Elevate October 2024 | Air Serbia


K raljevo is named after the kings of Serbia’s glorious history – with seven of them hav- ing been crowned at the nearby Žiča Monas- tery – and the tracks of their rule over these lands remain visible to this day. The land- scape itself appears as though it’s leapt from the pages of a novel about knights, princesses and terrifying drag- ons, just 180 kilometres from Belgrade, at the heart of Serbia, where visitors head to the Lilac Valley and the mysterious medieval town of Maglič that rises above it. The city glistens on three large rivers – the West Mora- va, Ibar and Gruža – while the many smaller streams are no longer even counted. If locals ever get sick of their riv- ers, or just want to experience a different landscape, they can visit the beautiful mountains in the vicinity: Goč, Stolovi, Troglav, Radočelo etc. Guests of Kraljevo seeking spring waters and spa treatments can easily reach three spas: Vrnjačka, Mataruška and Bogutovačka, where they are, of course, awaited by the royal treatment. In the city itself, don’t miss Serbian Warriors Square, which is said to have been based on the design concept of Prince Miloš himself. Kraljevo’s recognisable urban milieu is a trademark of the city that distinguishes it from oth- ers in Serbia, while there is also the Monument to Serbian soldiers who perished in the wars that raged from 1912 to 1918. Visit the Hotel Paris, which was built sometime around 1881 and was the centre of cultural and political life in Kraljevo until World War II. The city represents an interesting architectural solution and a genuine pedes- trian oasis, with both the central square and the streets leading out from it closed to traffic. The pedestrianised zone includes a large number of cafés, bars, cake shops and pizzerias, but also shops offering the world’s most prestigious fashion brands. Another area that’s ideal for long walks is the landscaped promenade beside the River Ibar, which has a number of floating raft cafés where you can drink coffee and relax in the beauty of nature, just a few hundred metres from the hubbub of the city centre. And when you’ve had your fill of enjoyment in Kral- jevo, set out on a tour of the surrounding area, where there are plenty of important things to see. STUDENICA Studenica Monastery, one of Serbia’s oldest and larg- est medieval monasteries, is located approximately 60 It was on the territory of Kraljevo that the modern Serbian state emerged, which is why its medieval monasteries are must-see tourist destinations STUNNING ROYAL CITY The home of both Žiča and Studenica

MAGLIČ Maglič je jedna od najbolje očuvanih srednjo- vekovnih tvrđava u Srbiji, a nalazi se na tridese- tak kilometara od Kraljeva. Smešten je na visokoj steni koja dominira Ibarskom dolinom i do nje- ga vodi lepo uređena staza sa klupama za odmor. Na njima turisti mogu da predahnu, ali i uživaju u pogledu na prelepu divlju prirodu koja ih okru- žuje. Ime je dobio po magli kojom je često obavi- jen i koja mu daje misteriozni izgled. Misteriozno je i poreklo tvrđave, koje ni do današnjih dana ni- je osvetljeno. Pretpostavlja se da je izgrađen po- sle mongolske provale 1240. godine. Prvi pisani podaci o ovom srednjovekovnom gradu potiču iz 1337. godine, iz vremena arhiepiskopa Danila II, koji je na Magliču, pored tada postojećih objeka- ta, podigao palate i ćelije. Sam grad se sastoji od sedam kula visokih de- setak metara i glavne Donžon kule koja je viso- ka oko 20 metara. Opasan je debelim zidinama, a zbog neravnog terena nepravilnog je oblika. Du- gačak je oko 100, a širok oko 40 metara. Unutraš- njost grada sastoji se iz dva dvorišta, manjeg i ve- ćeg, u kome se nalaze ostaci crkve Svetog Đorđa i palate. Mnogi ovu tvrđavu nazivaju srpskim Ka- melotom, a svakog septembra pogled u prošlost otvaraju viteški turniri pod okriljem priredbe po- svećene Magliču.

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