15. mesto na rang-listi najboljih skaka- ča uvis svih vremena. U 41. godini je bio među najsta- rijim učesnicima atletskih takmičenja na Olimpijskim igrama u Londonu i jedi- ni atletičar koji je šest pu- ta učestvovao na najvećim i najprestižnijim svetskim sportskim skupovima.

Tekst / Words: Ana Vodinelić Fotografije / Photography: Miroslav Milić

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