King's Business - 1938-04


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

April, 1938

S p r e a d i n g L i g h t M o u n t a i n ”

By FRANK A. KELLER Changsha, Hunan, China


S EVERAL days ago, a letter came from a friend who resides in London. This letter informed us of a remittance that had been forwarded for another year’s sup­ port of the donor’s personal evangelist— a member of one of the Biola Evangelistic Bands*— and in the letter was this state­ ment: “ I have wondered so much of late whether the Bands were still functioning.” This “ wonder” has been expressed in other letters, and has doubtless been felt by many friends who have not written. The same day that brought the letter from the lady in London also brought the monthly report for December of our Band No. 4, the very Band in which the evangelist sup­ ported by the writer of the letter is work-' ing. Report of Glorious Results T o the friend in Great Britain we were glad to be able to write: “ Yes, we praise our God that all the Bands are functioning. They are being kept in peace and safety. Large numbers of China’s distressed people are hearing for the

of idols. Before Band No. 4 left Liu Kuang Ling for their next field, a little self-sup­ porting church was established there, and the believers had a delightful Christmas service (the first one those dear people had ever seen) as a dedicatory opening of the nicely furnished room which had been given by one of the well-to-do converts for their church meetings.” Learning "The True Content of the Gospel" The name of the evangelist supported by our London friend is Mr. Wang. Another member of the Band who is supported by a friend in Chicago is Mr. Hu. An inci­ dent in the ministry of these two evan­ gelists during December clearly illustrates the methods and the advantages of this work of house-to-house evangelism. On one of their evangelistic trips Messrs. Wang and Hu called at the home of a Mr. Yin, a gentleman of the so-called scholar class, about fifty years of age. Mr. Yin received our brethren very cor­ dially and listened with evident interest to

drew Gih was with us also, and he gave some strong addresses to our group. At the close of the conference, the Bands went at once to the fields to which they had been assigned for the new year of service. The evangelists o f Band No. 4 began their regu­ lar work on October 8. The center at which they located and from which they worked out into the surrounding country for five miles in each direction was Liu Kuang Ling. The translation of this name into English is ‘Spreading Light Mountain,’ a truly prophetic name, for from October 8 to December 27, 1937— eleven weeks—the evangelists of this Band, going out daily, two by two, told the gospel story in 4,265 homes in which, previous to their visits, Christ was absolutely unknown. “ There were many earnest inquirers of whom fifty definitely came to a decision and accepted Christ as their Saviour. In answer to prayer, several were healed of long­ standing diseases that had resisted various methods of Chinese treatment in spite of fervent prayers and burning of incense to the idols. Tw o sorcerers were soundly con­ verted, and two homes were wholly cleared

their words. In reply he s a id : “ I h a v e a lw a y s thought that the gospel was a good thing, but have never had an opportunity to look into it carefully, and thus I am indeed glad that you have called on me tod&y.” The evangelists gave him some of our books and lent him a Bible. He read and studied these books with great care and later purchased a New Testament. The evangelists explained to Mr. Yin the meaning and method of prayer, and he gladly kneel­ ed and prayed with them. Mr. Yin said gratefully that now he had learned from the evangelists the true content of the gospel, that Jesus is the Saviour of all who truly believe in Him, and he declared his deter­ mination to believe. Later, the evangelists called on him several times and found that he was making steady progress in his Christian [ Continued on Page 179]

*The Biola Evangelistic Bands are groups of from six to ten men, trained in the Word of God at the Hunan Bible Institute, the China Department of the Bible Institute of Los An­ geles. These zealous wit­ nesses go among their own people as soul - winners. There are five Bands at work in China at the pres­ ent time. “ During the last week of September, all our evangel­ ists were here in Changsha with us, and we had a very delightful and helpful conference. The Rev. An- first time the welcome mes­ sage of the love of God, and of salvation through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Multitudes are be­ ing deeply interested, and large numbers are turning in true faith to Christ as their Saviour. Little self- supporting churches are be­ ing established in districts where previously the gos­ pel was unknown.

Biola Evangelistic Band No. 2.

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