EDPA ESCA EIC Sustainable Exhibition Stand Guidance


A Sustainability Journey

The Journey Embarking on this journey involves navigating through multiple steps. To guide you through it effectively, EDPA and ESCA formed a working group of stakeholders - your peers - to assess global standards and tailor a path that best serves the needs of our association’s membership. Here is our recommendation for successful advancement:

Step 1: Environmental Aspects and Impacts

Once you have identified the environmental aspects of your products, activities, and services, determine which aspects could have significant impacts on the environment and assign a significance factor to each.

The relationship between aspects and impacts is one of cause and effect. What results from your aspects are "environmental impacts". For example, the “aspect” of heating or cooling a facility using an energy source that burns fossil fuels produces the “impact” of carbon emissions.

The term “aspects” is neutral; your environmental aspects could be either positive (such as making a product out of recycled materials) or negative (such as discharge of toxic materials).

This self-assessment should include the elements of raw material acquisition, design, production, freight and shipping, end-of life treatment and final disposal. Consideration should be given to impact on energy, air, water, land, natural resources, and waste.

Once you have identified the environmental aspects of your products, activities, and services, you should determine which aspects could have significant impacts on the environment and you should assign a significance factor to each.

Step 2: Stakeholder Engagement The EDPA and ESCA have considered general aspects and impacts while creating this Guidance, but sustainability heavily relies on stakeholder input. Therefore, we recommend that your organization creates and documents a list of stakeholders detailing the stakeholder engagement process and documenting the identified needs of each, along with determining when these needs can be addressed. This information is then used to inform the company’s sustainability policy and to set targets/goals. We at EDPA and ESCA are guiding what should be done, but each organization will have unique needs based on its respective stakeholders. This input will help you determine the extent to which you apply this Guidance.

REFERENCE GUIDE: Accountability's AA1000SES (Stakeholder Engagement Standard) https://www.accountability.org/standards/aa1000-stakeholder-engagement-standard/

The Sustainability Guidance for Exhibition Stand Construction is a collaboration between:


Version 1, 2024-5-15

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