King's Business - 1938-04


Wh i l e the Limi ted Supp l y Lasts One of the greatest plans ever conceived for studying the Bible was worked out by Dr. E. S. Young, gained from his years of experience as a Bible teacher. As a result of his life’s work, Dr. Young left several masterpieces of Bible training, seven of which are illustrated in the photograph below. An eighth book, “ Bible Geography,” recently has been reprinted by the Bible Institute of Los Angeles as a correspondence course, and is now offered at $2.50. Dr. Young’s three introductory books, “The Bible Outline,” “ The Old Testament History,” and “ The New Testament History,” form an unsur­ passed preliminary to any system of Bible study. They supply a back­ ground for Sunday-school classes using the International Lessons or other compilations not easily procurable elsewhere. Said D. W. Kurtz, President of McPherson College, McPherson, Kans., of these preliminary books: “ I do not know of any method of Bible study that is better adapted to lead one easily, quickly, and properly to the under­ standing of the Scriptures. One can use them without a teacher with fascination and profit.” Course in Church Epi st les Following the introductory books, Dr. Young prepared intensive studies of great church Epistles: Romans (two volumes), Ephesians, and Thessa- lonians. Of this series he wrote:

Cover o f THE K I N G ’ S BUSI­ NESS Showing Bible Institute Block9 Los An­ geles , Calif .

“ W e now in a humble way present to our students these textbooks: Romans as the first book, showing that all men have sinned and only by faith in Jesus Christ can they be justified; Ephesians, the second book, which admits the student into an advanced class of the School of Grace, so that through faith in ^Christ he becomes sanctified, dwelling with Christ in the Heavenlies, and realizes what it is to be a member of the Body of Christ; Thessalonians, the third book, written to the members of a model church who found Christ through the teaching of Romans, dwelt in a state of sanctification through the teaching of Ephesians, and were to receive instruction for glorification through faith in Jesus Christ.” Thus it will be seen that the whole series is especially well adapted for Bible classes, students, and churches that teach the fundamental and premillennial doctrines, including of course practically all readers of The King’s Business.

“ THE BIBLE OUTLINE” 5 parts, 23 chapters. Ar­ ranged for class and home study. 118 pages, c l o t h bound. Includes many charts, maps and illustrations.

“ ROMANS” VOL. 1 Justification by F a i t h in Christ. 2 parts, 6 chapters. 179 pages, cloth bound. Im­ portant detailed notes on Romans. Arranged for class and home use. “ ROMANS” VOL. 2 Justification by Faith in Christ. 6 parts, 18 chapters, 166 pages, cloth bound. Ar­ ranged for class or home study. “ EPHESIANS”— 2 PARTS S a n c t i f i c a t i o n by Faith in C h rist. 10 ch a p te rs, 181 pages, cloth bound. Arranged for class or home study. “THESSALONIANS”— TWO EPISTLES 8 chapters, 161 pages, cloth bound. Arranged for class or home study.


6 parts, 17 chapters. Many illustrations. 122 p a g e s , cloth bound. Arranged for class and home study.


4 parts, 17 chapters. Many illustrations and maps. 128 pages, c l o t h bound. Ar­ ranged for class study.

Choose Yoor Book and Secure it FREE With a “ KING’S BUSINESS” Suhscription Any one of the above volumes FREE with a year’s subscription to THE KING’S BUSINESS at $1.50. Any TWO books FREE with a two-years’ subscription at $2.50. Additional volumes 50c each, postpaid. Canadian and Foreign addresses 25c extra. Address: THE KING’S BUSINESS L O S A N G E L E S , C A L I F O R N I A 558 S O U T H H O P E S T R E E T

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