Elevate October 2024 | Air Serbia

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Welcome message

October 2024

Oktobar 2024.

Dear passengers,

Dragi putnici,

SEPTEMBAR JE ZA SRPSKU NACIONALNU AVIO- KOMPANIJU BIO VEOMA DINAMIČAN. Pokrenuli smo čak dve nove linije, flotu osnažili još jednim avionom za prekookeanske letove i produžili ugovor o saradnji sa aerodromom u Mostaru. Na naše veliko zadovoljstvo, do tog grada u Bosni i Hercegovini letećemo i tokom 2025. godine. Jedna od najlepših destinacija u Francuskoj ponovo je na našoj mapi. Nakon pet godina pauze, letom JU250 koji je 19. septembra poleteo sa Aerodroma „Nikola Tesla“, vratili smo se na Azurnu obalu i povezali Beograd i Nicu. Do tog bisera francuske rivijere letećemo dva puta sedmično, četvrtkom i nedeljom. Jesen je idealno godišnje doba za uživanje u čarima Nice, šetnju po glamuroznim promenadama i upoznavanje živopisne kulture te francuske regije. Ukoliko više volite istočnu kulturu i tradiciju, verujemo da vas je obradovala vest da Er Srbija od 30. septembra leti i za Guangdžou. To je naša druga destinacija u Narodnoj Republici Kini i do nje ćemo saobraćati dva puta nedeljno, ponedeljkom i petkom, širokotrupnim avionima tipa „erbas A330-200“. Guangdžou je velika luka i grad koji nikada ne spava. Dobro isplanirajte boravak u tom gradu jer ima toliko izvanrednih turističkih atrakcija da ćete se na licu mesta teško odlučiti šta najpre obići. Ne propustite krstarenje Bisernom rekom, obilazak Kantonske kule i Opere, a dobra ideja je i celodnevni izlet u parku Jueksju, smeštenom u samom centru grada na površini od impresivnih 860.000 kvadratnih metara. Oktobar je naš rođendanski mesec i ima poseban značaj za našu avio-kompaniju. Jedanaest godina poslovanja pod imenom Er Srbija dočekujemo sa flotom od 28 aviona različitih tipova, mrežom u kojoj je više od 90 destinacija i sa preko 1.500 zaposlenih. Na krilima tradicije duge 97 godina, svakodnevno se dalje razvijamo i sa ponosom ističemo da smo najbrže rastuća avio-kompanija u regionu. Poslednjeg vikenda u oktobru u avijaciji počinje zimska sezona. Detaljne informacije o redu letenja srpske nacionalne avio-kompanije, načinima kupovine karata, kao i pogodnostima koje pružamo možete pronaći na našem veb-sajtu ili mobilnoj aplikaciji. Na raspolaganju su i poslovnice na četiri lokacije u Beogradu – u Tržnom centru „Galerija“, u Bulevaru kralja Aleksandra 17, u Ulici Jurija Gagarina 12 na Novom Beogradu ili na Aerodromu „Nikola Tesla“.

SEPTEMBER PROVED TO BE A VERY DYNAMIC MONTH FOR THE SERBIAN NATIONAL AIRLINE. We launched two new routes and strengthened our fleet with another aircraft for long-haul flights, as well as extending our cooperation agreement with the airport in Mostar. To our great satisfaction, we will continue flying to this famous city in Bosnia and Herzegovina throughout 2025. One of France’s most beautiful destinations is also back on our map. After a five-year break, we returned to the French Riviera on 19 th September, with flight JU250 departing from Nikola Tesla Airport and connecting Belgrade and Nice. We will be flying to this jewel of the Côte d'Azur twice a week, on Thursdays and Sundays. Autumn is the perfect season to enjoy the charms of Nice, stroll its glamorous promenades and explore the vibrant culture of this French region. If you prefer Eastern culture and tradition, we believe that you’ll be delighted by the news that Air Serbia will be flying to Guangzhou as of 30 th September. This is our second destination in the People's Republic of China, to which we will be operating flights twice a week, on Mondays and Fridays, deploying our wide-body Airbus A330-200 aircraft. Guangzhou is a major port and a city that never sleeps. Plan your stay well, as the city boasts so many outstanding tourist attractions that it will be difficult to decide what to see first. Don't miss a cruise on the Pearl River, a visit to the Canton Tower and Opera House, and consider a full-day trip to Yuexiu Park, located at the heart of the city and extending over an impressive area of 860,000 square metres. October has special importance for our airline as it represents our birthday month. We are marking the 11 th anniversary of operations under the Air Serbia name with a fleet of 28 aircraft of various types, a network that includes more than 90 destinations, and over 1,500 employees. On the wings of our 97-year tradition, we continue to grow daily and are proud to note that we are the fastest-growing airline in the region. Aviation’s winter season begins on the last weekend of October. You can find detailed information about the Serbian flag carrier’s flight schedule, ways to buy tickets, as well as the benefits we offer, on our website or by accessing our mobile app. There are also four offices in Belgrade at your disposal: at the Galerija shopping centre, 17 Bulevar kralja Aleksandra, 12 Jurija Gagarina Street in New Belgrade and at Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport. Thank you for flying with us. Enjoy your flight and have a nice trip.

Jirži Marek Jiri Marek

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