Nica je, pored Pariza i Liona, treća destinacija u Francuskoj do koje leti Er Srbija Alongside Paris and Lyon, Nice has become the third destination in France that Air Serbia flies to
Fotografije / Photography: Nice Airport
THE FIRST AIR SERBIA FLIGHT RECEIVED a ceremonial welcome at Nice Côte d'Azur Airport (NCE), the second largest airport in Fran- ce, serving over 14 million passen- gers annually. “One of the key attributes of our business is agility. We moni- tor market developments carefully and listen to passenger needs. When a competitor recently redu- ced the number of flights between Belgrade and Nice, we recogni- sed there was significant demand and decided to resume our dire-
ct service between the two cities after a five-year break. By conne- cting the Serbian capital with Ni- ce, we have further strengthened Air Serbia's presence in France and provided passengers with the opportunity to reach the beauti- ful French Riviera in just 120 mi- nutes,” said Boško Rupić, Air Ser- bia General Manager, Commercial and Strategy. Alongside Paris and Lyon, Nice has become the third destination in France that the Serbian national airline flies to from Belgrade.
Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 55
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