Student Roost - Maintenance Contracts Manager

Health and Safety Policy • Practice an unrelenting approach to safety and welfare by adherence to all safety policies and processes in our organisation. • Report on and control of all Outsourced PPM and Statutory Testing contracts related to Gas Safety, M&E services, Lifts and Fire Systems. • Manage and maintain risk assessments, method statements and permits to work procedures for the maintenance works in line with company procedures. • Ensure asbestos containing materials are managed in a manner compliant to legislation, Student Roost policies and SLA requirements. • Act as named responsible person in several H&S polices related to building services. Customers • Champion always, the Customer Service to our students. • Working with all parts of Estates team to ensure that all Planned and reactive People • Make sure that all relevant colleagues are up to date on any PPM activities. • Communicate effectively with Student roost staff at all levels. • Ensure caretaking staff are suitably trained duties required and that training is regularly refreshed. It is expected that you would arrange toolbox talks for the site teams. Finance • Reporting on all expenditure for all health and safety, compliance, reactive and planned maintenance activities at a site, region and national level. maintenance is carried out in a timely customer focused manner. • Manage Contractors reports on customer focused SLA and KPI’s. • Ensure we get Value for money.

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