King's Business - 1938-04


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

April, 1938

World-Wide Prayer Circle S. D. Gordon has reminded believers of a tremendous fact concerning prayer: “ The Lord Jesus is still praying. He ever lives to pray us through. Thirty years of living, three years of serving, one tremendous act of dying, nineteen hundred years of pray­ ing! What an emphasis on prayer!” And to the Spirit-directed intercession o f mem­ bers of Biola’s W orld-W ide Prayer Circle the Bible Institute of Los Angeles owes countless but specific blessings of recent months. O f some of these answers to prayer the school and its leaders have heard, and the story may well encourage other friends to pray. Miss Christina J. Braskamp, Secre­ tary of the Prayer Circle, suggests united praise to God for the increased attendance in the Institute’s Bible study classes in neighboring communities; for the testimony of the students in homes, hospitals, and Sunday-school classes, and for the ministry of T h e K in g ’ s B usiness . Subjects suggested for prayer include the petition that God will raise up still more prayer helpers for Biola, that the school may “ go forward” with even greater spir­ itual blessings, and be unhampered by the lack of funds to care for its obligations promptly. Prayer is requested for the eve­ ning school and that more young people who have duties during the day will take advantage of these evening Bible lectures. Members of the June .graduating class will

excellent work there. The Rev. J. N. Foster, the superintendent of the Yiyang Circuit, reports that last year in two places the Band left behind groups of from thirty to forty inquirers, and this year in another place a group of some twenty-five. O f these a few already have been baptized, and many more, we trust, will be baptized in the future. “Mr. Foster states that he is particularly impressed by the extensiveness and thor­ oughness of the Band’s house-to-house visi­ tation. By this, as well as by other methods, many have heard the gospel for the first time. The presence of the Band has been a real inspiration to the Circuit, and the re­ sults of its work are incalculable. W e give thanks to God for this fine witness; and we would express our gratitude to His servants who have made this witness possible. “ Our Hsiangyin Circuit has made a re­ quest that Band No. 2 be permitted in the autumn to move over and work in their Circuit, and Synod has endorsed their^ re­ quest. There is a very great opportunity in the Hsiangyin Hsien, and the friends there are greatly hoping for a visit from one of your Bands. May I therefore, on behalf of our Synod, request permission for Band No. 2, after the summer vacation, to move over into our Hsiangyin Circuit? If this request can be granted we shall be most grateful. These are days of extraordinary opportun­ ity, especially in the country places, and we feel most thankful for the cooperation and fellowship of the Band in helping to meet this great opportunity.”

AT “ SPREADING LIGHT MOUNTAIN” ['Continued from Page 147]

life. Not only so, but he had led both his w ife and a daughter-in-law to faith in Jesus Christ. These three came _regularly to the evening preaching services held at the Band headquarters. They also held some services in their own home through which several of their neighbors became truly in­ terested in the gospel. W e pray that many of these neighbors also will definitely give their hearts to the Lord. Oh, that many of our readers may determine to join in this prayer 1 The reports from the other Bands are equally gratifying. Our hearts are full of praise to God for His boundless grace and mercy in permitting us to go right on with­ out the least interruption in this work of widespread evangelism in these days when so many parts of China are in confusion and distress. A most cheering letter has just been re­ ceived from a representative of one of the largest missions working in Hunan. The letter demonstrates how highly the work of our Bands is appreciated by missionaries as well as by the people of this land. Some extracts from this letter follow : “ I have been appointed by our District Synod, now in session, to write to you on their behalf to express our heartfelt grati­ tude for the splendid services of Biola Evangelistic Band No. 2. For some eighteen months now this Band has been working in our Yiyang Circuit, and it has been doing

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