King's Business - 1938-04


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

April, 1938

Golden Text Illustration M ark 9:23

A distinguished American politician in a heated campaign is said to have tele­ graphed to his friends, “ Claim everything.” That, in a much profounder sense, is pre­ cisely the summons that Christianity makes on life. All things are yours— if you are Christ’s, as Christ is God’s.— Mornings in a College Chapel by Peabody. When Only Jesus Could Help M ar , k 9:14-29 Memory Verse: “ There is none like unto the Lord our God” (Ex. 8:10). Approach: When the Lord Jesus and His three disciples— Peter,' James, and john—- came down from the mountain top, they found a great crowd of people around the rest of the disciples.

friend in a distant place, you go to the post office, buy a stamp, and stick it on the let­ ter. The little stamp goes with the letter to the address given on the envelope. If the one to whom the letter is addressed has Thoughts for Easter What language shall I borrow To thank Thee, dearest Friend, For this, Thy dying sorrow, Thy pity without end? Oh make me Thine forever: The first preachers were men who were convinced in spite of themselves, in spite of determined, obstinate un­ willingness to believe. If the apostles at last believed, the resurrection must be true.— Bishop J. C. Ryle. • We may literally seek the Living among the dead if we seek Christ in a Christianity, so termed, which denies the resurrection. And wherever Christ's true resurrection from the tomb is denied, though genius and eloquence should do their best to disguise the aching void, there, depend upon it, Christ is not.— H. P. Liddon. • "H e is not here, but is risen." The two great miracles concerning Christ, which, if believed, make everything else recorded about Christ easily be­ lievable, were announced by angels— the virgin birth, and the resurrection. This is not the verdict of some possi­ bly deluded disciple, or dazed and bewildered follower, but of heaven it­ self.— Wilbur M. Smith. • Did you ever realize that the into­ nations of the voice of Jesus, which had passed unimpaired through death, suggest that in that new life which lies on the other side of death we shall hear the voices speak again which have been familiar to us from child­ hood?— F. B. Meyer. • For each of us, the resurrection of Christ is a proof— the only proof— of our immortality. W e have His suffi­ cient word for it . . . This is the glori­ ous, inspiring, essential message of Easter.— Amos R. Wells. (From "Peloubet's Select Notes," published by W. A. Wilde Co., Boston.) And should I fainting be, Lord, let me never, never Outlive my love to Thee. — Bernard of Clairvaux •

When the crowd saw Jesus, they left the disciples and ran to , Him. They needed His help. For this is what had hap­ pened. Lesson Story: While Jesus was on the mountain, a man with a sick son had

The Dawn of a Deeper Devotional Life awaits you at the Fourth Annual Summer Bible Conference o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles and the Church o f the Open Door at the Pacific Palisades AUGUST 27 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 5 , 1938 Prices for the entire period range from $20.50 for tent houses with complete house­ keeping equipment for four people to the more elaborate cabins at $33.00 with com­ plete accommodations for four people. Rates are less for smaller groups. For further information write to: THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES Incorporated EXTENSION DEPT. 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. and attempts to vomit.” What a pitiful case! 5. “ How long shall I suffer you?" (v. 19). The Revised Version is clearer: “ How long shall I bear with you?” These words were not spoken merely to the father, as the Authorized Version suggests, nor were they confined to the disciples who had failed, but were addressed to the whole “faithless generation” to which our Lord came. 6. There is a remarkable contrast in verses 22 and 23. The father cries, “If thou const do any thing” and the Lord’s answer is, “If thou const believe." When things are not getting done, the problem is never with God’s, power, but with our faith. He is still able to do all things, but too often the human channels are clogged with un­ belief.


come to the disciples, asking them to cure his boy. The boy was possessed of an evil spirit which controlled him and sought to destroy him. Now you remember that Jesus had healed many people of their diseases, so many that people came from all over the countryside to be' cured. This father had come, then, hoping that Jesus could help him. But Jesus was not there. His dis­ ciples were there, though, so the man went to them to see whether they could cure his son, but they couldn’t. Why couldn’t they cure him? The dis­ ciples themselves didn’t know why they couldn’t help the boy, for just a little over a year before that time, Jesus had sent them out two by two to go into all of the towns and villages to preach and had given them power to cast out evil spirits. And they had come back from their journey with great tales of how they had been able to help the people in Jesus’ name. And now this man had come with his child and they could do nothing. What was the matter? Had God taken away this povter from them? No, God had not taken it away, but through their own fault they were not able to use it. Why was this? They had got out of touch with God, and they forgot that all that they needed to do was to pray to God for help. God’s power was still there, Jesus explained to them, as He took the boy and made him perfectly well. _________ Object Lesson L ittle and L oyal Objects: A stamp collection, several en­ velopes that have been forwarded, and a stamp from which the glue has been re­ moved. Lesson: How many of you boys and girls have stamp collections? I have a collection with me this morning which includes many strange-looking foreign stamps. Those who care to see them may do so at the close of the meeting. If you have a letter to be delivered to a

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