Heteroatom doped lignin-derived carbon fibres from electrospinning for electrode materials in flow batteries Michael Thielke, Jorge Pavel Victoria Tafoya, Eneith Aguilar Ronquillo, Luis Mauricio Murillo Herrera and Ana Belen Jorge Sobrido Queen Mary University of London, UK
Biomass-derived carbon materials have been widely investigated as an alternative to replace fossil based carbon for the use as electrodes in battery application, another step towards a fully independence from non-renewable resources. Lignin, an abundant aromatic carbon-rich biopolymer and by-product of the pulp and paper industry, has been shown to be a viable precursor for freestanding, nonwoven carbon fibres (CNFs) for electrodes by using a standard or an upscalable electrospinning process. By isolating the high molecular weight lignin fraction, no petrol-derived polymers were employed in this work, making these electrode materials a sustainable alternative. The modifications based on heteroatom doping or plasma treatments was investigated to improve the electrochemical performance and stability of the CNFs for the use as electrode material for supercapacitors or in redox-flow batteries, which in comparison to commonly used carbon felts and papers show higher activity for the redox reactions and an overall significantly higher active surface area, leading to an improved performance. References 1. Ribadeneyra, M. C., Grogan, L., Au, H., Schlee, P., Herou, S., Neville, T., & Jorge, A. B. (2020). Lignin-derived electrospun freestanding carbons as alternative electrodes for redox flow batteries. Carbon, 157, 847-856. 2. Thielke, M. W., Lopez Guzman, S., Victoria Tafoya, J. P., García Tamayo, E., Castro Herazo, C. I., Hosseinaei, O., & Sobrido, A. J. (2022). Full lignin-derived electrospun carbon materials as electrodes for supercapacitors. Front. Mater. 9: 859872. 3. Thielke, M. W., Tian, G., & Sobrido, A. J. (2022). Sustainable electrodes for the next generation of redox flow batteries. Journal of Physics: Materials, 5(2), 024004.
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