Elevate October 2024 | Air Serbia

French artist Marie Hué will present her work through an exhibition at Bel- grade’s famous Writers’ Club res- taurant, which visitors will be able to see until 20 th December 2024. While spending time in Belgrade a few years ago, this artist found inspiration in the ambiance of the Writers’ Club, which prompted her to create a special se- ries of works that will be exhibited for two months in the lower part of the restaurant. The Belgrade public will see her latest works on canvas... “I most enjoy to work in large formats, and I usually create them on the floor,”

says the artist. Her work is split between figurative and abstract artworks, but these two styles are closely intertwined in her lat- est works. The main role in her figura- tive art belongs to women and female figures and faces, because women constantly inspire this artist, though her recent focus has been on abstract art with very strong gestures and in- tense colours... She says that she’s in- spired by Jackson Pollock, Henri Matis- se, Vladimir Veličković et al. “I’m very excited about this exhibition in Belgrade. I this time want to show

my work to people who come to the restaurant for lunch or dinner and have a moment to enjoy art alongside de- licious food. I believe that’s important for artists: to sometimes show their works beyond the confines of galler- ies, where it is expected, and in un- usual spaces where there’s a con- stant frequency of different people,” says Marie, adding that this exhibi- tion is entitled “Fragility”, as it relates to the “weakness of the body, but al- so the soul that paints and simultane- ously forms the bond between man and Earth.”

„Bora Iljovski: Pomereni redosled“ Bora Iljovski: Shifted Sequence

Izložba umetnika Bore Iljovskog (1942–2013) biće otvorena u Ga- leriji-legatu Milice Zorić i Rodolju- ba Čolakovića do 5. novembra, i predstaviće deo stvaralaštva slika- ra, čiji je opus označavan i kao je- dan od najcelovitijih i najoriginalnijih u srpskom slikarstvu druge polovi- ne prošlog i početka 21. veka. Nje- gova dela nalaze se, pored brojnih domaćih i inostranih privatnih ko- lekcija, u zbirkama značajnih muze- ja i galerija u Beogradu, Berlinu, Bu- dimpešti, Banjaluci...

An exhibition of the works of artist Bora Il- jovski (1942–2013) will remain on display at the Gallery-Legacy of Milica Zorić & Rodol- jub Čolaković until 5 th November. It will pres- ent part of this painter’s creative oeuvre, which has been described as one of the most complete and original in the Serbian fine art of the second half of the 20 th cen- tury and the first years of the 21 st . century. His works can be found, in addition to nu- merous domestic and foreign private col- lections, in the collections of important mu- seums and galleries in Belgrade, Berlin, Budapest, Banja Luka...

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