Elevate October 2024 | Air Serbia

Keith Haring x Yaber Kit Haring je bio aktivista i značajna figura u savremenoj istoriji umetnosti. Poznat po svojim šarenim radovima i iko- ničnim motivima, postao je prepoznatljivo ime u umetnič- kom svetu i na mejnstrim tržištu. Iako je preminuo u rela- tivno mladim godinama, Haringovo nasleđe ostaje živo, a njegova umetnost i dalje je popularna u komercijalnim i umetničkim sektorima. Sada stiže i u industriju projektora, kroz svoju prvu svetsku saradnju sa serijom T2 brenda „Ya- ber“. Kao spoj tehnologije i umetnosti, „Yaber Special T2/T2 Plus“ projektori spajaju vibrantno iskustvo sa solidnom har- dverskom tehnologijom i atraktivnim izgledom. Njihov ele- gantni dizajn odlikuje se jednostavnim, zakrivljenim oblikom i stilizovanom paletom boja koja odiše energijom.

CASETiFY x FRIENDS „CASETiFY“ obeležava 30. godišnjicu omiljenog sitkoma „Prijatelji“ speci- jalnom kolaborativnom kolekcijom. Kolekcija je inspirisana najnezaboravni- jim momentima iz ovog kulturnog fenomena i urezana na popularnom asor- timanu „CASETiFY“ futrola. U ovoj saradnji ističe se žuti ram na ljubičastim vratima stana Rejčel i Monike, kafić „Central Perk“ i neki od ikoničnih citata iz serije, prikazani u klasičnom „CASETiFY“ stilu nalepnica. Kolekciju upotpu- njuju dodaci za telefone, koji donose još više referenci iz serije. CASETIFY X FRIENDS CASETiFY is commemorating the 30 th anniversary of beloved sitcom FRIENDS by launching a special collaborative collection. Inspired by the most unforgettable moments from this cultural phenomenon, the collection is engraved on the popu- lar range of CASETiFY cases. The highlight of this collaboration is the yellow frame of the purple door of Rachel and Monica's apartment, Central Perk coffee shop and some iconic quotes from the series, displayed in classic CASETiFY sticker style. Complementing the collection are phone accessories that bring even more refer- ences from the famous show. OnePlus Nord 4 „OnePlus“ je lansirao ono što tvrdi da je prvi i jedini metalni „unibody“ 5G pa- metni telefon na svetu (u prvom planu je telo telefona, ekran je i dalje naprav- ljen od stakla). „OnePlus Nord 4“ izrađen je od jednog komada precizno obra- đenog aluminijuma i ima debljinu od samo 7,99 mm, sa svetlim AMOLED

KEITH HARING X YABER Keith Haring was an activist and an important figure in the history of modern art. Renowned for his colourful works and iconic motifs, he became a recognisable name in both the art world and on the mainstream market. Despite hav- ing died relatively young, Haring’s legacy lives on and his art continues to be popular in the commercial and art collector sectors. It has now also found its way into the projector in- dustry, through the first global collaboration with the Yaber brand’s T2 series. As a fusion of technology and art, Yaber Special T2/T2 Plus projectors combine a vibrant experience with solid hardware technology and an attractive look. An el- egant design is characterised by a simple, curved shape and a stylised palette that exudes energy.

ekranom od 120 Hz. Iako metalni telefoni nisu nova stvar, dolazak 5G tehnolo- gije (i njen brzi rast posled- njih godina) uticao je na di- zajn pametnih telefona i drugih mobilnih uređaja. Zbog potrebe za ugrađiva- njem više antena, brendovi su počeli da koriste manje metala, a više stakla u izra- di svojih uređaja.

ONEPLUS NORD 4 OnePlus has launched what it claims to be the world’s first and only “metal unibody 5G smartphone” (the key word being “body”, as the phone’s screen is still made of glass). The OnePlus Nord 4 is made from a single piece of pre- cision-milled aluminium and measures a thickness of just 7.99mm, with a bright 120Hz AMOLED screen. Although metal phones aren’t new, the advent of 5G technology (and its rapid growth over recent years) has influenced the way smartphones and other mobile devices are designed. The need to ac- commodate more antennas led to brands starting to use less metal and more glass in building their devices.

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