Gathering comes naturally...
meditation open to everyone. We meet weekly for 30 minutes. A prayer chaplain will open the gath- ering with an invocation, reading or poem; provide an opportunity for participants to share affirma - tions, gratitude or prayer requests; and then invite all participants for 15–20 minutes of silence in our shared being. https://2022-com - munity-chaplains-chapel. Unity of Fairfax,; 1-703- 281-1767. Creative Secrets with Soul. Learn them and watch your prob- lem-solving skills grow. Knowledge you won’t find elsewhere. It works! Brought to you by Rose Rosetree, Pathways Energetic Literacy Col- umnist. Start here with this free in- tro: Check it out today. No obligation. And maybe some big results for you. Eckankar Spiritual Video Night , every 2nd Wednesday from 7-8 pm. . Please join us for an uplifting 30-minute video talk and follow-on discussion that can help unravel some of the mysteries of life. RSVP to spiritualdiscus - for the Zoom invite. Eckankar of Northern Virginia: 703-916-0515; www. Intuition & Healing Develop- ment. This video development group is an exciting blend of study and practice in the fields of metaphysics, healing and intuition. The participants select the topic for each meeting. Come join us monthly and learn about the things that interest you. Discover what you are great at doing! Tuition: $50 per class. To register: call Wanda at 812-705-5135; or email Katie, All classes are online until further notice. Meditation for Peace and Well-being , every Monday and Thursday, 7:30pm - 8:30pm. Meditation for peace and well-be - ing. A portion of each session is specifically designed for healing. Join us on Zoom. For beginners and experienced meditators. For reservations: 301-452-7780 or savitri@newfuturesocietycenter. com. For more information visit: https://newfuturesocietycenter. com/offerings-events/#medita -
tion; 301-452-7780. Metaphysical Group , week- ly from 10am - 10:50am. The Metaphysical Group explores different aspects of spirituality to challenge our thinking and raise our consciousness. Presentations are made using Zoom. Every week features a different presenter with a different topic. Feel free to jump in at any time! Unity of Fairfax, - ical-group. Roundtable Spiritual Discus- sion , 11am - 12pm. Please join us for a lively in-person spiritual discussion facilitated by a spe- cially-trained member of the ECK clergy. Each 3rd Sunday from 11 am to 12 pm. For more informa - tion, email spiritualdiscussions12@ or call 703-916-0515. Eckankar of Northern Virginia, 703-915-4701; WANTED: All people of good- will. To aid in the rescue of the human family, join the network of light around the world: Pray/medi - tate for peace, justice, and free- dom; Support peace, economic and social justice and freedom for all by any means possible; Spread this message: For millennia, humanity has been guided and inspired by a group of highly evolved individu- als, and the World Teacher. They have worked ceaselessly from be- hind the scenes to inspire right ac- tion and are awaiting our readiness to do the required work for peace, justice, and right human relations so they can step forward without infringing our free will. Share International USA, www.share-in - You are Soul — unconditionally loved by God, sustained by Divine Light and Sound, and destined to reach the greatest heights of spiritual mastery and services to life. Join us in person and online for a variety of uplifting spiritual programs. Eckankar of Northern Virginia. 703-916-0515; www.eck-
at The Retreat Center We’re putting the finishing touches on a safe and flexible meeting space for up to 20 people. Creative productivity thrives in this peaceful, wooded setting near National Harbor, with in-person gatherings beginning April 2022! Visit
Channels St. Germain and The Council of Light Astrological Consultant and Medical Intuitive
The Gatekeeper is the producer/director of the play that your soul wrote before you came into this lifetime.
P.O. Box 1052, Lander, WY 82520 307-335-8113 Group, Private & Phone Sessions Available
Our November Intensive will be the 11, 12 and 13. The title is “In the World, but not of It. Living In Touch with Your Whole Being”. Call or email Molly for info. We will be doing our teachings, Q&A and groups, as well as, private sessions via Zoom and Skype beginning in May of 2022. Our Personal Growth with St. Germain continues. Call Molly for info. Check our website for more info on all activities.
Spiritual Activism Group
Exploring Metaphysical Science & Spirituality to Enlighten & Uplift Humanity.
Free Zoom Live Stream Every Sunday featuring renowned speakers who are experts in their metaphysical and/or spiritual subjects. For more information contact: Visit Our Facebook Page:
PATHWAYS—Summer 22—55
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