Materials chemistry poster symposium

An electrochemical perspective of solar redox flow batteries Gengyu Tian, Ana Sobrido, Rhodri Jervis, Joe Briscoe, Magdalena Titirici Queen Mary University of London, UK Here we have synthesised MoS 2 @ TiO 2 thin films supported on FTO glass substrate using a facile hydrothermal route, for their application as photoanode in a self-designed all-vanadium solar flow cell. The utilization of MoS 2 - covered TiO 2 photoanodes ensures an increased specific surface area and an effective light response, which translates into an enhanced photon and mass transport. Fig. 1 shows the enhancement in the photocurrent generated by our MoS 2 @TiO 2 versus bare TiO 2 thin film over time by EIS experiments. There are lot of information we can find by EIS characterization. The solar redox flow battery has an average of ~0.45 mA cm -2 for the MoS 2 @ TiO 2 versus 0.05 mA cm -2 for TiO 2 . When sunlight strikes the photoelectrode, the photogenerated holes oxidised V 4+ to V 5+ while the photogenerated electrons reduced V 4+ to V 3+ at the counter electrode (carbon felt). The oxidised form of V 5+ and reduced form of V 3+ thus retain the chemical energy and can be converted to electricity via a reverse reaction. The whole reaction can be summarized as TiO 2 /MoS 2 (s)|V 4+ , V 5+ ||V 4+ , V 3+ |Carbon Felt(s), E0=0.66V vs SHE. A preliminary capacity of 60 mAh l -1 was observed (Fig. 1c). This is the first time a MoS 2 @ TiO 2 photoelectrode has shown promising catalytic activity towards the V(IV)/V(V) redox pair. We have combined an all-vanadium redox flow battery with a photoelectrochemical cell in the solar flow cell, where vanadium redox species served as the energy storage media while photoelectrochemical reactions on a semiconductor converted solar energy into electrochemical energy [1] . References 1. Tian, G., Jervis, R., Briscoe, J., Titirici, M., Sobrido, A. J. ,J. Mater. Chem. A, 2022, 10 , 10484-10492


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