Blue Diamond Almond Facts May-June 2022

When Do You Shake?

1. No separation of suture

2A. Less than 50% of suture line separated.

2B. Deep V over 50% of suture line separated, hull cannot be squeezed open.

2C. Deep V over entire suture line, can be squeezed open by pressing opposite ends of the hull

3. Suture opening less than 1 cm in width, exposed shell; visible brown edge along split edge of hull when observed from beneath the canopy.

4. Suture opening more than 1 cm in width, fully exposed shell.

5. Hull edges begin to dry, shell changes from white to brown

6. Completely dry hull, brown shell

Almonds can be harvest when 100% of the nuts on the tree reach hull split. The problem lies in defining that point in the stage of development. The photos above demonstrate the full range of hull split; from none to full dry. Shaking at each stage has its own benefits and repercussions. It all boils down to the goal that the grower has in mind; avoidance of NOW or producing the highest quality inshell.

Almond hull split stages (photographs by C. Reyes and L. Milliron)



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