Elevate October 2024 | Air Serbia

Čak 30 godina prošlo je od hit albuma iz 1994. „Definitely Maybe“ It’s been a whopping 30 years since the release of the 1994 hit album Definitely Maybe

UNBELIEVABLY, AND COM- UNEXPECTEDLY, Oasis will go on tour next year, marking the 16 th anniversary of the infamous break up that saw Noel Gallagher quit the band, but also the 30 th anniversary of the 1995 release of the band’s sec- ond hit album, What's the Sto- ry (Morning Glory). In contrast to Liam Gallagher's current tour marking the 30 th anniversary of 1994’s Definitely Maybe, the set list for next year’s reunion con- certs will not be tailored specif- ically to the second album. The band's new line-up has also yet to be confirmed, while there are no plans for the boys to record new music. The brothers have yet to offer a detailed explanation of how they managed to finally bury the hatch- et, with them having feuded since Noel left the band at 2009’s Rock en Seine festival. They have feud- ed publicly ever since, repeatedly denying the possibility of a reun- ion. However, their relations seem to have thawed in recent years: Li- am tweeted a Christmas greeting to his brother in 2017, while Noel praised Liam's singing abilities in a video celebrating the 30 th anni- versary of the release of Definite- PLETELY

ly Maybe:

- If I sang the song, it would sound good. If he sang it, it would sound great... I can't sing Ciga- rettes & Alcohol, Rock N’ Roll Star and all those songs... I don't have the same attitude as him. My voice is like half a Guinness on a Tues- day. But that’s okay, as Liam’s is like 10 shots of tequila on a Fri- day night.” Regardless of the band's in- activity, the Oasis legend hasn’t faded: they have more than 20 million monthly listeners on Spo- tify and a huge audience among Gen Z. It thus comes as no sur- prise that their songs have re- turned to the top of the charts since they announced their come- back. You also won’t be too sur- prised to learn that tickets for the announced concerts have already sold out, though they insist that there will be some other oppor- tunities and perhaps a wider tour than the one initially planned for the UK alone. Whatever the reasons behind the Gallaghers reuniting on stage, even if the negative nellies are cor- rect and they’ve reconciled only due to having empty pockets, we can only sing loudly – I don`t re- ally want to know...

– Kada bih ja pevao pesmu, zvučala bi dobro. Kada bi je on pe- vao, zvučala bi sjajno... Ne mogu da pevam „Cigarettes & Alcohol“, „Rock'n'Roll Star“ i sve te pesme. Nemam isti stav kao on. Moj glas je kao pola čaše viskija utorkom – u redu je. Lijamov je kao 10 te- kila petkom uveče. Uprkos neaktivnosti benda, legendarnost „Oejzisa“ nije izble- dela: imaju preko 20 miliona me- sečnih slušalaca na „Spotifaju“ i ogromnu publiku među genera- cijom zed. Ne čudi onda što su se njihove pesme vratile na sam vrh top-lista od kada su objavili da su ponovo zajedno. Neće vas mnogo iznenaditi ni što su kar- te za najavljene koncerte raspro- date. Ipak, oni kažu da će tu biti još nekih mogućnosti, a možda i turneje šire od one prvobitno pla- nirane samo za Veliku Britaniju. Koji god da su razlozi da Galagere ponovo gledamo zajedno na sce- ni, makar bili istiniti zluradi gla- sovi da su se pomirili samo zbog praznih džepova, možemo samo glasno da zapevamo – „I don’t re- ally want to know“...

Pop culture » Pop kultura | 47

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