Swan Cove Site —Gadsby 2001 Theory —Brook 1971; Hacker 1965b; Horpel 1966; Feagins 1971; Forman 1986; Little 1996a, 1996b; Mayr 1965a
Sharpe 2007; Peters 2014; Smith et al. 1982 Piscataway Indians —Mansius 2011 Pitted Stones —Witthoft 1969
Point Typology —Cofield 2013b; Crestbull 1969a, 1969c, 1972b, 1974b, 1975c, 1978; Custer 1977; Dilks & Reynolds 1965a; Hranicky 1991; Israel 1993, 2008b; Peck 1975; MAC Lab 2012; McDaniel 1976 Popes Creek Ware —Chaney 2011; Curry & Kavanagh 1993, 1994; Sperling 2008 Port Tobacco —Beisaw 2007; Cowherd 2011; Gibb 2011; Quantock et al. 2009 Purcell Site —Barse et al. 1977 Pyles Site —Rule & Evans 1984 Radiocarbon Dates —Cresthull 1976; Curry & Kavanagh 1993, 1994; Israel 2009; Luckenbach 2011b; Wall 2008 Raven Site —Luckenbach & Schiszik 2006 Reliquary Pendant —Cofield 2013a Rhyolite —Ballweber 1991; Curry et al. 1992; Geasey 1974, 2002; Geasey & Ballweber 1999; Luckenbach & Johnson 2009; Newbury & Evans 1998 Riggins Ware —Barse 1989; Thurman & Barse 1973 Rockshelters —DuBose & Hegamyer 1985; Geasey 1965, 1968, 1971a, 1971b, 1973, 1975, 1993; Geasey & Ballweber 1992; Israel 1998, 2001, 2008a Rosenstock Site —Curry & Kavanagh 1991, 2004; Moore 1994 Rowe Site —Gardner & McNett 1970 Ruf Site —Mayr 1972 St. Clement Island —Thomas 1966 St. Mary’s City —Stone 1990a, 1990b San Tunnels —Akerson 1994 Selby Bay —Gibb & Hines 1997; Israel & Clark 2014; Mayr 1972; Sperling 2008 Settlement Models —Galke 2000; Kavanagh 2001; Lowery & Phillips 1994; Mansius 2011; Quantock et al. 2009 Shell Middens —Barse et al. 1977; Custer et al. 1997; Dietrich Potomac Avenue Site —McNett 1972 Potomac Creek Ware —Falk 1983 Privies —Kerns-Nocerito 2008 Providence —Luckenbach & Gadsby 2004 1965; Israel 1985; Wall & Israel 1986; Wall et al. 1988 Shipwreck —Shomette 1981; Thompson 2001, 2002, 2008 Sixpence —Cofield 2010 Skipworth’s Addition —Cox et al. 2000 Sorensen, James D. —Bouslog 2014 Stearns, Richard E. —Mayr 1969 Steatite —Lewis 1993 Stiner, Frederic M. —Cresthull 1968a; Lapides 1968 Stone Circles —Brown 1989 Stoneleigh, Duane Rice —McGillivray 1972 Submerged Sites —Peck 1978a Subsistence —Gibb & Hines 1997; Little 1996b; Mansius 2011 Sundial —Israel 2006
Trade Tokens —Gibb 1993 Tree Falls —Thomas 1982
Triangular Points —Rule & Evans 1981 Turkey Tayac —Hurley 1980; Jones 1966 ULM Plantation —Mullendore 1968 Villages —Curry & Kavanagh 2004; Dent 2005, 2009, 2010; Corliss & Wright 1967; Davidson 1982; Stearns 1965 Walking Stick Handle —Samford 2011 Wallace Site —Koontz 1987 Waveland Farm Site —Peck 1978b Weeping Eye Motif —Cresthull 1977b, 1985b White Marsh North Site —Tydings 1966 Winslow Site —Anonymous 2005a, 2005b; Dent 2005; Dent et al. 2002; Kollmann & Owsley 2005; Looker 1976; McKnight 2005; Moore 2005; Steuer 2005 Western Maryland —Corliss & Wright 1967; Wall 1983; Wall & Lacoste 1981 Zekiah Swamp —Dietrich 1966; McDaniel 1976 __________________________________________________ Dennis C. Curry retired as Chief Archeologist at the Maryland Historical Trust in 2017. He holds a Master of Arts degree in Anthropology from The Catholic University of America. He is the former editor of Maryland Archeology and Archaeology of Eastern North America , a past president of the Middle Atlantic Archeological Conference, and author of Feast of the Dead: Aboriginal Ossuaries in Maryland . His research interests include environmental archeology, cultural ecology, and Middle Atlantic prehistory. White Swan Tavern —Custer 1995 Willson Site —Cox & Sharpe 2003 Window Leads —Luckenbach & Gibb 1994 Wine Storage —Gibb 2006b
[December 2018]
Susquehannock Pottery —Brown 2014 Susquehannocks —Cresthull 1975d, 1975e
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