Elevate October 2024 | Air Serbia

GREEN BRONX Carefully protected New York secret Since it was transformed into a public green space back in 1965, the Bronx’s Wave Hill Garden has developed into a unique urban oasis and breathtakingly beautiful garden S ituated on a high ridge that overlooks the Hudson Riv- er are eight hectares of gar- dens, grounds, woodlands and stunning landscape ar-

ily, who renovated the existing villas and built another one. George Perkins’ greatest inter- est was landscaping, which is why he brought a famous landscape garden- er to the estate. By carefully moni- toring the “natural paths” of plants, interspersing rare tree species with native species, and creating green oa- ses that formed a network of lanes for walking and enjoying nature, Per- kins formed a unique space that end- ed up extending over an area of 700 acres of woodlands, meadows, gar- dens, flower beds, rare plant species and unique garden designs. Wave Hill is today a daytrip spot that’s rarely visited by tourists. It sometimes seems to be among New York's best kept secrets. Apart from spectacular views of the river and acres and acres of all shades of green, there are also two villas: Wave Hill and Glyndor, which host education- al programmes and exhibitions. This area also provides the perfect back- drop for weddings, celebrations and other gatherings. Wonderful stone benches, ponds, lanes, flowers of all colours, nature so close to the city – it all helps you forget these times in which we live and all the worries of this world, while the Hudson still “flows in both directions”.

acres of land in the area that would later become Riverdale for his wife and their seven children. It was about ten years later that the family moved in to the part of the estate that had been built by then, which they called Wave Hill. The 1848 opening of a railway line along the bank of the Hudson made the area much more easily ac- cessible from the city and led to lux- ury mansions springing up, some of which remain fully preserved to this day. They bore witness to the many distinguished New Yorkers who spent time there, while it has remained re- corded that one of the most impor- tant publishers of the era, Appleton, was a resident of Riverdale. The house of this publisher hosted many impor- tant figures of science and literature, including Mark Twain. Following Ap- pleton, the Wave Hill estate in River- dale was bought by the Perkins fam-

chitecture solutions, offering visitors a unique connection with nature and history. The rocks on which Wave Hill is located were formed by the massive glaciers that once covered the New York area. The Hudson, which was once an extremely inaccessible river that wasn’t used for irrigation due to the configuration of the terrain, at- tracted the first inhabitants, native Americans, who came there to hunt. New York experienced huge pop- ulation growth in the 19 th century, prompting many wealthy New York- ers to begin looking to the north of the periphery of the city for a place to flee. In 1836, prominent lawyer William Lewis Morris purchased 15

Tišina i mir koji vladaju ovim mestom čine da zaboravite da ste na korak od grada „koji nikad ne spava“ The peace and tranquillity that reign supreme in this place will cause you to forget that you’re just a stone’s throw away from the city that never sleeps

New York » Njujork | 85

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