King's Business - 1938-04

April, 1938


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

a little book for mechanics is this: “ Don’t forget that the warmth of the hand will increase the diameter of the shaft.” If the touch of the human hand can move cold iron or steel, what may we not expect when it touches the hand of another human being? — Record of Christian Work. A Sermon on a Penny M ark 12:13-17, 28-34 Memory Verse: “ The earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof” (Psa. 24:1). Approach: In our story today, the Lord Jesus and His disciples have reached Jeru­ salem. Jesus knew that it was to be the last week of His life on earth. He had

The correlative of this first commandment is, of necessity, to love the neighbor as oneself (v. 31). In this brief statement, Jesus unveiled the heart of all true re­ ligion. The scribe assented to the answer Jesus gave- him (vs. 32, 33). And in this he is a picture of thousands of unsaved folk today. He assented to the truth, he knew the truth, he admired the Truth-Teller. But he did) not have the truth. He was at the very threshold of the kingdom, but still outside. Then Jesus revealed his peril while at the same time opening a refuge and escape from it: “ Thou art not far from the king­ dom” (v. 34). But the man was outside, however near he might have been. T o be near is to be no safer than to be afar off, if that last step is not completed. May every teacher urge upon his pupils the importance of that deciding step! Points and Problems 1. It should be noticed that in Mark 12 there are three different attempts, by three different parties, to trap our Lord with hard questions. The first attempt was by “ Pharisees” and “ Herodians” at verse 13. The second came from the Sadducees in verse 18. And the third was raised by one of the “ scribes” at verse 28. Christ confounded them all so that “ no man after that durst ask him any question” (v. 34). Then in verses 35 to 37 He propounds a question of His own so difficult that to this day it has never been answered success­ fully by any Jew who denies the Messiah- ship of Jesus. 2. ' “Pharisees and . . . Herodians” (v. 13). O f these two parties the first were the strict adherents to the law and the prophets. The Pharisees looked for the coming of Messiah to deliver them from under the rule of the hated Romans. The Herod­ ians, on the other hand, were ready to com­ promise with the Roman rulers. Like some modern churchmen, they regarded political schemes and alliances as legitimate means of bringing in the kingdom. 3. "Is it lawful to give tribute to Casar, or not?” (v. 14). This question explains why the Pharisees and Herodians came together. They had no love for each other. Their views were as far apart as the poles. The one party believed it was right to pay tribute to Caesar. The other said “ No.” But they were willing to unite in the diabolical plot to trap Christ with the authorities and discredit Him with the people. If He said “ Yes,” the Pharisees would denounce Him as a traitor to Israel’s hopes. If He said “ No,” the Herodians would report Him to the authorities as a rebel against Caesar. 4. “Bring me a penny [denarius], that I may see if ’ (v. 15). The very fact that they had a Roman coin in the crowd proved His point even before He uttered the famous counsel of verse 17. Their use of Caesar’s coin demonstrated their submission to Roman authority, and made the whole question of paying tribute a mere academic disputation. No wonder they “marveled at him” (v. 17) ! Golden Text Illustration M ark 12:31 Among the lists of “ Don’ts” published in

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ridden into the city like a k i n g , with crowds of people fol- l o w i n g Him and calling: “Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord” (Mk. 11:9). B u t Jesus knew that in a very short time the crowd would hate Him and refuse to

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"Prepare War!" Or Arming for Armageddon B y Louis S, Bauman

believe that He was the Son of God, the God who was Ruler of all, and Maker of heaven and earth. Lesson Story: Jesus’ enemies, the Phari­ sees, had seen Him riding into Jerusalem followed by all of the people singing His praises, and it made them angry. They decided to come to Him asking a question which they thought He could not answer without getting into trouble. They brought a coin which was then worth about as much as a quarter in our money. It was a coin with the head of Caesar, their ruler, on it. At this time the Jewish people were a conquered nation. They belonged to Rome, and their ruler was the Roman Caesar. They had to pay tribute money to him. The Pharisees came asking Jesus whether it was lawful to pay tribute money to Cassar. They thought that if He said it was, they could tell all of His followers, those Jews who hated Caesar, and the people then would no longer follow Jesus if they though He sided with Caesar. And then the Pharisees thought that if Jesus said that they should not pay tribute to Caesar, they could go and tell the Romans and make trouble for Jesus with them. But the Lord Jesus knew what they were thinking, and He knew, too, that al­ though the earth and all that is in it be­ longs to God, yet God has put the rulers in their place and expects people to honor and obey them, so He said: “Render [pay] to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” If we are obedient to God, we are obedient citi­ zens, too. Objects: A cardboard heart and a penny. Lesson: W e do not give God the best gift when we merely put a piece of money, such as this penny, in the offering at church. Christ once said: “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the \Continued on Page 163] Object Lesson G iving G od th e B est G ift

This is the latest book by Dr. Bauman. It is an up-to- date review of the rearmament activities of the nations. It could not be more timely. Joel plainly teaches that there will be a world-wide cry “ Prepare W ar,” and the nations will heat their p l ow s h a r e s into swords, just before the return

of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah from the glory above. The booklet is a com­ mentary on that marvelous and intensely interesting chapter— Joel III. For a pro­ phetic student, it is a book of the h o u r - one of the best this author has yet wrtiten. 63 pages. Strikingly original illustrations. Price, 25c per copy 5 copies* $1.00 postpaid Also other prophetio booklets. Send for list. O rder from A L A N S . P E A R C E 1925 E. 5th St., Long Beach, Calif. "Destruction of 'Christendom1 and the Salvaging of the Church." Even unsaved will read. Imminent human destiny simply told, frankly, faithfully, earnestly, scripturally, but not sensationally. Dozen copies 25c postpaid. READ THE BIBLE IN GREEK MO VEM EN T 516 N. Main St. Sellersville, Pa. "B 'ospetQuarterfy' W r T . t e a c h e r s ' O ullgc FE A TU R E S s Introduction , by George Shaw, B.D. TheLesson Versehy Verse by D. J. Fant, Jr. Lessonsfrom theLesson, byI.E. David,Ph.D. The Beginners*Class , by E. M. Jones. The Primary Class , by S. M. Rudy. The Junior Class , by A. M. French. The Intermediate Class , by M. E. MacPhee. The Lesson Illustrated , by A. M. French. Send only 10c in »tamps (one-half price) for current issue.

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