at this location. Email to join, for more information, or to volunteer: Licking Creek Bend Farm, 301- 587-1739. www.lickingcreekbend - — 10 — “Finding Light in Every Lamp” Spiritual Activ- ism Group Zoom, with Ted Brownstein, 12:15pm. Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom. us/j/589742892?pwd=WHI4b - 2VwVnlZMHJkZ1lnd0lCOEND - dz09, Meeting ID: 589 742 892. Follow on Facebook: www.face- — 11 — Evidential Mediumship Class Series , Saturdays, June 11, 18 & 25, 10am – 12pm, online with Maurice Israel, hosted by The In - stitute for Spiritual Development. With over 15 years of experience, Maurice has conducted accurate and uplifting mediumship demon- strations and one-on-one ses- sions throughout North America and Europe. He is a patient and compassionate spiritual teacher. Institute for Spiritual Develop - ment,; March For Our Lives - DC,
12pm - 2pm. We’re marching on our nation’s capital just like we did in 2018. Show up and demonstrate to our elected officials that we de - mand and deserve a nation free of gun violence. Visit the website for a list of upcoming demonstrations happening around the country, and to learn about more ways to get involved. March For Our Lives; march22/ Munay Ki Shamanic Initia- tions, 10am - 4pm. It is time to make an extraordinary difference in the world. The Rites of the Munay-Ki transform and upgrade your energy field, heal wounds, re-inform DNA, enabling you to grow a new body-one that ages, heals, and dies differently. The Munay-Ki is your invitation to dream an entire new world into being. Register online: www. The Lotus and The Light Meta - physical Center, info@thelotu -; www.thelotu- Well Ray Outdoor Health & Wellness Festival , 9am - 2pm. Come celebrate Alexandria’s larg - est free health and wellness festi- val! This family and pet friendly
Stay educated, enlightened, and engaged all season long with these offerings from the Pathways Community. To see these events and more, visit our interactive ONLINE CALENDAR updated regularly throughout the quarter. www.PathwaysMag-
Be sure to tell them you saw them in Pathways!
Have an event to promote? Calendar listings are just $5 per listing, and accepted any time to run online. Contact us for more information:
Access the lessons of the past and present – including cellular mem - ories and past lives – to alter your future. Resolve recurring patterns and issues; heal long-standing challenges; and empower future growth and choices! Bill will be of- fering individual clearings while in a group setting. Investment is $50. For more info: billsanda@gmail. com; 301-448-0388. https://se - — 7 — Brookland Farmers Mar- ket Opening Day , 4pm-7pm, Washington, DC. EVERY TUES - DAY starting June 7 - October 27, 4pm - 7pm, at the Brookland Metro, under the bridge at 10th and Otis, NE, Washington, DC. Sustainably grown, affordably priced fruits, veggies & more from our farm. RAIN OR SHINE. CSA Memberships available for pick up
JUNE — 4 — Adams Morgan Farmers Mar- ket Opening Day , 8am-1pm, Washington, DC. EVERY SATUR - DAY starting June 4 - December 24, at Unity Plaza (Columbia Rd and Euclid St, WDC). Sustainably grown, affordably priced fruits, veggies & more from our farm. RAIN OR SHINE. CSA Member - ships available for pick up at this location. Email to join, for more information, or to volunteer: info@ Licking Creek Bend Farm, 301-587-1739. HEALING Through Your AKASHIC RECORDS with Bill Sanda , 1pm-5pm. Akashic Records are an energetic record of every soul and their journey.
48—PATHWAYS—Summer 22
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