Fusion Clean Catalog



Fusion Tech coat racks are robust racks designed to maximize the storage of coats and aprons in your changing room. They can be used to dry cleaned and sanitized work coats and aprons. Our coat racks can be mounted to the floor, mounted on casters for mo- bility, or mounted on the wall — depending on the needs and layout of your changing room. They can be designed to hold the number and size of coats or aprons desired.

COAT HANGING STRIPS These rack strips are designed to maximize the storage of coats and aprons in your changing room by mounting to the wall.

Model #


Capacity Mounting


8”w x 98.5”l x 72”h 64 Coats Casters


2.39”w x 96”l x 6.79”h 32 Coats Wall

Coat Hangers Two sided coat hangers maximize storage capacity and keep coats and aprons from slipping off.

Mounting Options Coat racks can be equipped with your choice of swivel, rigid, or locking casters, or footpads.


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