King's Business - 1938-04


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

April, 1938

If every home were an altar, Where hearts weighed down with care Could find sustaining strength and grace In sweet uplift of prayer; Then solved would be earth’s prbblems, Banished sin’s curse and blight; For God’s own love would radiate From every altar light. —The Sunday School Times. G L O R Y T O D A Y F O R C O N ­ Q U E S T T O M O R R O W [ Continued from Page 145] boy— and where many others were tor­ mented with heartaches and burdens and soul agonies. How long will it take us to learn that God grants us white and shining Revela­ tions of Himself and of His purpose that we may go down the mountain and heal the lunatic that is raving at its base? W e cannot look spiritually from the transfigura­ tion mount without looking by the way of the cross, and, through its crimson lenses, seeing the multitudes “ in the valley.” Let us learn that tabernacles at the top when there are forgotten torments in the valley are utterly incongruous. Let us re­ member ever that soulful sayings about Him on the mountain top without scar service for Him in the valley are wholly unlike what He asks of us. Let us deepen our conviction that tabernacles at the top that are unre­ lated to the taint and trials and temptations in the valley are but rebellions against God’s good will. Surely the mountain-top experiences of the disciples at the transfiguration and needs of the multitudes in the valley were not far from the thought kingdom of one who wrote and prayed: “ Lord, let me not stay at the top of the ladder though the top be heaven. Send me down to days of danger, Send me down to nights of sorrow, Send me down to souls that are sad, Send me down to places where the sha­ dows are, Send me down to people bound with burdens, Send me down with a breath of Para­ dise, Send me down with a flower from Eden, Send me down with a cluster of the grapes of Canaan.” Send me down to hearts that are home­ less, to homes that are heartless, to lives that are loveless, to loves that are lifeless, to crowds without a compass, to ranks with­ out a refuge, to prodigals at the hog trough, to churches that are drifting sepulchers manned by frozen crews, to multitudes un­ led and misled. Send me down to be a blessing. Send me down from the peaks to the perishing. Send me down from the sum^ mits to the sinning. Send me down from the spiritual peaks to participation in the affairs of men, helping them to bear life’s burdens with greater strength—the strength of Christ, and to face life’s perilous situa­ tions with braver hearts—the courage that the indwelling Saviour imparts.


— A Unique Institution Interdenominational, co-educational, orthodox, stand­ ing without apology for the "old-time religion" and the absolute authority of the Bible.

The motto of Bob Jones College is: “ No college shall excel us in the thoroughness of our scholastic work; and, God helping us, we endeavor to excel all other colleges in the thoroughness of our Christian training.” Offers voice, piano, pipe organ, violin, and speech without additional cost. Fully state approved high school, teacher training course, and excellent business college in connection. Students come from practically every state in the Union, and a number of foreign countries. Enrollment is limited to four hundred carefully selected dormitory students. Graduates are admitted to leading graduate schools where they have uniformly made good. Bob Jones College alumni are outstanding Christian leaders wherever and in whatever profession they are found. BOB JONES, D. D., Founder BOB JONES, Jr., M. A., Lilt. D., Acting President CLEVELAND, TENNESSEE Let Us Evangelize The Russians in U. S. A. and Canada! The Russian Gospel Association, Evangelical, Evangelistic, Interdenominational, is not only supporting 80 missionaries on the Borders of Russia but is trying to get the Gospel out through the Russian-speaking missionaries and the printed page to the Russian people in U. S. A . and Canada. Continual calls reach our office for Russian-speaking missionaries, but means are re­ quired to send them out. There is a wonderful opportunity now to win great numbers for Christ. A few places have already been opened and many homes have been visited during the past year among the Russian people. W ill you pray earnestly for this urgent call and need? Send your gift for the work among the Russians in U. S. A . and Canada (designated for Home Missions) to THE RUSSIAN GOSPEL ASSOCIATION , INC . Peter Deyneka, General Director 64-K W . Randolph St., Chicago, 111. (Our fund books have been examined by a public auditor.) (Free penny bank and copy of “Russian Gospel News” sent on request.)

DR . F R A N K H. G U E R N S E Y


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