Reflexology and beyond.com HOLISTIC AND THERAPEUTIC REFLEXOLOGY (Not your typical Reflexology) Certified/Licensed/LLC Brigitte has developed her unique Clinical Reflexology since 2000 and she works with Medical Doctors and Chiropractors and Acupuncturists. Her clients include healthy people, runners, and clients with Stress, MS, lyme disease, fibromyalgia, plantar fasciitis, diabetic, cancer, anxiety and other issues. She helps to induce labor and she works on patients receiving hospice help. Brigitte is Certified (230 hours). Her session addresses the whole body with basic health history, basic nutrition counseling, breathing techniques, release of negative thinking and add positive thinking, energy healing, chakras balancing, re-balance the body and Aromatherapy if necessary. Being clairvoyant and able to see people’s in/out Etheric fields add a useful touch to her great session. The “Best in Town” her clients say! She is available for Emotional Dowsing sessions with applied Kinesiology and Healing. She provides an anti-viral and anti-microbial air filter in her room and the office is disinfected. Brigitte Wiss is available by appointments only 571-251-4732. Serving Northern Virginia and available for Home visits and Nursing Homes. (Her office is located in Vienna, VA. Please leave a detailed message on her answering machine) www.reflexologyandbeyond.com THINK HEALTH… THINK PREVENTION, YOUR BODY WILL THANK YOU ! work with people who do not bring the 99%. Your journey is yours. You are your own leader. You are the only one who can say where you are on the journey and where you still need to go. You may choose an informative or a transformational jour- ney. The success of the journey is directly related to your intention and the degree of commitment. If you allow yourself to set boundaries through limiting ‘beliefs and rationale’, then you will block your heal - ing and growth. If you shoot for the stars, that is where you will land. Look for the out of balance emotional states like anger, fear, righ- teousness, rigidity, absolute certainty, anxiety, stress, lack of self-es- teem, depression, deep sadness, etc. They are the gateways to the path of healing. In the process, you will get to know yourself better, an es - sential component of personal growth and ascendance. What is the 1%, how does it get implemented and what happens in the process? The 1% is a transmutation process. It changes trauma into empow - ered states using spirit guided alchemical practices. There are two different approaches. One is non-participatory, whereby a shamanic journey on behalf of the person identifies and heals the trauma or pat - tern with powerful results. A reading of the journey and the healing is then provided. The other is proactively participatory, where the person seeking the change is actively involved in the process. It facilitates a sentient connection to the Universal Oneness. It is a joint sentient and mental process. The Soul leads, the Mind supports and co-creates. The process starts with the person setting his/her clear intention. In a state of conscious connection with Spirit and the Universal One - ness, the facilitator creates a protected sacred space and guides the person into a state of deep relaxation. The process is guided by sen-
tient messages from Spirit and the Universal Oneness. With unequiv - ocal trust and the person’s active participation, the messages are used to gently guide, engage, understand, reunite separated soul parts, and transmute non-serving energies, thoughts, and emotions into empow- ered states. Throughout the process, transformative magic happens. No pro- cess is ever the same. There is no cookie-cutter procedure. The only common denominator is the guidance from Spirit, the trust in the messages, the engagement to understand, and the transmutation pro- cess. The intention is always fulfilled to the exact level of commitment, and the process educates us on our true nature and our connection to Oneness. The end goal defines the journeys. It may be satisfied in one jour - ney, or there may be a series of journeys each building on the previous and collectively taking you to your end goal. You are the only one that can determine the path. You are the only one that knows where you are and where you want to end up. You will achieve whatever you set your Soul and Mind to. If you allow yourself to know you can, then you will. The Universe will co-create with you, and when you learn to read the signs, you will be in the flow. The greatest three words you can tell yourself is: I love you! The next three greatest are: Yes, I can! You just need to bring the 99%. At the end of the day, you are your own healer. Lazaros is a multi-faceted being. His current life’s purpose is to help others. For psychological trauma healing, he has developed a process that combines spirit guided transmutation healing. He is trained in Shamanic practices, Reiki, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), BodyTalk, Ho’opono - pono and hypnotherapy. With a deep knowledge of our inner work - ings, trust in the inner compass, and the help of Spirit guides who assisted in his own Soul healing and spiritual awakening, he uses his strong connection to the Spirit world, clear inquiry, and gentle guidance to facilitate your ascendance into higher states of being and into the light of your awakening. He offers personal healing sessions and training workshops in the US and Europe. He can be contacted at lazaros@soulcentrics.com.
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