Elevate October 2024 | Air Serbia


STIŽE NASTAVAK DŽOKERA / JOKER SEQUEL SET FOR RELEASE Ovoga puta ludilo je udvoje This time the madness is doubled Hoakin Finiks se vrać a kao zloglasni

superzlikovac sa Ledi Gagom kao pomoćnicom / Joaquin Phoenix returns as the infamous supervillain, this time with Lady Gaga as his sidekick U NAGRAĐIVANOJ DRA- MI „DŽOKER“ IZ 2019. sa Ho- akinom Finiksom u glavnoj ulozi dva sata se odvija sumorna i suro- va priča Artura Fleka. Videli smo čak i kako je upoznao mladog Brusa Vejna, dečaka koji ć e biti Betmen. Ali ono što nismo videli jesu neke spektakularne pljačke zbog kojih je i postao najozloglašeniji Betme- nov neprijatelj još od debija u „DC Komiksu“ 1940. Film je revoluci- onarnim učinila upravo ideja re- ditelja Toda Filipsa da se koncen- triše na Flekov period pre zločina. Ali sada kada je Filips koscenari- sta i reditelj nastavka „Džoker: Lu- dilo udvoje“, zar ne bi trebalo da ga konačno vidimo kako pljačka? Očigledno ne. Filips je odlučio da umesto toga nastavi sa još više Fle- kovih unutrašnjih nemira. Tako Džoker na časovima mu- zičke terapije u Arkamu upozna- je Li Kvinzel, koju igra Ledi Gaga. Ona je Filipsova verzija Džokerove drugarice Harli Kvin, koju je glumi- la Margo Robi. U ovoj verziji doga- đaja Li je obožavateljka koja ohra- bruje Fleka da prestane da bude tihi, sedirani zatvorenik i pono- vo postane blistavi alter ego. Ona i Flek pevaju jedno drugom i ma- štaju o holivudskim mjuziklima... Da li će ovaj nastavak uspeti bar da se približi prvom delu, teš- ko je zamisliti, ali videć emo već 3. oktobra, za kada je zakazana pre- mijera filma.

Ledi Gaga i Hoakin Finiks kao savršen tandem Lady Gaga and Joaquin Phoenix as a perfect tandem

THE AWARD-WINNING 2019 DRAMA THE JOKER, starring Joaquin Phoenix and directed by Tod Phillips, spent two hours telling Arthur Fleck’s grim and gritty back- story. It even showed him meeting a young Bruce Wayne, the boy who would become Batman. However, it didn’t show him pulling off any of the elaborate robberies that made him Batman’s archnemesis ever since his 1940 DC Comics debut. It didn’t show him being the Joker, as the idea of concentrating on Fleck’s pre-crime boss period was what made the film so groundbreaking. Hower, Phillips has since co-written and directed a sequel, Joker: Folie à Deux. Shouldn't we finally get to see him planning heists? Apparently not! Phillips has instead decided to carry on chroni-

cling yet more of Fleck's backstory. While Fleck is in an Arkham Asy- lum music therapy class, he meets Lee Quinzel, played by Lady Gaga: Lee is Phillips’s version of the Joker’s traditional sidekick, Harley Quinn, who was previously portrayed by Margot Robbie. In this version of events, Lee is an admirer who en- courages Fleck to stop being a qui- et, sedated inmate and to start be- ing his flamboyant alter ego once again. She and Fleck sing to each other and fantasise about being in Hollywood musicals and television specials. Will this sequel come even close to emulating the success of the first film? That’s difficult to imagine, but we’ll see as soon as 3 rd October, when it’s set to premiere in cinemas.

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