King's Business - 1938-04


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

April, 1933

ments, and our Lord puts his claim to the test of the very law he thought he had kept. 3. “ It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle" (v. 25). I suppose that every one has heard the traditional tale about a gate ¡n the wall of Jerusalem called the Needle’s Eye through which a camel could pass only by kneeling and having his load removed. Thus men have frittered away the stern meaning of our Lord’s word. He was not referring to any such gate, but to a literal needle’s eye. We should have learned this much from verse 27: “With men it is impossible.” And this is the real point of the whole incident: The young man wrongly supposed he could secure eternal life by works, but what man cannot do by works is easily possible with God— even the salvation of a rich man. But the interpreters seem determined to ' make it possible with men, which is to miss the whole lesson of the passage. The Emperor Henry, who was a pious prince, wearied with cares of state, proposed to abdicate and enter a monastery which was ruled by a good man named Richard. His abdication at that time would have been the cause of many evils to the Empire, which needed all his strength and vigilance. Accordingly, when the Emperor made his application to be received into the monas­ tery, Richard queried, “W ill you practice obedience unto death, following the rule and example of Jesus Christ?” He replied that he would do this with all his heart . . . “ Then,” said Richard, “take up again the government of the Empire, which has been confided to your care by divine Providence, and insure, as far as in you lies, the safety and advantage of your subjects, by your vigilance and firmness in doing justice.” The Emperor did not hear without reluct­ ance that unexpected command, but he obeyed, nevertheless.— S. J. E ai . es . A Young Man Jesus Loved M ark 10:17-31 Memory Verse: “ Choose you this day whom ye will serve” (Josh. 24:15). Approach: One day, soon after Jesus had talked to His disciples about the thing which makes a person truly great, a young man came to Him. This young man wanted to know what he had to do to re­ ceive eternal life. Lesson Story: This Golden Text Illustration M ark 10:21

Jerusalem to suffer and die that those who believed on Him, God’s Son, might go to heaven. Now this was quite a good young man. He knew all of the commandments, and he thought that he had obeyed them all. But it took more than trying to obey the com­ mandments to follow Jesus. Now Jesus knew that there was one thing that this young man loved more than anything else in the world. That was his money. He put that money ahead of Jesus. Jesus tested him. He said, “ Go . . . sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, . . . and follow •me.” ' The young man was sad. He wanted to follow Jesus, but he couldn’t bear to give up everything. W e must be willing to give everything to Jesus if we are to be His disciples.

Choir r A l i / l l C Paraments, Bible Markers, etc. Fine materials, beautiful work, pleasingly low prices. State your needs. Catalog and samples on request. DeMoulin Bros. & Co. 1126 S. 4th St., Greenville, 111.

“ THE CROSS ? H IL L ” A new Hymn, words and music, to the beloved “Church in the Wildwood." Has a vital, inspiring. Gospel mes­ sage. Send copies to friends. The Young People will love to sing it. Have copies for the Prayer meeting and the Mission. Convenient size to paste in Hymn books now in use. Very inexpensive. 16 copies 25c: 50 or more lc each. Will send a free copy of “WAY- S ID E HYM NS No. 1“ with each $1 order.___Send Stamps, Coin or Bills addressed to TULLAR STUDIO. Box 246-T, Orange, N. J.

SHOULD JOIN WITH US! A Christian Society for Christian People . . . organized not for profit, but to assist those who have been bereft of loved ones. Death benefits, according to ages, from $200 to $1000.00. Average cost $8 to $12 per year. Ministers and others write for territory. H O TEL (Frances E .) W ILLARD 536-40 SO. HOPE ST., LOS ANGELES, CALIF. Catering to Christian Trade MEN AND WOMEN North W ing— Bible Institute Reasonable Rates Write for descriptive folder

Object Lesson T he P oor R ich M an Objects: A mirror, a piece of glass, a bottle of gilt paint, and a brush. Lesson: I am going to tell you the story of “ The Poor Rich Man.” Some rich peo­ ple are very poor. There was a rich young man who came to Jesus wanting eternal life. Christ knew that this man’s money was a hindrance to him and was making him selfish. Christ told him to sell all and give to the poor. This young man loved his riches so dearly that he refused to obey Christ, and went away sorrowing. Think what a poor rich man he was when he re­ fused the opportunity of securing riches un­ told for eternity! The. Bible tells us that those who accept Christ as Saviour will be “ heirs of God, and joint heirs with Jesus Christ.” In my hand I hold a mirror and a piece of glass. What is the difference between them? “ They are both glass, but one has silver on it.” I can see clearly through this glass, and I am able to see any one who might need my help. But when I paint the back of it with this gilt paint, I now see only a reflection of myself! (The reflection will, of course, be less distinct than in a mirror.) Many people have thought of others when they were poor; but when riches increased, they have thought less about others and more about the gold they owned and about what -they could do for themselves. The rich young ruler allowed his vision to be so filled with gold that he could not see the poor around him. Neither could he appreciate Christ’s great worth, and therefore he went away sorrowing. The person who has found Christ as Saviour is rich indeed; but he who has not found Christ is poor indeed, though he be the possessor of millions of dollars.

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A . L . WH ITE MFG. CO. Dept. K, 215 Englewood Ave. CHICAGO, ILL. DO YOU REALIZE That over 2,000,000 Jews are gathered in New York? That this much neglected field is a chal­ lenge to Christian missions? That the New York Jewish Mission, founded in 1908 by the saintly Dr. Tho8. M. Chalmers, is striving zealously to reach them ? That this faith work is depen­ dent upon your cooperation by gift and prayer? Subscribe for our monthly “ JEW ISH MISSION­ AR Y MAGAZIN E “ $1.00 per annum. Sam ple free. W rite R ev . F rederick A . A ston New York Jewish Evangelization Society P. 0. Box 19, Hamilton Grange Sta., New York, N. Y. Money Making Opportunity Popular household paper products, reasonably priced,, sell, quickly, make good profits and repeat Samples of 1 0^ Handy-Wacks W axed Paper and many other fast selling articles— F R E E . W rite — H A N D Y W A C K S C O R P O R A T IO N ____________ SPARTA, MICHIGAN

young man was very rich, but he was not satisfied. His money meant a great deal to him. It brought him all of the com­ forts that he enjoyed. But he knew t h a t there was something that his money- was

5 -Division

not buying for him. This was the entrance to heaven. He wanted to know what he had to do to get there. He was just like many other people. He thought that you had to do something hard to earn your way to heaven. He didn’t know that at that very time Jesus was on His way to

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