King's Business - 1938-04


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

April, 1938

Twenty-First Annual Meeting World 's Christian Fundamentals Association




Waterloo, Iowa


Executive Secretary

(Reached by Chicago Great Western) May 8 to 15 Theme: “ Fundamentalism on the March”

SUNDA Y, M AY 8. 11:00 a . m . Fundamentalism on the March.— W . B. Riley. 3 :00 p . m . The Antichrist Terror in Our Schools. — Dan Gilbert. The Menace of Communism.— Dr. Riley. 7 :30 p . m . Can the World Be Evangelized in a Decade?— Paul W . Rood. MONDAY, M A Y 9. 9 :00 a . m . Prayer Meeting. 10:00 a . m . Deity in the Manger.— Walter L. Wilson. 11:00 a . m . Three Fundamentals for Funda­ mentalists.— Robert Witty. 2 :00 p . m . The Menace of Modernism.— Dr. Riley. 3 :00 p . m . Evolution, the Root of All Isms.— Dr. Gilbert. 4 :00 p . m . Surprise Hour. 7 :00 p . m . Stereopticon Lecture on Palestine.— Tom Olson. 8:00 p . m . Jesus, the Great Unlike.— Robert G. Lee. TUESDAY, M A Y 10. 9 :00 a . m . Prayer Meeting. 10:00 a . m . Deity at Calvary.— Dr. Wilson. 11:00 a . m . The Greatest Book of All Ages.— Dr. Lee. 2 :00 p . m . The Menace of Evolution.— Dr. Riley. 3 :00 p . m . The Centrality of the Cross.— Dr. Lee. 4 :00 p . m . Surprise Hour. 7 :00 p . m . Stereopticon Lecture on Palestine^9 Mr. Olson. 8 :00 p . m . The Place Called Calvary.— Dr. Lee. W EDNESDAY, M AY 11. 9 :00 a . m . Prayer Meeting. 10:00 a . m . Deity in Prophecy.— Dr. Wilson. 11:00 a . m . The Mystery of God Revealed.— A . A . Smith. 2 :00 p . m . The Prophets of Baal.— B. H. Shadduck. 3 :00 p . m . Some Monsters in the Modernist Menagerie.— Dr. Gilbert. 4 :00 p . m . Surprise Hour. 7 :00 p . m . Four Anchors.— Roy L. Brown. 8 :00 p . m . America at the Crossroads.— Dr. Riley. THURSDAY, M A Y 12. 9 :00 a . m . Prayer Meeting. 10:00 a . m . The Second Coming of Christ.— Dr. Riley. 11:00 a . m . Fundamentalism on the March in the Middle West.— Alvin O. Carlson. 2 :00 p . m . Winning Boys and Girls.— William G. Studer. 3 :00 p . m . The Vanishing Virgin.— Dr. Gilbert. 4 :00 p . m . Surprise Hour. 7 :00 p . m . Stereopticon Lecture on Palestine.— Mr. Olson. 8 :00 p . m . Deity in Salvation.— Dr. Wilson.

Hotel Headquarters: Hotel Ellis FRIDAY, M AY 13. 9 :00 a . m . Prayer Meeting. 1 0 :0 0 a . m . Fundamentalism on the March on the Pacific Coast.— R. Francis Hall. 11:00 a . m . Deity in Resurrection.— Dr. Wilson. 2 :00 p . m . W ar Preparations and International Suicide.— W . D. Herrstrom. 3 :00 p . m . Kagawa, E. Stanley Jones, and Buch- man.— Dr. Riley. 4 :00 p . m . Surprise Hour. 7 :00 p . m . The Beast System of Government.— Dr. Gilbert. 8 :00 p . m . God’s Cure for World Confusion.— Claude A . Watson. SATURDAY, M A Y 14. 9 :0 0 a . m . Prayer Meeting. 1 0 :00 a . m . Fundamentalism* on the March in Ohio.— Mr. Shadduck. 1 1 :00 a . m . Fundamentalism on the March in Florida.— Mr. Smith. 2 :00 p . m . Fundamentalism on the March in Iowa.— Representatives from various sections of the state. 3 :0 0 p . m . When Christ Shall Reign.— Dr. Riley. 4 :00 p . m . Surprise Hour. 7 :00 p . m . God's Challenge to Laymen.— R. G. LeTourneau. 8 :00 p . m . The Most Effective W ay to Work for Christ.— Mr. Olson. SUNDA Y, M AY 15. 11:00 a . m . W hy I Am a Christian.— Dr. Rood. 3 :00 p . m . Revolution or Revival.— Dr. Gilbert. Is the Coming of the Lord Near at Hand ?— Dr. Rood. 7 :3 0 p . m . When the Ambassadors Are Called Home.— Dr. Rood.

ROBERT G. LEE Pastor, Bellevue Baptist Church, Memphis, Tenn. R. G. LeTOURNEAU President, R. G. LeTourneau, Inc., Peoria, 111 . TOM OLSON Bible Teacher and Evangelist, Upland, Calif. W . B. RILEY Pastor, First Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minn., and President, Northwestern Bible School, Minneapolis, Minn. PAU L W . ROOD President, Bible institute of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. B. H . SHADDUCK Pastor, Methodist Church, Damascus, Ohio. A . A . SMITH President, Florida Christian Fundamentals Association, Tampa, Fla. W ILLIAM G.. STUDER Pastor, Marquette Road Baptist Church, Chicago, 111. CLAUDE A . WATSON Counselor of U. S. Supreme Court, Los Angeles, Calif. W ALTER L. W ILSON , M .D. Bible Lecturer, and Author, Kansas City, Mo. ROBERT W ITTY Pastor, Faith Temple. Jacksonville, Fla. World’s Christian Fundamentals Association A. C. Huston, 2737 Des Moines St., Des Moines, Iowa, Chairman of the Organiz­ ing Committee of the W orld’s Christian Fundamentals Association, sends the fol­ lowing information concerning the Associ­ ation’s work: The Des Moines Christian Fundamentals Association plans to hold its bimonthly con­ ference on April 4 and S with Lewis Sperry Chafer as speaker. Evangelist Oscar Lowry recently held a six-weeks’ radio evangelistic campaign over the Family Altar Broadcast of Waterloo, Iowa, from 6:30 to 7 A.M., a program which Hilmore Cedarholm directs. Many have accepted Christ through this ministry. W . L. Pettingill wrote in February that he and Mrs. Pettingill were sailing from New Orleans for a month of Bible-teaching ministry with the Central American Mis­ sion. Dr. Pettingill’s spring schedule was announced as follows: April 3— Carrollton Presbyterian Church, New Orleans, L a .; April 6 to 17—Revolution Baptist Church, Greensboro, N. C .; April 18 to May 1— Salem Baptist Church, Winston-Salem, N. C. On May 14 Dr. Pettingill expects to sail from New York for an extended teach­ ing tour in Europe. B. W . Clover, Boise, Idaho, President of the Idaho Christian Fundamentals Asso­ ciation, recently held a prophetic confer­ ence with the United Brethren Church at Arlington, Ohio. Plans are under way for a six-weeks’ conference in the same church in July and August. From March 6 to 27, Mr. Clover was scheduled for a pro­ phetic conference in the Revival Center Tabernacle in Spokane, Wash. He held a five-day Bible conference in his own church in Boise, Idaho, last September, and keen interest was shown. He plans to conduct another prophetic conference there [ Continued on Page 178]

The Speakers


Bible Teacher, Pasadena, Calif. A L V IN O. CARLSON Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Superior, W is. DAN GILBERT Author of Crucifying Christ in Our Colleges, San Diego, Calif. R. FRANCIS HALL President, Oregon Christian Fundamentals Association, Portland, Ore. W . D. HERRSTROM Bible Teacher, Findlay, Ohio.

Walnut Street Baptist Church, Waterloo, Iowa, where P. B. Chenault is pastor, will welcome delegates to the World's Christian Fundamentals Association Annual Meeting from May 8 to 15.

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