Elevate October 2024 | Air Serbia


Located at the heart of Belgrade, Ca- baret Club Lafayette isn’t just an ordi- nary evening venue, rather it represents the perfect fusion of music, dance and top gastronomy, creating a unique expe- rience that can’t be found anywhere el- se. Luxury drinks, the most refined flavo- urs, the best staff and, finally, spectacular cabaret elements compose the wor- ld of Lafayette. With its refined art deco setting, Lafayette symbolises elegance and style, providing guests with an aut- hentic experience inspired by the glamo- ur of bygone times. Visitors from all over the world come to enjoy a great cabaret show each wee- kend. Lafayette has a unique atmosphe- re thanks to the engaging of the most ta- lented dancers and singers from Serbia’s most prestigious theatres. These perfor- mers deliver spectacularly breathtaking performances, with a repertoire domina- ted by world music hits packaged in spe- ctacular cabaret and theatre elements. Distinguishing Lafayette from clubs of a similar calibre is the unusual role played by its waiters and bartenders. They aren’t merely service personnel – they form part of the artistic experience. Their variations and interactions with guests add an extra dimension to the evening, elevating and

enriching an already rich entertainment programme. But Lafayette isn’t just a venue for music and dance parties. It also offers a top gastronomic experience that wi- ll satisfy even the most discerning of ta- stes. The international cuisine on offer at Lafayette Cabaret includes an abundan- ce of flavours and aromas that inundate the senses. From carefully prepared coc- ktails to exotic specialities from all corners of the world, every morsel represents a genuine gastronomic experience. As Club Lafayette founder Aleksandar Kajmaković notes: “Lafayette represents the very pinnacle of nightlife – not only in Serbia, but worldwide. The key to success is constant development, the creation of new elements, improvements to the cu- isine and always keeping pace with mo- dern trends. This ensures that Lafayette is always at the top.” Allow your evening at Lafayette to be a fusion of art, music and gastronomic in- dulgence. Enjoy the perfect symphony of sounds, tastes and elegance offered by this club, and indulge in the charms of an unforgettable evening at one of the world’s most prestigious nightlife spots. Lafayette is more than just an ordinary nightclub – it’s an experience that’s re- membered and shared with friends.

Address: 2-4 Karađorđeva Street, Beton Hala

Tel: +381 63 1111 211

Instagram: lafayette.belgrade

Web: www.lafayette.rs

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