50-Year MA Index

Index of Maryland Archeology articles published from 1965 - 2014. Compiled by Dennis Curry, Editor of Maryland Archeology.

50-YEAR INDEX TO MARYLAND ARCHEOLOGY VOLUMES 1-50 • 1965-2014 Compiled by Dennis C. Curry Introduction

This index to Maryland Archeology is an update to the 25-year index published in 1991. It follows the same format—an AUTHOR INDEX and a KEY WORD INDEX —and is aimed at making the journal a more useful research tool. The journal of the Archeological Society of Maryland, Inc. began in 1965 (one year after the Society formed) under the title The Journal of the Archaeological Society of Maryland, Inc. Frederic M. Stiner served as the first Editor and produced three volumes before his death in January of 1968. Paul Cresthull succeeded Stiner, initiating a March/September publication schedule and renaming the journal Maryland Archeology , subtitled Journal of the Archeological Society of Maryland, Inc . (note the updated spelling of “archeology” and “archeological”). Cresthull continued as Editor for the next 21 years until his sudden death on August 9, 1989; his last journal was Volume 24, Number 2, September 1988. Subsequently, the ASM Publications Committee, chaired by Richard B. Hughes, produced Volume 25, Number 1, dated March 1989. The committee also published a series of papers previously presented at the 1984 Eastern States Archeological Federation meetings held in Annapolis as a double-issue entitled “New Perspectives on Maryland Historical Archaeology” and serving as Volume 26, Numbers 1&2, March and September 1990. At the December 1989 ASM Board meeting, I was appointed Editor; my first issue (Volume 25, Number 2, September 1989) appeared in October of 1992. My tenure continued through Volume 49, Number 2, September 2013, which was issued in May of 2014. Following my resignation as Editor, the ASM Board appointed an Editorial Committee to assume editorial responsibilities. Despite a number of organizational meetings, allocations of duties, and even some initial editing of manuscripts, the committee failed to gel and was unable to produce an issue. Nonetheless, a member of that committee, James G. Gibb, stepped up to serve as interim Editor. Gibb produced Volume 50, Number 1, May 2014 (issued in May of 2017), Volume 50, Number 2, December 2017 (issued in November 2018), and Volume 51, Numbers 1&2, July 2018 (also issued in November 2018). Commencing with Volume 52,

Matthew D. McKnight assumes the role of Editor of Maryland Archeology . The idiosyncrasies mentioned in the 25-year index continue. Pagination in the first three volumes varied from individually paginated articles to consecutive pagination across all three volumes. With Volume 4, Cresthull initiated individual issue pagination, which continues today. However, with Volume 50(2) pagination started on the title page, thereby relegating the first page of the first article to page 4. Volume 50(1) regrettably used the title Maryland Archaeology, Journal of the Archaeological Society of Maryland, Inc ., an error corrected in Volume 51(2). Most confusingly of all, however, was the dating of individual issues. When Cresthull established a March/September publication schedule beginning with Volume 4, issues bore those dates regardless of when they were actually published. The transition from Cresthull’s editorship to my own resulted in issues being published out of order—25(1), 26(1&2), and 25(2). Later during my tenure, a lack of manuscripts caused publication to fall behind schedule. When this happened, I used the next expected issue date on the cover, and included an “issued on” date on the title page (for instance, “March 2007 [Issued September 2008] ”). This would allow society members (and libraries and institutional members) to keep track of their subscriptions despite delays in publication. With Volume 50(1), the March/September system was abandoned, although the expected publication year (2014) was retained (albeit without an [Issued May 2017] disclaimer). Volume 50(2) replaced the expected publication year (2014) with 2017 (even though it was issued in November 2018; this is denoted “2017*” in the indices below), and Volume 51(1&2) replaced the expected publication year (2015) with 2018, the year it was issued. Sadly, somehow, in all this confusion we have lost three complete volumes over the years 2014- 2018, and I do not know if there are plans to correct this situation. At any rate, I hope this index allows readers to explore the exciting world of Maryland archeology presented in this journal over the last half century.


Aamodt, Wayne G. 1972 [Cartoon:] Scale in Feet. 8(2):35. 1974 [Cartoon:] Scale in Feet. 10(1-2):29. Akerson, Louise E. 1994 Rediscovering the Sand Tunnels of Federal Hill, Baltimore. 30(2):1-8. Akerson, Louise E., and Janel A. Bisacquino 1998 Fragments of City Life: A Brief History of Archeological Research in Baltimore, Maryland, 1914-1996. 34(1):1-14. Anonymous 1967aReview of The Arts in Early American History (Whitehill). 3(2):162. 1967bReview of Human Paleopathology (Jarcho). 3(2):162. 1972 Index of Journal Contents [Volumes 1-8]. 8(2):36- 39. 1983 [In Memoriam:] Charles W. Dawson, March 14, 1932-January 14, 1980. 19(1):1. 1989 [Reprint of photographs from Wall et al. 1988. Maryland Archeology 24(2).] 25(1):21-25. 1989 Cover Photo [Axe from Evergreen Collection]. 25(2):Cover, i. 1992Guidelines for Submissions to Maryland Archeology . 28(2):42. 1997Reporting Archeological Finds in Maryland. 33(1&2):77. 1999aA “Pre-State Archeologist” Glimpse of Tyler Bastian. 35(1):34. 1999bErratum. 35(2):34. 2001 [In Memoriam:] Charles W. Dawson, March 14, 1932-January 14, 1980. 37(2):38. 2003 Correction. 39(1&2):74. 2005a [Photos:] Scenes from Winslow: 2002. 41(1&2):73. 2005b [Photos:] Scenes from Winslow: 2003. 41(1&2):74. 2007Guidelines for Submissions to Maryland Archeology . 43(1):34. Artusy, Richard E., Jr. 1976 An Overview of the Proposed Ceramic Sequence in Southern Delaware. 12(2):1-15. Ballweber, Hettie L. 1991 The Burall Site (18FR628): A Rhyolite Processing Site in Frederick County, Maryland. 27(2):3-30. 1994 Return to the Luce Creek Site (18AN143). 39(1):1- 16. Barse, William P. 1989 Additional Sites with Riggins Ware Pottery in Maryland. 25(1):14-20.

Barse, William P., Wayne E. Clark, and Gerald N. Braley 1977 The Purcell Site: An Exploration. 13(1):1-11. Bastian, Tyler 1989 Carroll R. Bennett's Contributions to Maryland Archeology. 25(2):1-4. 1990Preface [to New Perspectives on Maryland Historical Archaeology ]. 26(1&2):vi-vii. Beall, James R., Stacey Streett, and Guy Whidden 1995 Archeological Study of the George Willard House (18FR696): A Federal Farm House in Southern Frederick County, Maryland. 31(1&2):9-24. Beam, Thomas Elton 1965 Investigation and Location of Claiborne's Fort on Kent Island. 1(2):57-58. Beasley, Joy 2003aCurrent Archeological Research at Monocacy National Battlefield. 39(1&2):27-30. 2003bThe Occupational History of the Best Farm: Research and Excavation Results. 39(1&2):31-48. 2004 Pewter Canteen Spout Inscribed “LT. HART. 128.” 40(2):29-30. Beasley, Joy, and Tom Gwaltney 2003 Applications of GIS to Archeological Projects: Examples from the Best Farm. 39(1&2):49-60. Beasley, Joy, Tom Gwaltney, and Martha Temkin 2001 Gaining New Perspectives on the Past: An Application of GIS at the Best Farm. 37(2):22-37. Beisaw, April M. 2007 Once Was Not Enough: Founding and Finding Port Tobacco, Charles County, Maryland. 43(2):1-6. Bennett, Carroll R. 1989 The Evergreen Collection. 25(2):5-10. Berry, Bailey E. 2014 Parziek Button Station: Analysis of a Button Cutting Factory in Milford, Delaware. 50(1):4-7. Bies, Brandon S., and Mark Gallagher 2003 The Use of Systematic Metal-Detector Surveys as a Site Identification Method in Historic Landscapes. 39(1&2):61-74. Bouslog, Heather 2014 In MEMORIAM: James Delmer Sorensen, PhD, February 7, 1944 to November 18, 2016. 50(1):1-3. Boyce-Ballweber, Hettie L. 1988 Geophysical Applications in Archeology and Their Uses in Maryland. 24(1):1-9. Brook, Vernon Ralph 1971 The Role of the Amateur Archaeologist (Reprinted). 7(1):20-21.

Brown, Roy 1989 The Polish Mountain Stone Circles, Allegany County, Maryland. 25(2):29-32. 2007 Replication of a Hide-Smoking Feature. 43(2)31- 34. 2014 Susquehannock Shultz Incised Ceramic Vessel Replication. 50(1):19-24. Buchanan, Donal B. Burnston, Sharon Ann 1981 The Cemetery at Catoctin Furnace, Md: The Invisible People. 17(2):19-31. Callage, Rosemarie, John Kille, and Al Luckenbach 1999 An Analysis of 17 th Century Clay Tobacco Pipes from the Chaney’s Hills Site (18AN1084). 35(2):27-33. Chaney, Edward 2011 Pope’s Creek Pottery Vessels. 47(2):37-38. Clark, Wayne E. 1970The Elkridge Site: Initial Excavation and Interpretation. 6(2):32-57. 1974 A Grooved Axe from the Piedmont Province of Maryland. 10(1-2):15-18. 1975 Controlled Surface Investigations of an Archaic Period Hunting Camp. 11(1):1-18. Cochran, Matthew D. 1999 Hoodoo’s Fire: Interpreting Nineteenth Century African American Material Culture at the Brice House, Annapolis, Maryland. 35(1):25-33. Cofield, Sara Rivers 2008 A Preliminary Study of 17 th and 17 th Leather Ornaments from Maryland. 44(2):12-27. 2010 Why Keep a Crooked Sixpence? Religion and Magic at a Jesuit Plantation in St. Inigoes, Maryland. 46(1&2):60-70. 2013a Sacred Silver: A Cross-Shaped Reliquary Pendant. 49(1):29-30. 2013b Copper Points from the Posey Site. 49(1):33-34. Comer, Elizabeth Anderson, and Kristen L. Stevens 1990 Mount Clare: Introducing Baltimore to Eighteenth Century Splendor. 26(1&2):86-94. Cook, Annette 2009 Flintlock Gun Hammer/Cock. 45(1&2):73-74. Corliss, F.R. 1965 A Synopsis of Archaeology in Garrett County, Maryland. 1(1):17. Corliss, Frank R., Jr., and Henry T. Wright III 1967 A Preliminary Analysis of Recent Excavations in the Upper Potomac Valley. 3(2):145-153. Cowherd, Carol L. 2011 Using Land Records to Look for Port Tobacco in the 1970a[Cartoons.] 6(1):31. 1970b[Cartoons.] 6(2):57. 1974 [Cartoon.] 10(1-2):18. 1975 [Cartoon.] 11(1):30.

18 th Century. 47(1):14-27.

Cox, C. Jane 1998 The Edmondo Site (18AN1058), London Town, Maryland. 34(2):18-30. Cox, C. Jane, Dennis Kavadias, and Al Luckenbach 2000 Skipworth’s Addition (1664-1682): Limited Testing at a 17 th Century Quaker Homelot, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. 36(1):1-10. Cox, C. Jane, and Shawn Sharpe 2003 View from the Top of the Hill: The Early 18 th Century Homesite of the Talbott Family. 39(1&2):1-16. Cresthull, Paul 1968a In Memoriam: Frederic M. Stiner. 4(1):1. 1968b Unusual Artifacts No. 1: Octagonal Stone Artifact from Pike County, Illinois. 4(1):24. 1968c Bottle Rim Types Found in Maryland: A Preliminary Report. 4(2):38-54. 1969aA Sample of Contracting Stem Projectile Points from Northern Maryland. 5(1):1-13. 1969bBottle Rim Types Found in Maryland: Part 2. 5(2):19-28. 1969c Bifurcate Base and Other Early Archaic Points in Northern Maryland. 5(2):39-49. 1969d Styles of Detachable Stem Pipes. 5(2):52-56. 1971a Styles of Oxshoes. 7(1):17-19. 197lb Chance (18So5): A Major Early Archaic Site. 7(2):31-52. 1972a A Sample of Bannerstones from Northern Maryland. 8(1):6-9. 1972b Fishtail and Related Points in Maryland. 8(1):13-22. 1972c Chance (18So5): A Major Early Archaic Site, Part 2. 8(2):40-53. 1973 A Catalog of Maryland Petroglyphs. 9(1-2):29-34. 1974aTypology of Human Head Petroglyphs from the Bald Friar Site. 10(1-2):7-14. 1974bTerminal Middle Woodland Points in Maryland. 10(1-2):19-29. 1975aData Sheet No. 35: Bottle Rim Types Found in Maryland. 11(1):19. 1975bData Sheet No. 49: Additional Bottle Rim Types Found in Maryland. 11(1):20. 1975cA Sample of Early Archaic Notched Points. 11(2):12-24. 1975dData Sheet No. 115: Indian Art of the Historic Susquehannocks in Pennsylvania. 11(2):25. 1975e Data Sheet No. 82: Antler Combs of the Iroquois and Susquehannocks. 11(2):26. 1975f Data Sheet No. 111: Indian Art from New York. 11(2):27. 1975g Data Sheet No. 74: Miniature Human-Effigy Heads in Virginia. 11(2):28. 1975h Data Sheet No. 110: Human Figures in Indian Art in Virginia. 11(2):29.

1975i Data Sheet No. 107: Rectangular Human Figures in Indian Art. 11(2):30. 1976 Data Sheet No. 118: Cl4 Dates for Early Archaic Point Traditions and Types. 12(2):28. 1977aData Sheet No. 142: Wooden Iroquois Masks. 13(2):27. 1977b Data Sheet No. 130: Weeping Eye and Mask Shell Gorgets. 13(2):28. 1978 Data Sheet No. 152: Projectile Point Chronology in Maryland: Woodland, Transitional & Late Archaic. 14(1-2):24. 1980 A Trumpet Pipe from Southern Maryland. 16(1):21- 24. 1981 Cover Photo [Human Face Effigy]. 17(2):Cover. 1982aCover Photo: A Colonial Wine Bottle Seal. 18(1):Cover. 1982b A George Webb Pipe from Chard. 18(2):28-32. 1982cCover Photo: An Antler Effigy Pendant. 18(2):Cover. 1983aCover Photo: Historical Bird-Claw Pipe. 19(l):Cover. 1983bCover Photo: A Cut Coin of the Colonial Period. 19(2):Cover. 1984a Cover Photo: Late Woodland Pestle. 20(1):Cover. l984b Cover Photo: A Kanawha Stemmed Point from Harford County, Md. 20(2):Cover. 1985a Data Sheet No. 226: Some Human Heads in Indian Art. 21(1):34. 1985bCover Photo: A Stone Weeping Eye Face from Harford County, Maryland. 21(l):Cover. 1985c Data Sheet No. 236: Oxshoe Types. 21(2):36. 1985d Cover Photo: Three Iron Table Forks from Colonial Joppa. 21(2):Cover. 1986a Cover Photo: A Cup-Marked Petroglyph from Bald Friar, Md. 22(1):Cover. 1986b Data Sheet No. 243: Crotal Bells. 22(2):36. 1986c Cover Photo: A Mask Petroglyph from Bald Friar, Md. 22(22):Cover. 1987aCover Photo: A Crooked-Face Petroglyph from Bald Friar, Md. 23(1):Cover. 1987bCover Photo: A Classic Example of a Lehigh Broadspear from Northern Maryland. 23(2):Cover. 1988a Data Sheet No. 218: Bifurcate-Base Points, Part 1. Some LeCroy Varieties. 24(1):18. 1988b Cover Photo: A Pseudo-Cord Decorated Pipebowl from Conowingo, Cecil County, Maryland. 24(1):Cover. Curry, Dennis C. 1981 Cover Photo [Platform Pipe]. 17(1):Cover. 1983 Review of Maryland Indians: Yesterday and Today (Porter). 19(2):31-32. 1991 25-Year Index to Maryland Archeology , Volumes 1- 25, 1965-1989. 27(2):31-39. 1992 Burial of Late Archaic Coastal Plain Sites as a Result

of Aeolian Deposition. 28(2):17-26.

1995 Editor’s Comments. 31(1&2):8. 2002 The Old Copper Culture in Maryland? 38(2):33-34. 2008 Aboriginal Ossuaries in Maryland: An Update. 44(1):1-10. 2013a An Introduction to a New Aspect of the Pig Point Site… 49(2):1-2. 2013b …and a Farewell Message from the Editor. 49(2):2. Curry, Dennis C., and Maureen Kavanagh 1991 Cover Illustration: Carved Bone Figure from Rosenstock Village. 27(2):Cover. 1993 A New Radiocarbon Date for Popes Creek Ware. 29(1&2):31-42. 1994 Update on the Radiocarbon Date from the Chapel Point Site (18CH79). 30(1):29-32. 2004Excavations at the Rosenstock Village Site (18FR18), Frederick County, Maryland: A Preliminary Report. 40(1):1-38. Curry, Dennis C. (with Douglas and Barbara [Bobbi] Ward) 1992 Rhyolite Cache Blades. 28(1):33-34. Custer, Jay F. 1977 Comments on Peck’s “Discriminant Functions for Maryland Projectile Point Types.” 13(1):12. 1986 A Reconsideration of Vertical Distribution of Small Debitage at the Baldwin Site (18AN55). 22(1):21- 24. 1995 A Summary of Archeological Investigations at the White Swan Tavern (18KE232), Chestertown, Kent County, Maryland. 31(1&2):25-38. 1996 Archeological Investigations at the Blossom Point Farmhouse (18CH216), Charles County, Maryland. 32(2):1-21. Custer, Jay F., and Keith R. Doms 1984 Analysis of Surface Collections from the Oxford Site (18TA3), Talbot County, Maryland. 20(1):11-16. Custer, Jay F., Keith R. Doms, Kristen Walker, and Adrienne Allegretti 1997 Archeological Investigations at 18KE128, Kent County, Maryland. 33(1&2):45-58. Custer, Jay F., and George Galasso 1980 Lithic Resources of the Delmarva Peninsula. 16(2):1-13. Custer, Jay F ., Patricia A. Jehle, H. Henry Ward, Scott C. Watson, and Claire Mensack 1986 Archeological Investigations at the Arrowhead Farm Site Complex, Kent County, Maryland. 22(2):20- 35. Custer, Jay F., Joseph M. McNamara, and H. Henry Ward 1983 Woodland Ceramic Sequences of the Upper Delmarva Peninsula and Southeastern Pennsylvania. 19(2):21-30. Davidson, Thomas E. 1982 Historically Attested Indian Villages of the Lower Delmarva. 18(1):1-8.

2006 The Last Town Standing—The Choptank Indian Town. 42(1):9-14. Dent, Richard J. 1990a Section Introduction: Historical Archaeology in St. Mary’s City. 26(1&2):2. 1990bSocial Change and 18 th Century Tidewater Maryland: Reflections in the Archaeological Record of Annapolis. 26(1&2):54-68. 1990cSection Introduction: Historical Archaeology in Baltimore. 26(1&2):85. 2005 The Winslow Site: Household and Community Archeology in the Middle Potomac Valley. 41(1&2):1-51. 2009 Excavations at the Hughes Village Site: Life on the Middle Potomac River Bottomland. 45(1&2):1-28. 2010 Claggett Retreat: Formative Settled Life in the Middle Potomac Valley. 46(1&2):1-37. Dent, Richard J., Katherine Clermont, Ali Ghobadi, and Kelsey Woodman 2002Excavations at the Winslow Site (18MO9): Preliminary Report on the 2002 Field Season. 38(2):13-32. Dietrich, Frank L. 1965 Bone Implements in Shell Deposits. 1(1):18-19. 1966 Exploration of Indian Sites Along Zekiah Swamp. 2(2):104-104A. Dilks, M.D., and G.M. Reynolds 1965aA Preliminary Report on “Projectile Point Classification in Maryland.” 1(1):5-7. 1965b A Preliminary Report on “A Survey of Fluted Points in Maryland.” 1(1):8-10. Doms, Keith R. 1996 A New and Easier Method of Examining Oyster Hinges. 32(1):30-31. DuBose, Warner, and Alison Hegamyer 1985 The Zig-Zag Rockshelter (18FR587), Frederick County, Maryland: Preliminary Report. 21(1):1-9. Edwards, Erin L. 2017* Diet Reconstruction through Dental Anthropological Analysis of the Pig Point Site (18AN50) in Lothian, Maryland. 50(2):10-27. Elder, Robert A., Jr. 1991 Excavation Report on the Angelica (Knoll) Area: A Colonial Historical Site on the Jones Farm in Calvert County, Maryland. 27(1):1-47. Falk, Carole Portugal 1983 Cordage Impressed on Potomac Creek Pottery: Decoding the Corded Style Motifs and the Methods of Pattern Manufacture. 19(2):1-20. Feagins, Jim D. 1971 How Can Amateur Archaeologists Best Help to Preserve Our Past. 7(2):29-30. Forman, H. Chandlee 1986 Some Pioneering Excavations in Virginia and

Maryland. 22(2):1-19. Franz, Lauren, and Al Luckenbach 2004 The Building Sequence at Homewood’s Lot, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. 40(2):19-28. Gadsby, David 2002 Industrial Re-use of Domestic Ceramics at Swan Cove (18AN934). 38(1):19-26. Galke, Laura J. 2000 Inferring Prehistoric Settlement Patterns Using Phase I Archeological Data from the Naval Air Station, Patuxent River. 36(2):1-10. Galke, Laura J., and Edward E. Chaney 2002 Triangular Bit Tubular Pipe. 38(1):38. Gallup, Jasmine, and Al Luckenbach 2013 Temporal Variability in Delmarva Adena Copper Beads at Pig Point. 49(2):15-20. Gardner, William M., and Charles W. McNett, Jr. 1970 The Rowe Site. 6(1):1-31. Geasey, Spencer O. 1965 Two Small Rock-Shelters in Frederick County, Maryland. 1(2):31-38. 1968 The Boyers Mill Rock-Shelter (Site 18FR6). 4(2):25-37. 197la The Tuscarora Rock-Shelter (Site 18FR9). 7(1):1- 16. 1971b The Stevens Rock-Shelter (Site 18FR101). 7(2):23- 28. 1973 Alberts Cave (18FR5). 9(1-2):3-9. 1974 Types of Rhyolite Cache Blades Found in Frederick County, Maryland. 10(1-2):1-6. 1975 The Log Cabin Rock Shelter (Site 18FR27). 11(2):6- 12. 1993 A Comparative Analysis of Flaked Lithic and Ceramic Assemblages from Three Rock Shelters in Frederick County, Maryland. 29(1&2):43-54. 2002 The Highland Metarhyolite Outcrop: Ten Years Later. 38(2):1-12. Geasey, Spencer O., and Hettie L. Ballweber 1992 Archeological Investigations at the Shelter Rock Rock Shelter (18FR431), Frederick County, Maryland. 28(2):1-16. 1999 A Study of Two Prehistoric Sites Associated with the Highland Metarhyolite Quarry, Frederick County, Maryland. 35(2):9-26. Gibb, James G. 1993 English Trade Tokens from a 17 th Century Colonial Site in Southern Maryland. 29(1&2):55-60. 2006a Mean Ceramic Dates for Hagerstown Valley Pottery. 42(1):15-23. 2006b Cellaring Wine at Melwood Park (18PR225), Prince George’s County, Maryland. 42(1):24-32. 2006cGarrett’s Chance #3 (18PR704): A Hilltop Paleoindian Site in Southern Prince George’s County. 42(2):1-6.

2006dDove’s Nest Afire! An Early Colonial House in Aquasco, Prince George’s County, Maryland. 42(2):7-14. 2007 Western Maryland Red Earthenware: Consumer Choice at the Early 19 th Century Reiff Site (18WA454). 43(1):1-14. 2011 Searching for the Lost Towns of Port Tobacco. 47(1):5-13. Gibb, James G., and Sarah A. Grady 2014 An Inscribed Bone Handle from the Late 17 th - CenturyShaw’s Folly Site (18AN1436). 50(1):25- 26. Gibb, James G., and Anson H. Hines 1997 Selby Bay Subsistence Strategies at the Smithsonian Pier Site, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. 33(1&2):59-76. Gibbs, Eileen [Mrs. Ivan] 1970 Unusual Artifact No. 2: Drilled Steatite Disc from Baltimore County. 7(1):22. 1976 Exploratory Excavations: Inner Harbor I Urban Renewal Area, Baltimore, Maryland. 12(1):3-9. Gilsen, Leland 1977 The Environmental Impact Statement as a Research Source. 13(2):10-12. 1978 Population Adaptation to the Chesapeake Bay: Estuarine Efficiency. 14(1-2):11-16. 1979aThe Environmental Ecology of Calvert County, Maryland. Part 1. Natural Environment. 15(1-2):1- 18. 1979bThe Environmental Ecology of Calvert County, Maryland. Part 2. Subsistence Strategy. 15(1- 2):18-30. 1980 The Environmental Ecology of Calvert County, Maryland. Part 3. Archeology. 16(2):14-31. Grady, Sarah A. 2014Non-Invasive Methods in Archaeology as Preliminary Survey Tools. 50(1):10-13. Guzy, Dan 1999 Fish Weirs in the Upper Potomac River. 35(1):1-24. 2001 Fish Weirs in the Monocacy and Potomac Rivers. 37(2):11-21. Hacker, Henry J. 1965a First Impressions of a Neophyte. 1(1):11. 1965b Neophyte Revisited. 1(2):59-60. 1969a On the Treatment of Metal Artifacts. 5(1):14-18. 1969bAn Artifact File Envelope for Temporary or Permanent Use. 5(2):50-51. Horpel, R.J. 1965 Can This Be Fort Garrison? 1(1):27-31. 1966 Archaeology in the Social Studies Curricula. 2(1):77-80. Howe, David P. 2000 Investigation of U.S. Navy PBM-3 Bureau of Aeronautics Number 6672, Choptank River,

Maryland. 36(2):20-30.

Hranicky, Wm. Jack 1988 The C. Merry Cache of Bifaces. 24(1):10-17. 1991 Macpherson Side-Notched Points. 27(2):41-42. Hughes, Joseph L. 1966 Colonial Joppa. 2(1):88-90. Hurley, Gail A. 1980 A Tribute to Turkey Tayac. 16(1):1. Israel, Stephen 1985 Archeological Investigation of the Bradley Site, 18CV219, Mears Creek, Calvert County, Maryland. 21(1):10-33. 1993Normanskill Side-Notched Projectile Points. 29(1&2):69-70. 1995 Prehistoric Turtle Effigy on Full-Grooved Axe. 31(1&2):69-70. 1996 Prehistoric Fish Art/Effigy on Stine Pendant or Fish Weight. 32(1):32-34. 1998 Archeological Investigations at the Clipper Mill Road Rockshelter (18BA32), Baltimore County, Maryland. 34(1):15-32. 2001 Archeological Excavations at the Losch Rockshelter (18BA458), Baltimore County, Maryland. 37(2):1- 6. 2006 Brass Astronomical Ring Dial (Sundial). 42(1):33- 34. 2008a Archeological Investigations at the Rockdale Road Rockshelter (18BA70), Baltimore County, Maryland. 44(1):11-21. 2008b Brewerton Eared-Notched Point. 44(1):37-38. 2009 Radiocarbon Data from a Shallow Basin Pit in Northern Carroll County, Maryland. 45(1&2):67- 72. 2017* Ivor Noël Hume (1927-2017). 50(2):4-9. Israel, Stephen S., and Wayne E. Clark 2014 Selby Bay Side-Notched Knife [from the Kirby Farm Site]. 50(1):27-29. Israel, Stephen S., and James M. Davis 1992 The Emge Site (18BA177): Preliminary Report on a Quartz Lithic Workshop in Central Baltimore County, Maryland. 28(2):27-41. Israel, Stephen, and Randy Whitlock 1989 Prehistoric Bird Effigy on a Small Black Polished Celt. 25(2):33-34. Jones, E.A., Jr. 1965 The Frederica Site and the Delmarva Adena. 1(1):12-16. Jones, Lynn D. 1999 Crystals and Conjuring in an Annapolis Household. 35(2):1-8. Jones, Virginia C. 1966 The Story of Turkey Tayac. 2(1):61-69. 1968 In Memoriam: Henri Geiger Omwake. 4(1):4. Katz, Gregory M.

2011 An Unusual Find and Unusual Preservation at the Bellevue Housing Complex, Site 51SW7, Washington, D.C. 47(1):1-4. Kavanagh, Maureen 2001 Late Woodland Settlement in the Monocacy River Region. 37(1):1-12. Kelly, Jennifer Olsen, and J. Lawrence Angel 1983 The Workers of Catoctin Furnace. 19(1):2-17. Kerns-Nocerito, Mechelle L. 2002 Stories Dead Men Tell: Geophysical Survey in the All Hallows Graveyard, Ann Arundel County, Maryland. 38(1):13-18. 2008 The McCeney Bucket Privy (18PR910): Dealing with Nightsoils in 19 th Century Laurel, Maryland. 44(2):28-34. Kille, John, and Jason Moser 2002 An Elusive Discovery: The 17 th Century Town of Herrington. 37(1):4-12. King, Julia A., Scott M. Strickland, and Kevin Norris 2007 The Search for Charles County’s First Courthouse. 43(2):15-28. Kollmann, Dana D. 2007Paleodietary Reconstruction in the Eastern Woodlands: An Examination of 12 C/ 13 C and 14 N/ 15 N Stable Isotope Ratios in Late Woodland Page (A.D. 1025-1250) and Keyser (A.D. 1400-1550) Phase Faunal Remains in Maryland. 43(1):15-27. Kollmann, Dana D., and Douglas W. Owsley 2005 Winslow Site Burial Examination. 41(1&2):67-69. Kollmann, Dana D., and Robert D. Wall 2002 A Little Bite of Prehistory. 38(1):1-3. Koontz, Charles W. 1987 A Preliminary Analysis of Selected Artifacts from the Wallace Site, 18H091. 23(2):1-26. Korman, Ray 1976a The Katcef Cache. 12(1):21-23. 1976b An Accokeek Vessel from the Galloway Creek Site. 12(1):24-26. Koski-Karell, Daniel 1984 Comments on the Cut Spanish Coin from Colonial Joppa. 20(2):1-6. Lapides, [Senator] 1968 Senate Resolution No. 14. 4(1):2. Leone, Mark P., and Paul A. Shackel 1990 The Georgian Order in Annapolis. 26(1&2):69-84. Lewis, Peggy 1993 Steatite (Soapstone) Bowl Fragment. 29(1&2):67- 68. Little, Barbara J. 1990aIntroduction: Archaeology as Retrospect and Prospect. 26(1&2):1. 1990bSection Introduction: Historical Archaeology in Annapolis. 26(1&2):19-20. 1996aA Chronological Overview for Middle Atlantic

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Abrading Stones —Miles 1988 Accokeek Ware —Katz 2011; Korman 1976b Adena —Jones 1965; Lowery 1988 Aeolian Deposition —Curry 1992; Custer 1986; McNamara 1982 African American —Burnston 1981; Cochran 1999; Jones 1999; Kelly & Angel 1983; Matthews 2000; Mullins 1996; Plumley & Cullen 2004 Aircraft —Howe 2000 Anchor —Thompson 1994 Angelica Site —Elder 1991 Annapolis —Dent 1990b; Leone & Shackel 1990; Wright 1965; Yentsch 1990 Antler Combs —Cresthull 1975e Arrowhead Farm Site —Custer et al. 1986 Axes —Anonymous 1989; Clark 1974; Israel 1995; Mayr 1966 Badges —Reynolds & Cresthul11988 Bald Friar Site —Cresthull 1973, 1974a, 1986a, 1986c, 1987a Baldwin Site —Custer 1986; McNamara 1982 Bannerstones —Cresthull 1972a Barton Site —Brown 2007; Wall 1992, 2008; Wall & Curry 1992

Bottle Rims —Cresthull 1968c, 1969b, 1975a, 1975b Bottle Seals —Cresthull 1982a Bows —Newbury 2007 Brewerton Points —Israel 2008b Brickmaking —Moser 2006 Burall Site —Ballweber 1991 Burial Mounds —Corliss 1965; Mayr 1965b; Stewart 1981 Buttons — Berry 2014; Mish 1967 Cache Blades —Curry et al. 1992; Geasey 1974; Hranicky 1988; Korman 1976a; Lowery 1995a Cannonball —Moser 1998 Canteen Spout —Beasley 2004 Catoctin Furnace —Burnston 1981; Kelley & Angel 1983 Celts —Luckenbach & Gadsby 2004; Newbury & Evans 1998 Cemetery —Burnston 1981; Kerns-Nocerito 2002; Plumley & Cullen 2004;Slaughter 2001 Ceramics —Artusy 1976; Barse 1989; Brown 2014; Chaney 2011; Clark 1970; Custer et al. 1983; Falk 1983; Geasey 1965, 1971a; Gibb 2006, 2007; Korman 1976b; Luckenbach 2009; Luckenbach & Sharpe 2013; Peck 1977, 1978b, 1980; Peck & Bastian 1977; Thurman & Barse 1973; Wise 1975; Woodward 1976 Chalkley Site — Luckenbach et al. 1995; Chance Site —Cresthull 197lb, 1972c Chapel Point Site —Curry & Kavanagh 1993, 1994 Charles Town —Lucas 2007 Chesapeake Bay —Gilsen 1978 Chew Mansion —Luckenbach et al. 2013 Chickens —Luckenbach 2004 Chinese Laundry —Nisbet et al. 2013 Choptank Indian Town —Davidson 2006 Chronology —Little 1996a Chunkey Stones —Morehouse 2013 Civil War —Beasley 2003a, 2003b, 2004; Bies & Gallagher 2003; Temkin 2000 Claggett Retreat Site —Dent 2010; McKnight 2010; Moore

Bastian, Tyler —Anonymous 1999a Beads —Gallup & Luckenbach 2013 Belair Mansion —Pearl 1976 Bells —Cresthull 1986b Bennett, Carroll R. —Bastian 1989

Best Farm —Beasley 2003a, 2003b, 2004; Beasley & Gwaltney 2003; Beasley et al. 2001; Bies & Gallagher 2003; Temkin 1999 Bifurcate Base Points —Cresthull 1969c, 1971b, 1972c, 1988a Biggs Ford Site —Newbury 2007 Birdstones —Lowery 1988 Blakiston Island —Thomas 1966 Blossom Point Farmhouse —Custer 1996 Bone Artifacts — Gibb & Grady 2014; Moore 1994

2010 Claiborne’s Fort —Beam 1965 Clovis Tradition —Painter 1984 Conowingo Site —Cresthull 1988b; Israel & Whitlock 1989; McNamara 1985 Conservation —Hacker 1969a Contracting Stem Points —Cresthull 1969a Copper —Anonymous 1999a, 2003; Cofield 2013b; Curry 2002; Gallup & Luckenbach 2013 Counties — Allegany —Brown 1989, 2007; Kollmann & Wall 2002; Mayr 1965b; Wall 1992, 2008; Wall & Curry 1992 Annapolis —Cochran 1999; Dent 1990b; Jones 1999; Leone & Shackel 1990; Little 1990b; Matthews 2000; Mullins 1996; Pecci & Skutch 1966; Wright 1965; Yentsch 1990 Anne Arundel —Ballweber 1994; Barse et al. 1977; Callage et al. 1999; Clark 1970, 1975; Cox 1998; Cox & Sharpe 2003; Cox et al. 2000; Curry 2013a; Custer 1986; Franz & Luckenbach 2004;Gadsby 2002; Gallup & Luckenbach 2013; Gibb & Grady 2014; Gibb & Hines 1997; Israel 2006; Kerns- Nocerito 2002; Kille & Moser 2002; Korman 1976a, l976b; Luckenbach 1994, 2004, 2009, 2011a, 2011b, 2011c, 2013; Luckenbach & Cox 2003; Luckenbach & Dance 1998;Luckenbach & Gadsby 2004; Luckenbach & Gibb 1994; Luckenbach & Johnson 2009; Luckenbach & Sharpe 2013; Luckenbach et al. 1995, 2013; Lynch et al. 1994; McNamara 1982; Mayr 1972; Melton & Luckenbach 2013; Moser 1998, 2006; Peck 1977, 1978a, 1978b; Plumley & Cullen 2004; Plumley & Luckenbach 2000; Rule & Evans 1981, 1984; Thomas & Lindauer 1998; Thompson 2004; Wall 1993a Baltimore County —Clark 1974; Gibbs 1971; Horpel 1965; Hughes 1966; Israel 1993, 1998, 2001, 2008a; Israel & Davis 1992; Stearns 1966; Tydings 1966 Baltimore City —Akerson 1994; Akerson & Bisacquino 1998; Comer & Stevens 1990; Dent 1990c; Gibbs 1976; Mullendore 1968; Nisbet et al. 2013 Calvert —Cook 2009; Elder 1991; Gibb 1993; Gilsen 1979a, 1979b, 1980; Israel 1985; Pogue 1989; Wesler 1984 Caroline— Cresthull 1982c Carroll —Curry et al. 1992; Israel 2008b, 2009; Slaughter 2001 Cecil —Cresthull 1972a, 1973, 1974a, 1981, 1986a, 1986c, 1987a, 1988b; Israel & Whitlock 1989; McNamara 1985; Reynolds & Cresthull 1988; Thomas 1972, 1982 Charles— Beisaw 2007; Chaney 2011; Cofield 2013b; Cowherd 2011; Curry & Kavanagh 1993, Custer

1996; 1994; Dietrich 1966; Gardner & McNett 1970; Gibb 2011; King et al. 2007; McDaniel 1976; Quantock et al. 2009; Samford 2011 Dorchester —Davidson 2006; Lowery & Phillips 1994 District of Columbia— McNett 1972 Frederick— Ballweber 1991; Beall et al. 1995; Beasley 2003a, 2003b, 2004; Beasley & Gwaltney 2003; Beasley et al. 2001; Bies & Gallagher 2003; Burnston 1981; Curry & Kavanagh 1991, 2004; Dent 2010; DuBose & Hegamyer 1985; Geasey 1965, 1968, 1971a, 1971b, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1993, 2002; Geasey & Ballweber 1992, 1999; Kavanagh 2001; Kelley & Angel 1983; McKnight 2010; Moore 1994, 2010; Newbury 2007; Newbury & Evans 1998; Peck 1980; Peck & Bastian 1977; Snyder 1967; Straub 1966; Temkin 2000 Garrett— Corliss 1965; Corliss & Wright 1967; Wall 1983, 1993b; Wall & Lacoste 1981 Harford— Cresthull 1968c, 1982a, 1983b, 1984a, 1984b, 1985b; Koski-.Karell 1984; Reynolds 1973 Howard— Koontz 1987; Luckenbach & Schiszik 2006;Preston 1992 Kent— Curry 2002; Custer 1995; Custer et al. 1986, 1997; Thompson 2002; Wilke & Thompson 1973 Montgomery— Cresthull 1980; Dent 2005, 2009; Dent et al. 2002; Hranicky 1988; Kollmann & Owsley 2005;Looker 1976; McKnight 2005, 2009; Moore 2005; Steuer 2005 Prince Georges —Dietrich 1965; Gibb 2006b, 2006c, 2006d; Kerns-Nocerito 2008; Lucas 2007; Pearl 1976; Woodward 1976 Queen Annes— Beam 1965; Cresthull 1987b; Lowery 1995b; Lowery & Hughes 1989; Miles 1988; Thompson 2008 Somerset —Cresthull 1971b, 1972c; Messick 1967; Wall 2001 St. Mary's— Cofield 2010, 2013a; Dent 1990a; Galke 2000; Galke & Chaney 2002; Lewis 1993; Pogue 1987; Riseling 2013; Robinson & Bulhack 2006; Stone 1990a, 1990b; Thomas 1966; Thompson 2001 Talbot— Cresthull 1982b, 1983a; Curry 1981; Custer & Doms 1984; Howe 2000; Lowery 1988, 1995a, 1995b Washington— Gibb 2006, 2007; Mish 1965, 1967; Smith et al. 1982; Stewart 1981, 1989, 1997 Wicomico— Wall & Israel 1986; Wall et al. 1988 Cresthull, Paul —Reynolds 1991 Crystals —Jones 1999 Cultural Ecology —Gilsen 1978, 1979a, 1979b, 1980 Cultural Periods — Paleoindian— Corliss 1965; Dilks & Reynolds 1965b; Gibb 2006c; Lowery & Phillips 1994; Painter 1984

Archaic— Cresthull 1978; Custer 1986; Dietrich 1965; DuBose & Hegamyer 1985; Gardner & McNett 1970; Geasey 197la, 197lb, 1975; Israel 1998; Koontz 1987; McNamara 1985; McNett 1972; Reynolds 1973; Straub 1966; Tydings 1966; Wall 1983, 1993b; Wall et al. 1988 Early Archaic— Clark 1975; Cresthull 1969c, 1971b, 1972c, 1975c, 1976, l984b, 1988a; Luckenbach 2011b; Messick 1967 Middle Archaic— Stewart 1989; Walter et al. 2009 Late Archaic— Clark 1975; Cresthull 197lb, 1972b, 1987b; Curry 1992, 2002; Dietrich 1966; Israel 2008b, 2009; Korman 1976a; Luckenbach & Johnson 2009; McNamara 1982; Wall 1993a Woodland— Artusy 1976; Clark 1970; Cresthull 1978, 1981; Custer et al. 1983; Dietrich 1965; DuBose & Hegamyer 1985; Geasey 1965, 197la, 197lb, 1973; Israel 1998; Koontz 1987; Luckenbach 2009; McNamara 1985; Reynolds 1973; Stewart 1981; Straub 1966; Thomas 1982; Tydings 1966; Wall1983; Wall et al. 1988 Early Woodland— Chaney 2011; Cresthull 1972b; Curry & Kavanagh 1993, 1994; Custer et al. 1997; Dietrich 1966; Gallup & Luckenbach 2013; Jones 1965; Katz 2011; Korman 1976a, 1976b; Looker 1976; Lowery 1988; Luckenbach 2011a, 2011c, 2013; Luckenbach & Sharpe 2013; Melton & Luckenbach 2013; Stearns 1966; Wall 1992; Wise 1975 Middle Woodland —Ballweber 1994; Cresthull 1974b; Curry 1981; Custer & Doms 1984; Gibb & Hines 1997; Luckenbach 2013; Luckenbach & Sharpe 2013; McNett 1972; Mayr 1972; Sperling 2008; Robinson & Bulhack 2006; Stearns 1966; Wise 1975 Late Woodland— Barse 1989; Barse et al. 1977; Brown 2007; Corliss 1965; Corliss & Wright 1967; Cresthull1980, 1982c, 1984a, 1985b, 1988b; Curry 2008; Curry & Kavanagh 1991, 2004; Custer et al. 1986; Dent 2005, 2009, 2010; Dent et al. 2002; Falk 1983; Galke & Chaney 2002; Geasey 1968; Israel 1985, 2008a; Israel & Whitlock 1989; Kavanagh 2001; Kollmann 2007; Kollmann & Owsley 2005; Kollmann & Wall 2002; MacCord 1984b; McKnight 2005, 2009, 2010; Moore 1994, 2005, 2010; Morehouse 2013; Newbury 2007; Peck 1977, 1978b, 1980; Peck & Bastian 1977; Rule & Evans 1981; Smith et al. 1982; Snyder 1967; Steams 1965; Thurman & Barse 1973; Wall 1993a, 2001; Wall & Curry 1992; Wall & Israel 1986; Wingfield 2013; Woodward 1976 Historic— Bastian 1990; Cresthull 1968c, 1969b, 1969d, 197la, 1975a, 1975b, 1985c, 1986b; Little 1990a;

Powell 1968; Shackel & Little 2011

16th Century— Lowery & Hughes 1989 17th Century— Beam 1965; Callage et al. 1999; Cofield 2008, 2010, 2013b; Cox 1998; Cox et al. 2000; Cresthull 1982a, 1982b; Davidson 1982; Dent 1990a; Elder 1991; Forman 1986; Franz & Luckenbach 2004; Gadsby 2002; Gibb 1993, 2006d; Gibb & Grady 2014; Hughes 1966; Kille & Moser 2002; King et al. 2007; Lowery 1995b; Lucas 2007; Luckenbach & Cox 2003; Luckenbach & Dance 1998; Luckenbach & Gibb 1994; Luckenbach & Sharpe 2007;Luckenbach et al. 1995, 2013; Mansius 2011; Plumley & Luckenbach 2000; Pogue 1987, 1989; Riseling 2013; Rule & Evans 1984; Samford 2011; Stone 1990a, 1990b; Thomas 1966; Thomas & Lindauer 1998; Thompson 2008; Wright 1965 18th Century —Akerson 1994; Beasley 2003b; Beisaw 2007; Burnston 1981; Cofield 2008, 2013a; Comer & Stevens 1990; Cowherd 2011; Cox 1998; Cox & Sharpe 2003; Cresthull 1982a, 1982b, 1983b; Custer 1995; Dent 1990b, 1990c; Elder 1991; Forman 1986; Franz & Luckenbach 2004; Gibb 2006b, 2006d, 2011; Horpel 1965; Hughes 1966; Israel 2006; Jones 1999; Kelley & Angel l983; King et al. 2007; Koski-Karell 1984; Leone & Shackel 1990; Little 1990b; Luckenbach 1994; Luckenbach & Dance 1998; Luckenbach & Gibb 1994; Luckenbach & Schiszik 2006; Luckenbach & Sharpe 2007; Luckenbach et al. 2013; Lynch et al. 1994; Matthews 2000; Mish 1965, 1967; Moser 1998, 2006; Mullendore 1968; Pearl 1976; Pecci & Skutch 1966; Plumley & Luckenbach 2000; Quantock et al. 2009; Slaughter 2001; Thompson 1994, 2004, 2008; Wall & Israel 1986; Wesler 1984; Wright 1965; Yentsch 1990 19th Century —Akerson 1994; Beall et al. 1995; Beasley 2003b; Beisaw 2007; Burnston 1981; Cochran 1999; Cresthull 1983a; Custer 1996; Gibb 2007, 2011; Gibbs 1976; Jones 1999; Kelley & Angel 1983; Kerns-Nocerito 2008; Mullins 1996; Preston 1992; Quantock et al. 2009; Shomette 1981; Slaughter 2001; Temkin 2000; Thompson 2001, 2002; Wesler 1984 20th Century — Berry 2014; Howe 2000; Mullins 1996; Nisbet et al. 2013; Reynolds & Cresthull 1988 Delmarva Adena —Edwards 2017*; Gallup & Luckenbach 2013; Luckenbach 2013; Luckenbach & Sharpe 2013; Melton & Luckenbach 2013 Devilbiss Site —Peck & Bastian 1977 Drilled Disc —Gibbs 1971 Cut Coins —Cresthull 1983b; Koski-Karell 1984 Dawson, Charles W. —Anonymous 1983, 2001

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