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Medison skver garden je najstarija dvorana u kojoj se igraju utakmice NHL lige, a druga najstarija u kojoj se igraju utakmice NBA lige Madison Square Garden is the oldest venue to host NHL games and the second oldest to host NBA games

WHEN THE SHOW FRIENDS LAUNCHED 30 YEARS AGO, no one could have predicted the lasting impact it would have on pop culture for generations to come. And that in- cluded the series’ main stars. “It’s so strange to think that it’s even 30 years old. I remember the day it was going to premiere on television, on NBC… the excitement we felt, it feels like yesterday. The fact that it’s had this long, wonderful life and still means a lot to people is one of the greatest gifts. Of all six of us – we could never have imagined,” said Jennifer Anis- ton recently. However, while the iconic char- acters and a brilliant script propelled the show to new heights, it was the New York City connections that ar- guably made the show relatable and grounded in the real world (despite all of the scenes being taped on a Los Angeles sound stage). From its NBC pilot episode debut on 22 nd Septem- ber, 1994, to the final season fina- le on 6 th May, 2004, it was all about New York. So, if you’re a Friends fan on a break in New York City, you have to check out these familiar locations. 90 Bedford Street The first stop on any Friends fan’s tour of the city has to be 90 Bedford Street. You’ll see the memorable exterior of the apart- ment building where Monica, Ra-

Bloomingdale’s Visit the luxury department store where Rachel began her fash- ion career as a personal shopper. You'll be able to walk the aisles of Bloomingdale’s and admire the lux- ury clothes and accessories. Inspired to do a little shopping yourself? Put together a stylish outfit that would make Rachel proud. American Museum of Natural History Another sort of workplace: the American Museum of Natural His- tory. Ross actually worked as a palae- ontologist at the non-existent Muse- um of Prehistoric History. Visit the next best thing, in the form of the American Museum of Natural His- tory, and see the fossils and dino- saurs up close. Madison Square Garden In only the 4 th episode of Friends, Chandler, Joey and Ross watched a Rangers game at Madison Square Garden. You can catch a game like the guys, just try not to get hit in the face with a hockey puck, as Ross did! If you can’t get tickets to a game, take a tour of Madison Square Garden to get a behind-the-scenes glimpse at the famous stadium. Lucille Lortel Theatre Head to this off-Broadway the- atre to see where Joey acted in a play in Season 3 and received terri- ble reviews. There's no reason why you shouldn't see a play there your- self! Check the website to see what’s on at Lucille Lortel Theatre during your visit. Theatre fans will also be interested in taking a walking tour of Broadway to learn all about its his- tory (and secrets)!

chel, Chandler and Joey lived for 10 seasons. And though it’s not Cen- tral Perk, there is a café below the apartments called the Little Owl, where you can drop in for break- fast, brunch, lunch or dinner. While you’re in the area, take a tour of Greenwich Village to get a feel for the neighbourhood where the gang lived and hung out. The Plaza While The Plaza is a beautiful building that’s worth visiting in its own right, Friends fans will also ap- preciate the fact that it’s where Mon- ica and Chandler intended to cele- brate their engagement at the end of Season 6. The friends faced various hurdles and plot twists and never ac- tually made it to The Plaza, but why not head there and raise a glass of champagne in their honour?

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