Elevate October 2024 | Air Serbia

New York's most expensive avenue

so built the house with the idea of it one day becoming a pu - blic venue for the art collecti- on that he put together himself. This oasis of serenity in the mi - ddle of the city preserves some masterpieces of world art in its 16 rooms (Rembrandt, Ingres, Turner, Vermeer, El Greco et al), while visitors have an oppor- tunity to simultaneously enjoy the unique ambience that lea - ves no one feeling apathetic. THE METROPOLITAN After the Frick Collection, the Museum Mile leads us to street number 1000 and one of the world’s biggest museums: the Metropolitan Museum of Art, or, as New Yorkers refer to it affectionately, the Met. This place is a living encyclopaedia of world art, which preserves more than two million exhibits in 17 museum departments. The Met is so big that those who really enjoy art will want to return again and again and again. The museum building it - self, which sprawls over the slopes of Central Park and oc - cupies the length of four street

New York’s famous Fifth Ave - nue, which is home to an enti - re array of New York wonders, starts in Greenwich Village, ne - ar Washington Square Park, and traverses the eastern si- de of Central Park, representing a kind of border between Man- hattan’s west and east sides. This major New York thorou - ghfare is known for its pricey bars, department stores and boutiques of the world’s big- gest designer names, but also for the fact that it leads to New York’s most iconic landmarks: the Empire State Building, the Public Library, the Flatiron Buil - ding, the Plaza Hotel and other city sights. THE FRICK COLLECTION The most beautiful part of Fif - th Avenue is perhaps the Mu- seum Mile, which makes for a unique and unforgettable walk. Although the “Mile” officially be - gins with the city’s most famo - us and largest museum com - plex, the Metropolitan, for the start of this walk we’ll choo- se another captivating collecti- on that’s located on the corner of East 70th Street and Fifth Avenue. Housed there is a pri- vate collection that represents the gem of the Museum Mi - le: the Frick Collection. The bu -

ilding itself was built at the be- hest of American industrialist Henry Clay Frick (1849-1919), a great art lover and philant- hropist. Visiting his collection is a specific museum walk in its own right, with visitors fee- ling a special sense of tranqui- llity and the elegance of some bygone times as soon as they enter. A significant contribution to this sense is naturally provi- ded by the house itself, which was the living quarters of the family, though Henry Frick al -

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