Avenues: Shoulder, Elbow & Wrist Pain

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Pictured: Randy andWalynn

Randy iscurrentlyapatientatAvenuesPhysicalTherapy Clinic. InJanuary2011,hewasapassenger inapickup truck. The truck hit black ice, went off the road, and rolledover.Hesufferedaneckfractureandspinalcord injury.Doctorstoldhimhewouldneverwalkagain.But hewasdeterminedtodoso;hewasnotgoingto lethis injury control his life. Randy went to numerous physical therapy clinics in theareawithoutsuccess.Healsotriedequinetherapy, which he enjoyed. In early 2015, he began physical therapy three times a week with Walynn Smith, PT at Avenues Physical Therapy Clinic. Randy set goals for himself and Walynn helped him achieve them. He fit Randywithkneebracestohelpsupporthis legsandto walk. In May of 2015, Randy was able to take his first steps. He initially walked 11.8 feet in 20 minutes by takingoneortwostepsatatimeandresting inbetween

steps. Now he is able to walk three blocks with only a few short breaks. He also regained his driver’s license and bought a handicap accessible van to drive. While he still mainly uses the City buses for transportation because of parking issues, he likes having the van as a transportation option. Before his accident, Randy worked as a ranch hand androughneck intheoilfield.Sincecomingtophysical therapyatAvenuesPhysicalTherapyClinic,hehasbeen able to obtain part-time employment at Goodwill. He alsohasafewcowshecaresforandhopestooneday get back to hunting and fishing. RandycreditsWalynnforall thesuccesshehashad in the past three years. However, Walynn states, “Randy has been a very hard worker. He has achieved things thatwerethoughttobe impossiblewithhisspinalcord injury. I was the coach, he did the hard work.”

Last Month’s Winners: Lori Cook & Virginia Allen


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