King's Business - 1938-04

April, 1938



his heart there was born this passionate desire to please his divine Companion. One of the very first conditions of a life pleasing to God is the practice of the pres­ ence of God by faith.— F. C. G ibson . M AY 6 Mighty to Help “I have laid help upon one that is mighty” (Psa. 89:19). It is an infinite advantage to a weak, imperfect, and tempted human life to be attached to the Source of all power by that mysterious and yet all-powerful link of confidence and faith; to feel that our life is not dependent upon mere chance or our own foresight, skill, resources, or abilities, but that . . . we are always within reach of the infinite resources of divine power and love. This, indeed, gives to a human life an inspiration and an elevation that ought to make our lives sublime. Take the Almighty One thus into your life, . . . and be ashamed ever to dishonor Him by a doubt, a compromise, or a fear.—A. B . S im pson . M AY 7 Veiled Vision “ The sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke” (Rev. 9:2). A lady, inspecting a house in New­ castle, with a view to becoming a tenant, received this observation from the land­ lord: “ You can see Durham Cathedra! from this window on Sundays.” “Why the Sunday,” asked the lady, “ above any other day?” “ Because, on that d a y,1there is no smoke from the tall chimneys.” W e need, at times, the opportunity of spiritual vision: to give the soul an uninterrupted, unclouded view of the “ unseeable” things, that the soul may be thrilled and invig­ orated thereby.—A. R . T o m lin . M A Y 8 Clinging to God’s Word “ Though he slay me, yet will 1 trust in him” {Job 13:15). The perfection of faith is to cling to the Word of God when all His works and all His ways seem to proclaim the very opposite of that Word. Isaac, no doubt, had confidence in his father; and when he saw him with the knife in his uplifted hand ready to slay him, still he trusted in him, nor would he have fled to any other earthly refuge. It was a terrible trial of the faith of Lazarus and his sisters when they hearkened, hearkened, hearkened for the footsteps 6f Jesus, and after all, those of Death came first; but we may hope that the dying one passed away with something like the words of Job upon his lips.— G eorge B o w e n . M AY 9 Unseen Realities “ While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen” (2 Cor. 4:18). The late Alexander Whyte used to tell of a friend who suffered more reviling than any other man of his day. On being asked how he bore such, he replied: “ Oh, I live in the face o f eternity.” So, as the day approaches, let us learn to know His Word, and to implicitly obey the same.

Let us strive to face Christ, at that day, conscious that we have obeyed every com­ mand of His.— H erbert L ockyer . Oh, that Christ would remove the cov­ ering, draw aside the curtain of time, and come down! Oh, that the shadows of the night were gone! — S a m u e l R utherford . M AY 10 Essential Service “I give myself unto prayer” (Psa. 109:4) Praying time will soon be over; never for all eternity shall I be able to stand again for a refected Christ against an entire world. Little children, it is the last hour— let us give ourselves to prayer. “ Had I known what I now know of the services of prayer,” said a dying saint, “ I would have given three-fourths of my day to intercession.”— Alliance Weekly. M A Y 11 Faith in the Dark “ We walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Cor. 5:7). Many Christians want to walk by sight; they want to see how a thing is going to come out. Jacob walked by sight. He never could have gone through the temptations and trials that his son Joseph did. Joseph had more faith; he could walk in the dark. Lot was a weak character, and should have stayed with Abraham. A good many men, as long as they are bolstered up by some godly per­ son, get along very w ell; but they can’t stand alone. Have faith in God to guide you, even though you cannot see. — D. L. M oody . M AY 12 Eternal Efficacy “For if the . . . ashes of a heifer sprink­ ling the unclean, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh; How much more shall the blood of Christ . . . purge your conscience (Heb. 9:13, 14). Though the red heifer might have been sacrificed hundreds of years before, yet the ashes were immediately available for any one who needed ceremonial cleans­ ing. Though it is nineteen hundred years since the great Sacrifice was offered, the results of it are available today, and just as powerful to cleanse, as when it was first made. Some people may decry the power of the old gospel which in the days of our forefathers wrought such wonders . . . But the changed lives of thousands today bear united witness to the cleans­ ing power of the blood of Jesus Christ. —W . W . M a r tin . M AY 13 Transferred Guilt “And Aaron shall lay both his hands upon the head of the live goat, and con­ fess over him all the iniquities of the children of Israel” (Lev. 16:21). The personal character of the sacrifice is evident in the act of the worshiper who laid his hands upon the head o f the vic­ tim, making personal acknowledgment of his sin. The laying on of hands meant the transference of guilt from the offerer to the victim. Christ was the perfect Sacri­ fice, intimately personal and forever com­ plete.— J oh n M ac B e A t h .

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