Elevate October 2024 | Air Serbia



Jasmin Levi, jedna od najvećih zvezda World Music scene, vraća se u Beograd 30. oktobra, kada će nastupiti na koncertu u Sava Centru. Svoje najveće hitove izvešće premijerno u pratnji Simfonijskog orke- stra Radio-televizije Srbije. Španski ritam, flamenko i tango, uz sna- gu velikog orkestra, garantuju nezaboravno muzičko iskustvo. Pre- poznata kao glas svih kultura Mediterana, Jasmin Levi osvojila je svet pesmama na španskom i ladino jeziku, a jak autorski pečat i vokal po- znate umetnice planeta je upoznala kroz pesme „Una Noche Mas“, „Alegria“, „Adio Kerida“… U svojim pesmama, glasom i stihovima, slavi život i ljubav, ali i bol i tugu, sa istaknutom osećajnošću koja nalazi put ka srcima svih prisutnih na njenim koncertima. Yasmin Levy, one of the biggest stars of the World Music scene, re- turns to Belgrade this 30 th October, with a concert at the Sava Cen- tre! She will perform her biggest hits, accompanied for the first time by the RTS Symphony Orchestra. Spanish rhythm and the atmosphere of flamenco and tango evenings, coupled with the power of a large orchestra, guarantee an unforgettable musical experience. Recog- nised as the voice of all Mediterranean cultures, Levy has conquered the world with songs in Spanish and Ladino, while the planet was in- troduced to this famous artist’s strong songwriter’s stamp and vocals through the songs Una noche más, La alegria, Adio kerida etc. In her songs, she uses her voice and lyrics to celebrate life and love, but also pain and sorrow, with a pronounced sensibility that finds its way to the hearts of everyone attending her concerts.

Jasmin Levi u Beogradu Yasmin Levy in Belgrade



NS džez Jazz in Novi Sad Glavni koncertni program 26. Novosadskog džez festivala biće održan od 10. do 12. okto- bra na velikoj sceni Srpskog narodnog pozo- rišta, uz velike svetske zvezde kao što su Si- ril Eme, Kamila Džordž, Antonio Sančez, Julija Hulsman, Munir Hosn i „Balance Tribute Trio“, predvođen pijanistom Antoniom Faraom. Ove godine festivalska euforija počeće ranije, a magija džeza trajaće duže, za šta su zasluž- ni brojni prateći programi koji će ovu muziku predstaviti svim generacijama. The main concert programme of the 26 th Novi Sad Jazz Festival will unfold from 10 th to 12 th Oc- tober on the main stage of the city’s Serbian National Theatre and will feature great global stars like Cyrille Amiee, Camilla George, Anto- nio Sánchez, Julia Hülsmann, Munir Hosn and the Balance Tribute Trio, led by pianist Anto- nio Faraò. The festival euphoria will start earlier this year, while the magic of jazz will last longer, thanks to numerous ancillary programmes that will present this music to all generations.

„Fuzija“ je 17. oktobra “Fusion” from 17 th October

Hajdana Hajdi Kostić, umetnica čije slike pose- duju brojni kolekcionari i ljubitelji umetnosti ši- rom sveta, od Njujorka do Tokija, ali i holivudske zvezde Kijanu Rivs, Džon Malkovič, muzičari Will I Am iz „Black Eyed Peasa“ ili Skaj Edvards iz benda „Morcheba“, predstaviće se novom kolekcijom radova. U „Transform art“ galeriji u Beogradu moći ćemo da vidimo slike koje pro- matraju aktuelnu temu veštačke inteligencije i njenog odnosa sa čovekom. Otvaranje izložbe „Fuzija“ je 17. oktobra. – Dođite, uronite u svet umetnosti, ali i nakratko zastanite i promislite o sadašnjosti i budućnosti koju sami stvaramo – poručuje Hajdi Kostić.

Hajdana Hajdi Kostić, artist whose paintings are included in the prized possessions of numerous collectors and art lovers worldwide, from New York to Tokyo, but also Hollywood stars like Keanu Reeves, John Malkovich, musicians like will.i.am from the Black Eyed Peas or Skye Edwards from the band Morcheeba, will present her new collection of works. We will be able to observe paintings that address the current top- ic of artificial intelligence and its relationship with humans at Belgrade’s TransformArt gallery. The exhibition, entitled “Fusion”, officially opens on 17 th October. “Come, dive into the world of art, but also stop briefly and consider the present and the future that we create ourselves,” says Hajdi Kostić .

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