Pathways_SU22_Digital Magazine


the only moment in which we can live. We cannot go back and relive the past, and all attempts to do so prevent us from being present in this moment. In Letters From Other Dimensions (1974), Dr. Ernest Holmes declared, “I would like to suggest that mankind stands now at the very beginning, not at the ending of the human race … just now beginning to discover who and what [we are] and what [we] can do. The answers are tumbling out and mankind hungrily devours these crumbs of truth that fall from the great table of Infinite Mind.” In this time of great new beginnings, how do you choose to be? Do you choose to remain a prisoner of your past or your ancestors’ past, to empower others to control you, or to allow external circumstances to dictate who you are and how you show up? Or, are you ready to: • Remember at all times that each of us is an activity of Spirit ex - pressing in human form with intention and purpose? • Unlock the shackles that chain you to the past and trap you in your own filters? • Acknowledge that the past served its purpose by delivering you to this time and place so it is time to set yourself free? • Garner the strength and tenacity to remain in the “learning zone,” spanning the abyss, long enough to move through transition, grapple with reinventing yourself and reveal your new identity? • Do what it takes to be prepared to launch into the next new, now expression of you? You are the only one that can answer these questions for you! Trish Hall is an international best-selling author and acclaimed speaker. She is the Spiritual Leader of Center for Spiritual Living Metro where you are em - powered to live the fullest expression of you. We come together in Oneness, cel - ebrate the uniqueness of each person, and invite you to “be you with us! ” www.

Spanning the Abysses of Life... ...continued from page 59

tool we use to discern distinctions, is our means of distinguishing and appreciating life experiences. Humans are “meaning making machines.” Other-than-consciously, we attribute meaning to everything. All our current interactions and experiences are filtered through everything that has ever happened to or been observed by us. Although we have the ability to temper them, or even set them aside consciously, nothing escapes these filters. They carry out their function constantly, which is the definition of “preju - dice”, i.e., making judgments about circumstances based on history instead of clear unobscured observation. Pre-judgment blocks access to current information — it rejects input. In the throes of pre-judg - ment our observations are so diminished we literally cannot see what is in front of us. It is time to ask, “How can we set ourselves free to bridge the great divides within and outside ourselves? How can we move past our own filters?” We start by embracing what sounds cliché: “Change your thinking, change your life.” To do so, we need to embrace and embody the following components: • We are not limited by the past except to the extent we empower it. • No person, circumstance or internal concern can control us with- out our consent. • We are inseparably interconnected with the One Source of all cre- ation so we are inextricably connected with one another. • We installed our filters unconsciously, so we have the power to consciously uninstall them. We begin by remembering we live in each new now moment —

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