Elevate October 2024 | Air Serbia

anketama „Trip advajzera“, ovaj institut je neverovatna građevina ispunjena inspira - tivnim umetničkim delima. Sa fantastičnim kolekcijama fo - tografija, impresionističkih slika, drevnih artefakata i de - korativne umetnosti, ovde ć e - te nać i praktično svaki umet - nički medij i žanr. Od njihovih čuvenih Šagalovih prozora do Crnog krsta Novog Meksika, Džordžije O’Kif, postoji toli - ko toga što vredi videti, pa ne - mojte propustiti. Muzej savremene fotografije Mali, ali zanimljiv muzej sadr - ži dela prvenstveno američkih fotografa, sa posebnim fo - kusom na umetnike Srednjeg zapada. Ipak, tu su i nevero - vatni radovi nekih od najista - knutijih međunarodnih umet - nika. Soldžer fild Iako prvenstveno poznat kao dom Čikago bersa, „Soldžer fi - ld“ je takođe domać in mno - gih najveć ih koncerata u ovoj oblasti, kao i brojnih festiva - la. Sa živopisnom lokacijom na vodi i intrigantnom arhi - tekturom, ovaj stadion je pri - jatno mesto gde možete da provedete popodne ili veče u Čikagu.

THINGS TO DO NEAR MUSEUM CAMPUS Grant Park Located just to the west of

ctically every artistic medium and genre here. And there are plenty of iconic works to peru- se here, from the institute’s fa - med Chagall windows to Geor - gia O’Keeffe’s Black Cross New Mexico. Museum of Contemporary Photography This small but engaging muse - um features primarily Ameri - can photographers, often with a specific focus on Midwestern artists. There are also exhibits presenting incredible works by some of the most notable in - ternational photographers. Soldier Field Although primarily known as the home of the Chicago Be - ars, Soldier Field also hosts many of the area’s biggest concerts and other festivals. With a picturesque location on the water and intriguing arc- hitecture, Soldier Field is also just a pleasant place to spend an afternoon or evening in Chicago.

the Museum Campus is Grant Park, a massive urban green - space where Chicagoans love to gather. There are open spa- ces for picnicking, strolling or playing Frisbee, smaller cul - tivated gardens and the lan- dmark Buckingham Founta - in. Travel slightly further north and you’ll hit Millennium Park, a place where many special events happen year-round. Mi- llenium Park is also home to the famous Cloud Gate scul - pture - better known as the Be- an. You can't miss a chance to Instagram that. Art Institute of Chicago Consistently voted as being among the world’s top muse - ums according to TripAdvisor polls, the Art Institute of Chica - go is an amazing institution fi - lled with inspiring artworks. Wi- th well-regarded collections of photography, Impressionist pa - intings, ancient artefacts and decorative arts, you’ll find pra -

24 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

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