Elevate October 2024 | Air Serbia



Zubin Mehta sa Beogradskom filharmonijom / Zubin Mehta returns to the Belgrade Philharmonic

Beogradska filharmonija na- stupaće pod palicom legen- darnog Zubina Mehte 11. i 12. oktobra u Velikoj sali Kolarče- ve zadužbine. U novi vek i svo- ju 101. godinu postojanja Fil- harmonija ulazi veličanstveno i ponosno, s velikanom klasične muzike i najvećim prijateljem orkestra. Oktobarski koncer- ti su petnaesti put da se Meh- ta susreće sa Beogradskom filharmonijom. Za ovu prili- ku zajedno će izvesti genijalne partiture Mocartove „Simfoni- je u g-molu br. 40“ i Šubertove „Simfonije br. 9“, Velike. – Veoma se radujem svakom novom susretu sa Beograd- skom filharmonijom, orkestrom sa kojim delim dugotrajne us- pomene – izjavio je čuveni Mehta, koji je nastupio posled- nji put u Beogradu 2023. go- dine, povodom stogodišnji- ce Beogradske filharmonije i turneje koju je održao sa orke- strom u okviru inicijative Otvo- reni Balkan.

The Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra will perform under the baton of the legendary Zubin Mehta in the Great Hall of the Kolarac Endowment on 11 th and 12 th October. The Belgrade Philharmonic enters a new century and the 101 st year of its existence mag- nificently and proudly, with a great of classical mu- sic and this orchestra’s greatest friend. These Octo- ber concerts represent Mehta’s 15 th encounter with the Belgrade Philharmonic. For this occasion, they will together perform the brilliant sheet music of Mo-

zart’s Symphony No. 40 in G minor and Schubert’s Symphony No. 9 in C Major, aka The Great. “I very much look forward to every new encoun- ter with the Belgrade Philharmonic, which is an or- chestra with which I share lasting memories,” said the famous Mehta, who last performed in Belgrade in 2023, on the occasion of the centenary of the Belgrade Philharmonic and the tour he held with the orchestra under the scope of the Open Balkan ini- tiative.


Borini pozorišni dani / Bora’s Theatre Days

Najstariji pozorišni festival na jugu Srbije se održava od 1979. godine, a ljubitelji pozorišne umetnosti imaju prilike da od 22. do 28. oktobra vide najbolje pozorišne predstave iz protekle sezone i one koje su premijerno prikazane tekuće godine. Na kraju festivala publika i stručni žiri biraju najbolju predstavu za proteklu godinu. Takmičarski deo 44. Borinih pozorišnih dana počeće 22. okto- bra predstavom „Očevi i oci“, a publika će u narednih šest dana imati priliku da pogleda još šest predstava na sceni vranjskog pozorišta. „Borini dani“ se ove godine održavaju pod sloganom „Estetika i etika sučeljavanja“.

This oldest theatre festival in Southern Serbia has been held since 1979. From 22 nd to 28 th October this year, theatre lovers will have an opportunity to watch the best theatre plays of the past season, as well as those that premiered during the current year. The festival culminates with the audi- ence and expert jury selecting the best play of the past year. The competitive section of Vranje’s 44 th Bora’s Theatre Days festival will get underway on 22 nd October with the play Fathers and Forefa- thers, while the public will have the opportunity to watch six more plays on the stage of Vranje Theatre over the following six days. Bora’s Days is this year being held under the slogan “Aesthetics and Ethics of Con- frontation".

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