King's Business - 1938-04


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

April, 1938

need intercession that during the remaining months of the school year they may be es­ pecially enriched and empowered for their life’s service, and that they may enter into

the fields of the Lord’s own choice for them. Persons wishing to enroll in the Prayer Circle are urged to write to Miss Braskamp at 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.

14 EVANG ELISTIC— 14 Chalk Talks, Soul winning! 25c for every Christian Worker! "Fifteen Thousand" to date! 81 "Beautiful Hymns" for Jun­ iors, 10c postpaid. Folding Black Board and Easel, 38x54 inches, 6x38 folded, $6. REV. FRANK A. M ILLER, Supt. Children’s Evangelistic Union 125 S. Ave. 60, Los Angeles, Cal.

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G ir ls ' Q uery Corner Conducted by M y r t l e E. S c o t t

E m a I n Sunday School Workers r i c e ( u A n G o s p e | W orkers Send post card for circular telling of a new and fundamental service we render. Tell us your kind of work. SALVATION JOURNAL 771•16th Ave. No., So. St. Paul, Minn.

Questions for answer in this corner should be sent to Miss Scott, 8961 Dicks St., West Hollywood, Calif., and a stamped envelope should be enclosed for reply. No name will appear with the questions chosen for publication.

Dear Miss Scott: Do you think it is easier to live a Chris­ tian life than it is to live for the world? When I became a Christian, I was under the impression that things would be so much easier and I would be so much hap­ pier than before I came to Christ. But I have not found it true. There are hard things always coming up, and I suppose my own disposition is the hardest of all. It seems sometimes it would be much easier just to drift with the world and to take things as they come. I am a little — D isappointed . Dear Disappointed: Yes, living for the Lord Jesus Christ is the easy way. He said, “M y yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matt. 11:30). The common saying is also true that “ a dead fish can drift downstream, but it takes a live one to swim upstream.” When a life begins to drift, while the experience may seem pleasant at first, very soon that life will find it is going against the cur­ rents of the laws of nature, conscience, man, and God. Also, one soon learns that the devil who whispered, “ It is too hard to live a Christian life; I will show you an easier and a happier way,” is a liar, and never will keep his word. I would not imply, however, that to live a Christian life is to go to heaven on “ flowery beds o f ease.” I feel sure your ambition is not to find the effortless way in life. Seek to realize the love of God that sent the Lord Jesus to die for you. Consider how He came to minister and not to be ministered unto; He pleased not Himself. Remember that He had no place to lay His head, and He endured suffering for you, even the suffering of the cross. When you truly know Him, you will not be think­ ing about ease for yourself, but will be ready to endure hardness as a good soldier o f Jesus Christ. You will not be thinking of what you may be getting, but of what you can give as a thank offering to Him. W e are called to a warfare against the devil and his agents. Paul in the Epistle to the Ephesians tells us of our wealth in Christ Jesus. Then he speaks of our walk, and after that he tells us of our warfare “ against principalities, against powers.” For this warfare, spiritual armor is provided for us. Read about it in the sixth chapter of Ephesians. More than that, God will fight for us. For every temptation, He will make a way of escape (I Cor. 10:13), and He will give glorious victories all along

the way. You never will know the shout of victory unless you have a share in the war­ fare. The children of Israel were required tc cross the Red Sea, their enemies pursu­ ing, before they could sing songs of deliv­ erance. David never would have written psalms of triumph had he not known the smoke of battle. There is a warfare for you. Doubtless in your own heart the first victories will need to be won. Lethargy, fear, carnality, beset­ ting sin, worry, and other hindrances that rob believers of God’s best for them, need to be faced in God’s strength and God’s way of victory. Not until victory is won in the realm of the inner heart are we ready to possess “ the land” about us for God. Do you know what it is to strive in prayer for a soul, blinded and bound by Satan, until deliverance comes and that soul is rejoicing in the liberty which God alone can give? My dear, forget yourself and get into action for God. T o what front line trench is He calling you? It is the hour of battle. There is no time to be lost. There re- maineth yet much land to be possessed. Evangelistic Notices L eonard E ilers (Biola ’30), 124 N. Flor­ ence St., Burbank, Calif., known as the “ Cowboy Evangelist,” held services in Tor- rington, Wyo., that had very gratifying re­ sults. The meetings opened as union serv­ ices in the Baptist Church, but it became necessary to move to the high school audi­ torium to take care of the crowds. Every night special attention was given to boys and girls, and on the last Saturday the attendance of children in the meeting had grown to about two hundred. Thirty-six de­ cisions on the last Friday night of the series seemed like a climax, but the churches and the evangelist rejoiced to see fifty-three more decisions on the closing Sunday night. Following the Torrington meetings, Mr. Eilers went to Kingsburg, Calif., for serv­ ices in the First Methodist Church from February 27 to March 13. His later sched­ ule included: March 20 to April 3—First Baptist Church, Lindsay, C alif.; April 24 to May 8— First Methodist Church, Max­ well, Calif., and May 15 to 29— First Meth­ odist Church, Yuba City, Calif. L. C. R obie , Union Springs, N. Y., the “ Sky-Pilot” evangelist, recently held meet­ ings in Stamford, Conn., and in Kingston, N. Y., with rich blessing in both places. Writing from Kingston, Mr. Robie states: “ The Spirit of prayer is upon a large group

War News or Gospel News? If interested in the latter write for a Free Copy of “ The European Harvest Field” The American-European Fellowship 156 Fifth Avenue, New York, N . Y .

Sunday School Supplies & Sound Literature FOLLOWING THE INT. UNIFORM LESSON TOPICS CATALOGUE also listing BIBLES, BOOKS, and Requisites, sent on application Address UNION GOSPEL PRESS Box 6059, Cleveland, Ohio Berean Book Rooms 207 Wright-C'allender Building: 405 South Hill Street Los Angeles, Cal. CHRISTIAN LIFE BOOKLETS Have proved helpful to many An Abundant Entrance Eternal Life The Joy of God’s Salvation The Pathway from Grace to Glory Lift Up Your Eyes on High Friendship with God God’s Call to an Overcoming Life Help Through Prayer—a smaller booklet for the sick in Hospitals and Homes. Prices: The first six are illustrated, 20c each; Overcoming gLife, 10 cents; and for the last one there is no charge. All prepaid. Dr. Howard A. Talbot 433 N. Broadway De Pere, W is. Write also for sample copy of the GOSPEL HERALD

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