Pathways_SU22_Digital Magazine


The Jewish Earth Alliance, a national group combined with Hazon, Jewish Climate Action and many other groups, meets regularly and works on local, regional and national earth-centered legislation. And there’s actually a group of farmers, the Jewish Farmers Network, that connects and has annual online or in-person conferences. Check out the Jewish Earth Alliance Youtube channel; contact@jewishearthalli - In the spirit of study and learning, some reading sources of interest include: Season of Our Joy , by Rabbi Arthur Waskow, who directs the Shalom Center in Philadelphia. Waskow’s writings are worth reading, includ - ing The Freedom Seder, a New Haggadah for Passover . Arthur has been my “brother in social action” for more than 50 years. The Jewish Catalog - this was a first effort to create a “do-it-your - self kit” of Jewish practices, readings, activities, traditions, rituals and prayer from different perspectives. (Editors: Richard Siegel, Michael Strassfeld, and Sharon Strassfeld; 1973). The Jewish Encyclopedia - My go-to reference is a 100+ year old, twelve-volume set, that sits on my desk, published by Funk and Wag- nalls Company. It can often be purchased affordably online or at Jew - ish book sales. Judaism As An Earth-Centered Belief... ...continued from page 33

Much of my thought process was guided by over 35 years of schol - arly pursuit reading many books, a few of which include: The Trans- formation of Judaism by Jacob Neusner (University of Illinois Press); A History of the Jews by Cecil Roth (Schocken Press, 1961) ; and, for light reading (!), Constantine’s Sword (The Church and the Jews) by James Carroll (Houghton Mifflin Company). The book addresses the demonization of Jews by the forces of hatred in the world. I loved reading Theodor Reich’s Pagan Rites in Judaism—From Sex Initiation, Moon Cult, Tattooing, Mutilation and Other Primi - tive Rituals to Family Loyalty and Solidarity (Gramercy Publishing Company). It’s also important to read Theodor H. Gaster’s Festivals of the Jewish Year (1952) and Hayim Schauss’ The Jewish Festivals (Cincinnati, 1938). There’s a near infinite number of old and new writings that contin - ue to enlighten us. But I will stress again, we need to speak out and act against injustice for the sake of our survival as a people, humans, and for our precious Mother Earth. Michael Tabor has been a regional DC activist since 1963 when he pursued a graduate degree in Social Anthropology at the Univer - sity of Maryland, and spoke out, protested and was arrested many times fighting for civil rights, against the war in Vietnam, and, more recently, congressional inaction on climate change. Michael appreci - ates reactions, comments and questions. Dana Beyer reviews Michael’s drafts and is a former Yeshiva “bochar” and graduate of the Yeshiva of Central Queens. Dana is a lay Torah reader at a local synagogue, and a rabble rouser and ad- vocate for social justice. I am honored to be her friend. Michael’s religious background goes back to Chabad, where his ancestors were followers of Rabbi Israel ben Eliezer — the Ba’al Shem Tov (Master of the Good Name) who practiced curing with amulets and charms, became a miracle healer-worker and delved into Ma - donna’s hobby, the Kabbalah. His wife, Esther Siegel, is the true farm administrator, and the granddaughter of Yitzchak Nachman Stein - berg, an Orthodox Jewish attorney who became a leader of the Left Socialist Revolutionary Party (Left SR) in Russia, and Lenin’s first Minister of Justice in 1917 (who was jailed for pursuing justice and then exiled). He later became the leader of the Freeland League, an effort to find homelands for Eastern European Jews displaced during World War II. They have 3 grown children: Chad Abraham Tabor, Ben Ari Tabor and Adina Sara Steinberg Siegel Tabor. In keeping with his farming work and supplying produce to low and middle income communities, Michael’s produce can be found during the farm season at Licking Creek Bend Farm’s 3 community markets, as well as at the Takoma Park Silver Spring Food Co-op. The first part of Michael’s Farm Journal is available at the Co-op. Visit their website for dates, times and locations. www.lickingcreek - Each of the markets welcomes volunteers and folks who want to join their CSA and get weekly, affordable boxes of fresh picked, pesti - cide-free produce. Contact If you know of anyone interested in working on the farm during the farm season and developing long term food security knowledge during the farm season, please send them our way.

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