Elevate October 2024 | Air Serbia

GUGGENHEIM After taking a break at the Ne- ue, you will be welcomed at the beauty of Fifth Avenue, with the extremely powerful building of architect Frank Lloyd, in all its peculiarity. The collection hou- sed by this building is also im - pressive. The metamorphosis from a private collection to that of a museum began way back in 1937, when Solomon R. Gug - genheim established a founda - tion to deal with public displays of his personal art collection. The Guggenheim today has collections worldwide, at as many as four separate muse - ums (New York, Venice, Bilbao, Abu Dhabi). The Guggenheim New York contains works from the collection of Solomon Gug - genheim, the museum’s foun - der, and seven other collecti- ons that have been donated to the museum over the 70 years of its existence. Navigating this building is both an artistic and architectural experience, be - cause the brilliantly conceived

blocks, was built over several stages starting in 1874. It do - esn’t quite reveal its size when viewed from the outside. That only becomes evident when you embark on a tour of the collections, from Egypt, Ancient Greece and Rome, through art collections from all five conti - nents, to contemporary art, co - stumes, fashion and design. In short, you can find almost everything at the Met, and one visit isn’t enough to do a com - plete tour. And one more no - te: if you’re already at the Met, enquire as to whether there’s an exhibition currently on the roof, and don’t miss out on the unique opportunity to visit it if there is, because the roof of the Met provides stunning views of Manhattan. NEUE GALERIE Despite it being impossible to visit everything that’s worth vi- siting on the Museum Mile in just one day, we will continue our walk up Fifth Avenue from

the Met, heading towards ano- ther museum that’s a must for lovers of art and architectu- re: the Guggenheim. Along the way, it wouldn’t be out of pla- ce to drop in at the Neue Ga- lerie, which presents a colle- ction of 20 th century Austrian and German art. This outstan - ding collection in a modestly sized space preserves the works of artists like Klimt, Ko - koschka and Schiele, but al- so Kirchner, Kandinsky, Klee and others, making it an ex - cellent introduction to the art of modern times that awaits us at the Guggenheim. Altho - ugh every museum space in New York has cafeterias and restaurants, we suggest that you take a lunch break at this gallery because of its speci- fic “flavour”. At Café Sabarsky or the slightly newer Café Fle - dermaus, you will get a sen - se of the atmosphere of the Vienna of the late 19 th and ear- ly 20 th centuries, at the heart of New York.

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