Pathways_SU22_Digital Magazine


Everyday Spirituality: Intuition, Coincidence and You Rhonda Rhodes Need help connecting with Spirit? It is not an elusive or exclusive thing. Discover ways we connect to Spirit daily. Hear about some of the steps on my own journey. How I learned discernment can resonate with others’ own experiences.

Reconnecting with Mother Earth: The Need and Benets of Earthing/ Grounding Aurelia Carr-Olverson Speaking on the need and benefits of reconnecting with Mother Earth and ways to mindfully do so.

Mantra Meditation Workshop Loka

Essential Oils & Plant- Based Solutions For Everyday Use! Colleen McCartney Come experience doTERRA! In this intro session we’ll collect concerns & cover how to use the oils for your needs. You will experience 10 different essential oils! We’ll have some specials just for those attending the class (no purchase necessary), as well as a raffle, so be sure to plan to stay until the end!

The Key to Divine Evolution Ingrid Jolly

The ancient texts of the Vedas describe Mantra Meditation as the perfect cleanse for the mind. It washes away all the toxins (like stress, anxiety) from our consciousness and uplifts it to a spiritual platform. Learn what Mantra Meditation is, its history and benefits, and how to apply it in your life.

We are this key & to be effective is best expressed as a fearless Agent of Con- scious Evolution, more easily achieved by creating a rela- tionship with our innermost being, our body of living light & its golden core essence, our soul. Let’s practice by aligning into the core of the Celestial Lifestream and completing it with a cleansing and empow- ering “Star Alignment”.

5:00 PM

Experiential New Earth Flowers Karin Edgett

Healing with Frequency Nadya Lutz Healing with frequencies is the new gold standard. We will explore several non invasive technologies that will help you on your healing journey. Participants will receive a compli- mentary health scan.

Humanity at Crossroads Ira Palmer

Karin Edgett walks you through a journey of flower light ~ pattern, shape, auras, and color for the light of new consciousness in every flower. Hear how flowers have the potential to shift and heal ourselves and our communities, and may of- fer a way to shift the consciousness of the entire planet. All ages welcome.

Will we continue on the path of endless division, injustice, and war, or on one back to our innate divinity through sharing and cooperation? Hear the compelling story of how the Masters of Wisdom have come to inspire us to make the choice that leads us to a golden future.

6:00 PM

Manifesting with Your Angels and Trusting Your Vibes Susan Lynne

We Are All Healers Georey Morell

This informative workshop will show you how to manifest, contact and com- municate with your Angels. You will learn to trust your vibes and listen for the messages that are being sent to you. Discover the best ways to communicate with your Angels. Guided meditations will be included.

An acclaimed energy healer demonstrates his unique method of clearing the aura, pinpointing areas of disharmony in the body and applying energies to promote recovery and health. The spiritual, emotional and nutritional origins of health problems will be addressed.

PATHWAYS—Summer 22—45

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