Board Converting News, October 31, 2022

INDUSTRY CALENDAR NOVEMBER 1 Chicago TAPPI What’s New: Oak Brook Marriott, Illinois. NOVEMBER 8-10 Foundation for Packaging Education Inaugural Fundrais- ing Event: The Sanctuary at Kiawah Island, SC. NOVEMBER 15-16 AICC Mexico Annual Meeting & Trade Fair: Riu Plaza Guadalajara Hotel, Guadalajara, Mexico. NOVEMBER 19 AICC Canada 2022 Holiday Party: Universal Event Space, Vaughan, Ontario. DECEMBER 9-11 ICPF Holiday Weekend in New York: The Muse, New York, New York. MARCH 1-4, 2023 AICC West Coast Ski Meeting: Snowbird, Utah. APRIL 19-21, 2023 PPC Spring Outlook Conference: Nashville, Tennessee. APRIL 24-26, 2023 AICC Spring Meeting: Trump National Doral Resort, Miami, Florida.

Board Converting News® is published weekly by NV Business Publications, in association with Flexo Market News®, Interna- tional Paper Board Industry®, and Folding Carton Industry®. Editorial and Marketing office: PO Box 802, Manasquan, NJ 08736-0802. Subscription Rates in U.S. and Canada $223 per year or $355 for two years. Overseas rate per year $355 USD. Current issue single copies (pre-paid only) $8.50 in U.S. (else- where $9.50); add $5.00 per order for shipping & handling. No part of this publication may be transmitted or reproduced with- out written permission from the publisher. In a PMMI survey of PACK EXPO International attend- ees, it is clear automation is top of mind. The potential for automation and robotics to reduce the reliance on person- nel and accommodate lower skilled workers was cited, as was the possibility of reducing the amount of monotonous and less rewarding work that must be done manually. One participant said they would be “looking at technologies to drive out drudgery type work,” while another planned to seek “automation for some of our simpler tasks so we can move the employees we have around to more complex jobs.” Visit or . sive modes of distribution such as direct-to-customer, dis- rupting traditionally highly manual warehousing formats, and in some cases eliminating the need for warehousing. Additionally, supply chain problems are impacting the availability and cost of raw materials and parts for packag- ing machinery. Over 90 percent of CPGs say these prob- lems are either extremely impactful or somewhat impact- ful and while most companies expect them to be resolved over the short term (within three years) at least 25 percent of companies anticipate them persisting over a longer time span. Additionally, 60 percent of companies report that labor shortages are extremely impactful on their packaging and processing operations, pushing CPGs toward automation, and increasing the importance of developing a skilled workforce.

Robyn Smith - President/Publisher: Len Prazych - Vice President Susan Riley - Associate Editor:

Quality leads result in new customers

Len Prazych - Editor-in-Chief 518-366-9017

Read the articles in Board Converting News every week to learn about the people, places and machinery that will open the doors to new or repeat business.

Michelle McIntyre - Circulation: Christine Eckert - Admin/Acctng: Greg Kishbaugh - Contributing Editor: T.J. Vilardi – Social Media Manager: Dan Brunton - Managing Director/Europe:

Tom Vilardi (1961-2018) - Chairman Ted Vilardi (1933-2013) - Founder ©2022 NV Publications All Rights Reserved. 

Len Prazych at 518-366-9017


October 31, 2022

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